

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
misterbigpants  [developer] Nov 12, 2020 @ 9:52pm
Everything You Need To Know
v1.4 last updated 2023-07-28

Isn't this great!
A pinned topic that ruins the game.
In your heart, you know you don't want this.
It's way more fun to learn about these things by playing.
BUT, in case we've been obtuse, you'll find answers here.
Be forewarned, there are spoilers.

Completing Levels
Get 10 hoops and you finish the level. Full Stop.
Distance travelled does NOT matter.
Time taken does NOT matter.

When you get 10 hoops (top right), the level is over. Sometimes you'll finish a level in seconds, sometimes in minutes. We don't care. There is no greater joy in life than grabbing 10 hoops in 20 seconds and conquering a level we spent weeks creating. You'll see.

How Do I Select Levels
You can't! We pick them for you!
Also, you can't replay levels.

Who wants the hassle of picking levels? Not you.
Who wants to replay the same levels? Not you.
You're tired of that song.
See also: Lives, Coins, Time Limits, Ice Levels

What if I get stuck on a level?
You can't! If our advanced AI detects you're stuck on a level, we throw it away!
Get gud is for suckers.
Note: Our AI is a variable that counts to 8

But won't I run out of levels?
We have solved this!
Every month for 1+ years, another FREE season will be released (25 new levels).
1 years x 12 seasons x 25 levels = 300 MORE LEVELS!
You'll never need nor want to go back!

This is the future of games.
Hopefully you find it refreshing.
Our lives depend on it.

"Hoops give shields.
Shields let you smash.
Smash to get more hoops."
- ancient Canadian proverb

Every level has a ton of hoops. You cannot catch them all.
Get used to the sound of hoops swishing by.
Seasoned players pursue only the feasible ones.

You can go through hoops, or rebound hoops. There are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches.

Going through a hoop gives you a shield AND a few seconds of invincibility. Use this time to plough your way to another hoop. Let nothing stand in your way (because nothing can). The drawback is you speed past nearby hoops you'd otherwise get. No-one knows what happens if you go through 2 hoops in a row.

Rebounding a hoop gives you a shield (it automatically returns) AND slows you down. Use this slowdown to grab nearby hoops you otherwise couldn't. The drawback is you don't get invincibility. Note: Smashing cubes does not slow you down because that would suck.

"Shields let you smash.
Smash to get more hoops.
Hoops give shields."
- Shigeru Miyamoto

Shields are displayed top left AND are visible on your ship. When you reach 10 shields (maximum shields), you've achieved perfection. Relaxing music starts playing (drowning out the noise), your trail disappears, and the framerate INCREASES. You're in heaven. Since EVERYTHING moves faster (not just your forward speed), you can dodge faster. Remember: Real physics suck. Also, colliding in perfect form removes MULTIPLE shields - the price you pay for flying too close to the sun.

If you lose all your shields, you ship begins shrinking away too nothing. This is the MOST exciting moment in the game - TRY IT! If you recover quickly you return to business as usual. Should you shrink very small, then recover, there is a pathetic bugle celebration (IMO the best moment in the game).

If you take too long getting a hoop, your ship will start blinking black (faster and faster). Suddenly, you'll lose all shields and begin shrinking. So I guess there is a time limit... sort of... sue me. Note: If you reached perfect form, you'll only lose half your shields.

Hitting a wall costs 1 shield. Continuing to hit walls afterwards costs NOTHING. A great strategy is to take the first hit, then keep ploughing through multiple walls enroute to a hoop. Think of it as unearned invincibility. Should you manage to keep continuously hitting walls the tunnel will eventually EXPLODE. "BIG BANG BOOM" marks this thunderous occasion. When you hear "Stay On Target", you're halfway to the boom.

The walls are made of cubes (sometimes rectangles). There are 5 types of cubes, but right now you're only worthy of one. That means you can smash with abandon - enjoy while it lasts.

The Right to Replay
Once a year on Dec. 9, "The Right To Replay" in-game event will be held.
You have one chance to win the right to replay.
It will be GLORIOUS.
Last edited by misterbigpants; Jul 27, 2023 @ 11:47pm
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Showing 1-1 of 1 comments
Ten189 Jun 21, 2021 @ 6:51pm 
nice game:lilimok:if i found this earlier,i probably would‘t have failed so many times on level 13
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