Skate Story

Skate Story

Host Jul 9, 2022 @ 3:49am
Don't get your hopes up?
This game seems like an investment scam. Look at the dev's previous title, "Zarvot". It has a release date of 17 Oct, 2018, but is still shown as "Coming soon".

The animations in the trailer are too fluid and realistic for a video game that has to respond to arbitrary inputs and cannot read the player's mind. It's canned animation made to impress and get investors, not actual gameplay.

I'd like to be proven wrong, but I don't expect anything from this game announcement.
Last edited by Host; Jul 10, 2022 @ 1:13am
Originally posted by Sippy:
Hello and thanks for the critic, and this type of critic in these days are in a way justifiable. But from a person who works for the "investors" (Devolver). We don't just see a cool trailer and start publishing the game, the process is bit bigger than that. And from our side of what we saw Sam did a killer job and we believe in his vision of the game and the delivery of the game, and we will give our best to prove you wrong, and get you hooked on the game when it comes out!
< >
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The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.
Sippy  [developer] Jul 10, 2022 @ 12:25am 
Hello and thanks for the critic, and this type of critic in these days are in a way justifiable. But from a person who works for the "investors" (Devolver). We don't just see a cool trailer and start publishing the game, the process is bit bigger than that. And from our side of what we saw Sam did a killer job and we believe in his vision of the game and the delivery of the game, and we will give our best to prove you wrong, and get you hooked on the game when it comes out!
Host Jul 10, 2022 @ 1:13am 
Okay, thanks for your reply!
taeyyo Aug 26, 2022 @ 11:30pm 
You know what's funny? Zarvot WAS actually released--on Nintendo Switch back in 2018! With that in mind, I don't care if they do the same thing with this game. I'll just get it on Switch.
Hidan Sep 15, 2022 @ 5:11pm 
Originally posted by Host:
Okay, thanks for your reply!
They usually use a prepard costume to record movement of the character "They have clip of how its done as a bonus in Tony Hawk Project 8"

I understand that you can have suspicions about this judging by a current situation in gaming industry but, same judgement was put on Ghost Watchers game, people were talking about how their games were average and trailer was too good to be real but devs actually made that game and ofc there are not many features and events in the game that were in trailer but still devs are slowly adding them up soo I believe that this will be done.

Devolver actually picks up some good small games, first Hotline Miami then My Friend pedro, so I have trust in that and if this will never see a day light then there will be a disapointment but what you gonna do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Rayza Mar 28, 2023 @ 6:58pm 
What a stupid thing to say, Devolver are a well respected publisher.
AcidSweat Apr 29, 2023 @ 2:03pm 
I can understand the concern. The gameplay videos doesn't look as good as the trailer. Sure thing it doesn't show the real gameplay, just cinematics, but people get hyped because of the trailer. Let's hope it will resemble the closest what we've been promised.
Rusty Aug 26, 2023 @ 5:00pm 
Have you played any other Devolver games? Most of what they publish delivers quite well on the gameplay side.
Corgi Jun 14 @ 8:39am 
Starting to feel like this concern was justified lol
Originally posted by Corgi:
Starting to feel like this concern was justified lol

Why? They working on marketing the game. It's going to be shown at Tribeca this year. It is coming out.
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