Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown

Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown

Lunarick Jun 24 @ 2:50pm
If the Game dosent have a Dedicated Singleplayer i will not buy it!
Let us Play Offline. No Offline = No Buy

+1 if you are on my site <3
Last edited by Lunarick; Jun 24 @ 2:51pm
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Showing 1-15 of 16 comments
DRON56 Jun 24 @ 3:54pm 
+1 but I doubt they'll change it so close for release. So... no buy.
+1 for me too.
Forced multiplayer is a big turn off.
amuMaRu Jun 27 @ 12:14pm 
Lion Jun 27 @ 7:42pm 
+1, They recently sent out a Survey and it seems that they're hearing that players don't want it to be online or require a account to play.
amuMaRu Jul 10 @ 3:17pm 
docup87 Jul 10 @ 11:14pm 
+1 here, if it doesnt´have a proper singleplayer mode I´m not buying it. And it´s kind of sad because I love all their WRC game, V rally 4...
Iamnoob Jul 12 @ 2:38pm 
Only 10 guys here -10 :SeriousSparks:

test drive unlimited only for multi? they can keep their game! IMO, of course... and now that i know they will dish out only a multy: game deleted from wishlist! LOL

peace dudes...
Last edited by fresh niubbo; Jul 13 @ 10:34am
forth Jul 15 @ 4:51am 
I agree too many people are scarred from Ubisoft closing down 'The Crew' one of the reasons I won't be "renting" this game. I like to own things.
Test Drive 2 can still be played offline.
Last edited by forth; Jul 15 @ 4:52am
rusha Jul 15 @ 12:09pm 
Aynekko Jul 17 @ 1:57pm 
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