Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown

Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown

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Nacon  [developer] Jul 15, 2020 @ 6:20am
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown
This is your game

We are super excited to be on this journey with you. TDUSC is still early in development, and with your input we can build it into a game that the community really wants! Over the coming weeks, and months, we ask that you firstly be patient, but also think about what you want from TDUSC.

Your feedback is so important, and with a team full of TDU1/2 players including Game Director of TDU1/2 Alain Jarniou you are in great hands. We're focused on capturing the 'essence' of the series and bringing it to you in a exciting modern environment.

For now, you can support us by following us on socials and joining the discord channel to chat with the whole team. Links are below.

Grab your keys, roll down the windows, flip on your indicator and let's drive!


Last edited by Nacon; Jul 15, 2020 @ 6:21am
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Showing 1-15 of 449 comments
(ADORA)ble 🌈👊 Jul 15, 2020 @ 6:33am 
So hyped!

One of my favorite challenges in the game is driving on every road in the game. Hope that returns. I also like that you can't fast travel to a road until you've driven on it.
Last edited by (ADORA)ble 🌈👊; Jul 15, 2020 @ 6:35am
Markus03 Jul 15, 2020 @ 7:19am 
I know you're doing well. :flag:
Hopefully a lot of old features will come into the new game, such as the clubs. We want some new stuff, but for many TDU2 fans, the old features have been something special that no other game has before. I think that's what the game should have. Something new that no other game studio has bring or even didn't come up with. Besides, it should also run on worse PC's / or even slightly cheaper than other game, even if the development was a lot of effort.
Every real fan will get this game. Make use proud. :ExitHere:
Sofatrix RSD Jul 15, 2020 @ 10:17am 
I would like the option to remove hands and wheel also seat adjustment when in driver view.
and could you please keep F R I M for those of us that do not race.
Last edited by Sofatrix RSD; Aug 11, 2020 @ 1:21pm
(ADORA)ble 🌈👊 Jul 15, 2020 @ 11:58am 
Yes to seat adjustment please!
KILLERDOG Jul 17, 2020 @ 12:03pm 
Im so hyped !!! I loved TDU2 and played it to death. Almost a perfect game, it just needed the cars to handle a little bit better. I loved buying houses and being able to walk around. More interaction with other players would be good. Oh, and of course more cars, loads of cars :)
Speaking of being able to walk around, please let us walk around wherever we want! Even if there's nothing to do in the game world. There was a glitch in TDU2 that would let you phase through a wall in a certain house and walk around everywhere and it was super fun but there was no traffic or other players driving cars.
Rapakiv Jul 17, 2020 @ 2:54pm 
Little Question/request(probably will never get an answer but if I do, Thank you)
How much of Test Drive it is owned by Nacon?
Do you own the right for TDU & TDU2?
If so, could you re-release TDU in steam and please fix/remove the boot launcher for TDU2
As I understand it they do not own the rights to TDU1 or 2 or any of the other Test Drive titles.
Wybrem Jul 18, 2020 @ 4:41pm 
I cannot wait anymore.
Wybrem Jul 27, 2020 @ 12:01pm 
Originally posted by JM:
Please no microtransactions . . . 🙏
I would love more dlc cars added and maybe a new casino
DLC and microtransactions are different things though.
×zigo Jul 28, 2020 @ 6:46pm 
Took me years to get over TDU2. With TDUSC, my chronic butt pain will return:lunar2019grinningpig:
No game has a place in my heart but Test Drive Unlimited. In no other game did I make so many new social contacts. I hope this title will do justice to its predecessor!
With even more things to do together, even outside the cars.
A revival of the best online casino ever seen, again having the feeling of standing in a real car dealership, celebrating the new car you're about to buy, rather than just clicking 'okay'...
i cannot wait for it!
Please don't forget that there were crews just cruising all day long as well...
So properly functioning (synced) traffic lights, manual windshield wipers and indicators would be a big plus..
Heck, maybe this time you could even decide if you buy manual or automatic transmission, rather than checking some box in the main menu (if you opt for realistic mode in menu or sth. like that, gotta be fair to keyboard players)
Feel like a little kid again, just wanting to write tons of ideas here :)
In the other hand i am concerned that this game will become overly focussed on things, mostly young gamers want..
The greatness of TDU2 was NOT that everybody was driving around in their generic 800HP wide body car, but rather spent many hours, making a factory car looking good with a crazy paint job. Put two of those people in a session, instant friendship and good talks about the weather. I loved it!
Well, glad you have Mr. Jarniou on board!
You gonna find a good compromise, i gotta believe in that.
Last edited by ×zigo; Jul 28, 2020 @ 6:49pm
Orb Aug 3, 2020 @ 10:12pm 
I'm in agreement with the post above. Since TDU2, I am sure many have tried the Forza Horizon & The Crew games (I've tried all those that were released on PC) looking for that TDU spirit but not found it. So, it's important not for TDU3 to end up a clone of, in particular, the FH games.

One of the best things about TDU2 was that you truly that felt other people were playing with you. Either randomly meeting someone that also happened to be driving around and end up cruising together, seeing them in the car showrooms, hanging out in the amazing casino. Definitely an area that could be even better in the new game.

Would be great to keep house/yacht buying, lots of room to expand and improve from the previous game.

The maps are also key - I love the tropical settings (indeed, I live on Oahu), they give a very positive vibe when playing. The thing is here, it's ok to have a big map as long as it's not filled with blandness.

One of the biggest complaints about TDU2 was the handling of cars. I don't disagree with some of those cars - but different handling settings should be included so you don't put off those that want an easier experience.

Multiplayer sessions should be improved from TDU2 - how often was it that you'd be in a session with people, only to be cut off and join another one - without those you people you were originally with.

Please be mindful of how you handle extra content - i.e. DLC and micro-transactions. I wouldn't want it to be a game where you only win a race if you spend $$$$ to get the best of everything.

I'm very excited to see how this turns out - and am so glad it's being made!

Last edited by Orb; Aug 3, 2020 @ 10:16pm
kertitorpe Aug 4, 2020 @ 6:31am 
I, too, agree. After TDU 2 I couldn't get into any racing game, no matter the handling model, graphics, realism or features. I've basically abandoned the genre and haven't touched my wheel in years.
I do have one request unrelated to game features. PLEASE post all info that you post to social media here as well! So many devs/publishers ignore Steam in favor of their social media pages.
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