A Little Golf Journey

A Little Golf Journey

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mondsemmel Mar 7, 2023 @ 9:23am
[BUG] player.log is 0.7-1GB
I have no idea how this got screwed up this badly, but A Little Golf Journey creates absolutely, ridiculously huge log files and thus clutters one's PC with garbage data. See https://i.imgur.com/rHPCP3d.png]this screenshot.

Naturally I can't upload this log file in its entirety, but here are some hints regarding what's happening in my player.log file (704 MB; player-prev.log is 1.03 GB):

1035788 occurences of:
"NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

512257 occurences of:
" at TiltFive.TrackableCore`1[T].Update (T settings, TiltFive.ScaleSettings scaleSettings, TiltFive.GameBoardSettings gameBoardSettings) [0x0001f] in <7ac3d51da38a444ca57df51e26305923>:0
at TiltFive.Wand+WandCore.Update (TiltFive.WandSettings wandSettings, TiltFive.ScaleSettings scaleSettings, TiltFive.GameBoardSettings gameBoardSettings) [0x00013] in <d00bde58296a400da550d2c0366f2914>:0
at TiltFive.Wand.Update (TiltFive.WandSettings wandSettings, TiltFive.ScaleSettings scaleSettings, TiltFive.GameBoardSettings gameBoardSettings) [0x00015] in <d00bde58296a400da550d2c0366f2914>:0 "
"(Filename: <7ac3d51da38a444ca57df51e26305923> Line: 0)"

517890 occurences of:
" at TiltFive.TiltFiveManager.GetLatestPoseData () [0x00017] in <0b1a4c057f3840b7b63ceac0de286edb>:0
at TiltFive.TiltFiveManager.LateUpdate () [0x00000] in <0b1a4c057f3840b7b63ceac0de286edb>:0 "

Also >510k occurences of these lines:
" at TiltFive.Glasses+GlassesCore.Validate (TiltFive.GlassesSettings glassesSettings) [0x00017] in <43bb07c8b6474c5bbb80cabb45459c04>:0
at TiltFive.Glasses.Validate (TiltFive.GlassesSettings glassesSettings) [0x00005] in <43bb07c8b6474c5bbb80cabb45459c04>:0
at TiltFive.TiltFiveManager.Update () [0x0000c] in <0b1a4c057f3840b7b63ceac0de286edb>:0 "
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wuddih May 4 @ 2:40pm 
%userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\okidokico\A Little Golf Journey\Player.log
%userprofile%\AppData\LocalLow\okidokico\A Little Golf Journey\Player-prev.log

i also wanna complain about it ...
there is no reason these files should exist.

edit: paths fixed
anyway, while finishing the game, i found multiple games that keep the unity debug log on, so this is not that uncommon, still shouldn't be done and be an optional switch. it is just that in this case, the tilt5 integration nukes the filesize into space.
Last edited by wuddih; May 7 @ 6:23am
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