Seed of Life

Seed of Life

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Nanimonai Jul 16, 2021 @ 12:04pm
Sorry, but the voiceacting is... bad.
I just tried your Demo with a friend watching me. While the game looks interesting I am very sorry to say that my friend and I really did not like the voiceacting of the protagonist. It just feels off and ... amateurish. Maybe you can get another performer? A proficient one could enhance the game's feel and quality massively.

I wish you all the best and great success with your game!
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Showing 1-15 of 18 comments
Papadie Jul 19, 2021 @ 2:26am 

Could you please point some hints about the "amateurish" performance of the actress?
And if I may; are you in any way related to voice-acting or having knowledge about this?

Thanks a lot!
Broso Aug 8, 2021 @ 12:44pm 
I just watched a video of the demo and while it may not be AAA tier stuff, it's not nearly as bad as OP makes it out to be.

Probably a subjective matter of taste more than objective truth.
Rylo Aug 9, 2021 @ 5:59am 
I like the implication that you need to have voice acting experience to know a performance is bad.
Papadie Aug 9, 2021 @ 12:06pm 
Hi Rylo,

I was asking because we noticed that people with experience in the same field are prone to spot easier the mistakes and point them out. A writer gave us some really good tips and noticed a lot of mistakes; nobody else gave us similar feedback.

We did a playtest and survey and the voice acting rating came out as acceptable to most of the people with very few considering it bad and some actually liked it. This is far from bad and it tells us that in the end, it's a matter of taste.
We would like to be able to please everyone and we are sorry that to some, the performance is considered to be bad.

RobinASP Aug 9, 2021 @ 4:47pm 
Originally posted by Papadie:
Hi Rylo,

I was asking because we noticed that people with experience in the same field are prone to spot easier the mistakes and point them out. A writer gave us some really good tips and noticed a lot of mistakes; nobody else gave us similar feedback.

We did a playtest and survey and the voice acting rating came out as acceptable to most of the people with very few considering it bad and some actually liked it. This is far from bad and it tells us that in the end, it's a matter of taste.
We would like to be able to please everyone and we are sorry that to some, the performance is considered to be bad.

As someone who studies voice acting and wants the potential to work as one i will give the voice acting a few points from me atleast.

The voice acting sounded very lackluster in the sense that the actress sounded as if she was in a constant state of being tired.
This brought me personally out of the experience, Especially in dire situations. I can give an example.

In the first area where the bridge breaks we can see the subtitles signifying the character screaming "woah" but what you hear instead sounds more akin to someone being sarkastic or non engadged with the situation.

I dont mean to be rude or anything else towards the voice actress, But i do feel like it felt very lackluster and it didnt seem to improve much as i played the demo. It works fine for what it is but it probably could be better with practice.
MinocFox Aug 9, 2021 @ 7:59pm 
I don't think the voice acting is horrible, but the voice does feel like it's conveying the same emotion over and over, and the beats and rhythm on her punctuation for words all feel the same. Not a not of range I guess?
As someone with years of theater experience, I would absolutely NEVER cast someone with the ability of Cora's actor. Her inflection is horrid to the point that it makes me think she has no acting experience whatsoever. You could seriously pull a random person off the street and likely get a better performance from a cold reading. The only reason some people aren't noticing is because she has a pleasant speaking voice and it's obscuring her obvious lack of skill. Sort of like Americans not being able to tell when actors with English accents are doing a bad job.
Papadie Aug 10, 2021 @ 12:04am 
Thanks a lot everyone, for all the feedback!

We gave the actress the script without too much information and we didn't have time to to work together for a better directing. Would you consider this to be the source or part of the problem?
I was the one taking care of this and in all honesty to me it fells ok; there are some moments that I really enjoyed and I think she portrays quite accurate the Cora that i had in mind. Note that I have no professional experience in writing and acting.
Originally posted by Papadie:
Thanks a lot everyone, for all the feedback!

We gave the actress the script without too much information and we didn't have time to to work together for a better directing. Would you consider this to be the source or part of the problem?
I was the one taking care of this and in all honesty to me it fells ok; there are some moments that I really enjoyed and I think she portrays quite accurate the Cora that i had in mind. Note that I have no professional experience in writing and acting.

That could definitely be the main cause of the issue, yes. Many actors can't give good performances without adequate practice, time to prepare, and strong direction. Honestly, I'm covering this game for a site and just received a review key today, and I have to say that the voice acting is the least of the game's problems. I really like the graphics and appreciate what you're going for, but there are some absolutely enormous problems with the game that I think could easily be fixed with more polish time.
Papadie Aug 11, 2021 @ 2:46am 
Could you please join our Discord servers?
We could use the feedback to fix those issues.

Tempany Aug 11, 2021 @ 6:27am 
Originally posted by Papadie:

And if I may; are you in any way related to voice-acting or having knowledge about this?

Everybody who plays a computer game that contains voice acting is, as you crudely put it "related to voice acting".

Your implication that a person's opinion of the quality is invalid if they do not in some way work within the field is most strange.

I have knowledge about the type of voice acting I enjoy and the type that I do not. As a paying customer, that is all I need. I came into the message section to find out a few things about the game prior to buying it. I am somewhat discouraged.
Guff Aug 11, 2021 @ 7:32am 
I watched a demo video on Youtube and I have to say that the voice actor has a good voice, but her inflection is bad. Many sentences end on an upbeat tone when there's no reason for it. Otherwise she's mostly monotone in her delivery, and speaks like she would to a child while reading them a bed-time story.
Papadie Aug 11, 2021 @ 8:16am 
Hello Tempany,

I'm deeply sorry but I'm not sure that I mentioned anything of a person's opinion of the quality to be invalid; I was merely mentioning some statistics and information that we have so far. Could you please clarify your statement?

Our intention is to do our best to make as many players as possible, happy with our game.

We are deeply sorry if you are discouraged.
Papadie Aug 11, 2021 @ 8:18am 
Hello Guff,

There are quite some people mentioning the voice acting. We are taking the matter seriously and will try our best to find a solution for this.

Thank you!
Infinity (無限) Aug 19, 2021 @ 6:54am 
I guess that's a matter of taste. I personally like the voice of Cora. It's quite charming. Not sure, what you are hearing that sounds wrong to you.
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