Seed of Life

Seed of Life

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abysss24 Apr 27, 2022 @ 6:02am
Health bar on her back with cheap font looks bad
This Comic Sans-like bold font makes the health bar look extremely cheap. Like something quickly made in Windows Paint. Even the font color tone is 100% red and 100% yellow, and the background in the circle is 100% black which is a bad color intensity choice.
In the cutscenes when we see the character's back, without the hud, with a metallic flower like symbol and a pulsating light in the middle - (called the talisman?) looks much better than, when overlayed with the health holographic hud.

You should rather leave the character's back without the health bar overlay holographic hud.

Everything else in the game looks good.
Last edited by abysss24; Apr 27, 2022 @ 6:12am