Seed of Life

Seed of Life

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aztekann Sep 11, 2021 @ 4:24pm
camera and mouse control are ♥♥♥♥
Yet another game where camera movement is the real enemy. It's slow, it's lagging, it keeps dragging around and screwing your perspective even one entire second after you finished turning.

But wait, there's more.
Using VIsion will artificially ♥♥♥ your orientation just because. In and out.
Using Sprint, you will also enjoy a new, suddenly uber-sensitive turning ratio, which leads to mid-air suicidal moves. And that's exactly when you need the finest control and best camera responsiveness!

Then there's the mouse.............
Just try turning right 120*, and watch how it barely turns 30* and settles there, because it thinks YoU MuSt HaVe mOvEd ToO fAsT!!!!!
Yet if you try to turn 10*, it will go twice as much. How generous.

Seems the devs don't understand how a mouse even works.
A MOUSE IS NOT A CONTROLLER. You control your mouse by moving it a certain DISTANCE, not a certain time. What matters is the speed of the movement, not just the duration. IT'S NOT A JOYSTICK.

Bottom line, it's just unplayable. Might be beautiful, but it's not worth the frustration and the headache.
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Papadie Sep 12, 2021 @ 7:10am 

What you are mentioning is really strange to us; we are not aware of this problems happening with te camera.
Could you please join our Discord chaannel so we can discuss more about this?

Thank you!
Mouse movement is far too low on highest setting as well as mouse driver setting at 3200 dpi and polling rate on 1000hz.
Last edited by Wurst Kaese Szenario; Feb 1, 2023 @ 4:06am
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