River City Saga: Three Kingdoms

River City Saga: Three Kingdoms

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Shadowraith Nov 13, 2022 @ 2:16am
Can't get online co-op to work at all?
So I got to the point where I unlocked co-op play, but when I tried hosting a game (set to friends only at first and then anyone welcome) my friend (who also unlocked co-op play) couldn't find any rooms to join, and when he tried hosting I couldn't find any rooms to join either. I have no idea why it doesn't work, and there don't seem to be any posts (and thus no solutions either) about an issue like this anywhere.

I also tried doing remote local co-op but that didn't work either, though I don't know if that's the game's fault or something else maybe, but either way it's pretty lame that neither method works at all.
Last edited by Shadowraith; Nov 13, 2022 @ 2:19am
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Eek-A-Mouse Dec 25, 2022 @ 7:33am 
I'll be trying to do online too. ill lyk how it goes.
DrChaos50 Feb 13, 2023 @ 5:01pm 
You need to have a game in which the Chapters match for the game to run in Online Coop. Often times, one of the players will have to discontinue progress and go back to the chapter select menu and select Co-op settings. From there, the chapter of the guest must match that of the host. I am in Chapter 4 and had to reset my chapter progress to coop with a friend who made it halfway past the first chapter by selecting Chapter 1 from the coop settings in the Chapter selection screen.
Last edited by DrChaos50; Feb 13, 2023 @ 5:08pm
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