
Don't ask how projects are going.

Watch how they're going in real time. Log in with Google Apps to get started

What is your team working on?

Keeping everyone on your team up-to-date is important. With Sprint.ly's Dashboard, you can see what's been started, and what's completed, in real-time. You'll never have to ask what someone's doing, you can just see for yourself!

Try out Kanban

“I tell everyone about Sprintly: as a developer, it makes me want to build better software. I get a lot of delight out of just using it.”

John C. Bland II

What has my team finished?

Stop using Excel to manage your business! Generate reports on the fly: filter by Item Type, Item Size, Current Status, Date Range, and more!

Try Reports for Free

What's happening now?

Watch what your team is working on in real time with our advanced activity feeds with productivity analytics.

Need help finding that ticket?

Sprintly offers an advanced search syntax with a nice type-ahead UI. Prefer using the mouse? Our point-and-click search filters makes finding tickets a breeze.

Are we on schedule?

How long until your big feature ships? Our Progress view distills every tag in your project to a simple progress bar with estimated completion times.

Try Progress for Free

@sprintly makes project management an intuitive experience. Finally, you now have visibility on what's going on. ‪#awesome‬ ‪#ux

Joseph Hsieh

Integrations & Add-ons

Make Sprintly even better with third party integrations and add-ons.

(Just a few) Features

A sampling of what Sprintly offers.