
We aim to push the world forward through the power of play. Driven by technology and innovation, we take action by supporting communities, protecting our planet, and creating a world where everyone belongs.


Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) is striving to build a future for players of all abilities.

Diversity, Equity,
Inclusion, & Belonging

Empty employee breakroom that's decorated in mid century modern design and very bright colors such as red and orange walls and green furniture.


We value creating a work environment where all employees can be themselves and reach their full potential.
Group photo of SIE interns


We strive to create an ecosystem of belonging and access, both internally and externally.


Our environmental principles are centered around forging a path ahead on sustainability, turning intentions into action, and doing the right thing.
Diverse family, mother, two sons and father sitting on the couch together facing a tv screen - they're playing a game together

Online Safety

We are committed to providing a welcoming and joyful environment for all players, including our youngest and most vulnerable, ensuring all players have the best possible gaming experience.
A man is putting together some sort of product - he appears to be doing an engineering review of hardware alone in a conference room

Supply Chain

We recognize the importance of human rights, labor conditions, health and safety, and environmental protection, working closely with suppliers on initiatives to address these issues.