
simplest apple tart

Apples at their simplest can be their very finest. Sure, I love an oozy, heavily spiced and lidded apple pie, but I also think there is something matchless about apples, butter and sugar, baked until bubbly. This classic apple tart is from Alice Waters, but she says that it was actually Jacques Pepin who created it at Chez Panisse more than 20 years ago. I can see why they’ve never gotten tired of it.

tart doughpate brisee

You start by making a very simple pate brisee, yes, that kind, but this one doesn’t demand precision. You’re going to want to roll it out really, really thin. Now, the original recipe suggested that you use a tart pan, but I think you can skip it, and go galette-style.

peeled and cored applessliced apples

Next, peel apples. The original recipe suggested more than I needed, not that I complained about having slices to snack on. I like to halve them and use a melon baller, which is getting a big workout this week, to remove the cores. Save all the peels and cores.

I like to tightly armadillo them. Keeping them together helps when you want to lay them out, as you can just lightly tilt them and they’ll fan out.

apple tartapple tart

Like so. Pull the excess crust over the apples, crimping it at intervals. Brush the crust and apples with two tablespoons of melted butter.

apple tartapple tart

Sprinkle it with a few tablespoons of sugar, then bake it for almost an hour, rotating it frequently until it’s a deep, golden brown.

apple syrupstrained apple syrup

Meanwhile, boil all of the reserved peels and cores in a sugar water until it reduces to a syrup. Strain it. Brush the syrup lightly over the tart, hot from the oven.

apple tartapple tart

See if you can keep away until guests arrive. It might even be the hardest thing you’ve done that day.

apple tart

Serve with vanilla ice cream, lightly sweetened softly whipped cream or a dollop of creme fraiche, either alone or stirred into whipped cream. Make plans to repeat it with pears next week, er, tomorrow. Let this be your go-to recipe for everything awesome.

One year ago: Picking Pecks

Alice Waters’s Apple Tart
Found buried deeply within my recipe bookmarks folder!

1 cup (125 grams) unbleached all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon (2 grams) sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons (3/4 stick or 85 grams) unsalted butter, just softened, cut in 1/2-inch pieces
3 1/2 tablespoons (50 ml) chilled water

2 pounds (910 grams) apples (Golden Delicious or another tart, firm variety), peeled, cored (save peels and cores), and sliced
2 tablespoons (30 grams) unsalted butter, melted
5 tablespoons (65 grams) sugar

1/2 cup (100 grams) sugar

MIX flour, sugar, and salt in a large bowl; add 2 tablespoons of the butter. Blend in a mixer until dough resembles coarse cornmeal. Add remaining butter; mix until biggest pieces look like large peas.

DRIBBLE in water, stir, then dribble in more, until dough just holds together. Toss with hands, letting it fall through fingers, until it’s ropy with some dry patches. If dry patches predominate, add another tablespoon water. Keep tossing until you can roll dough into a ball. Flatten into a 4-inch-thick disk; refrigerate. After at least 30 minutes, remove; let soften so it’s malleable but still cold. Smooth cracks at edges. On a lightly floured surface, roll into a 14-inch circle about 1/8 inch thick. Dust excess flour from both sides with a dry pastry brush.

PLACE dough in a lightly greased 9-inch round tart pan, or simply on a parchment-lined baking sheet if you wish to go free-form, or galette-style with it. Heat oven to 400°F. (If you have a pizza stone, place it in the center of the rack.)

OVERLAP apples on dough in a ring 2 inches from edge if going galette-style, or up to the sides if using the tart pan. Continue inward until you reach the center. Fold any dough hanging over pan back onto itself; crimp edges at 1-inch intervals.

BRUSH melted butter over apples and onto dough edge. Sprinkle 2 tablespoons sugar over dough edge and the other 3 tablespoons over apples. (Deb note: I found it nearly impossible to coat it with this much sugar, so I used a little less–more like 3 tablespoons. It made a lightly sweet tart, which we found perfect.)

BAKE in center of oven until apples are soft, with browned edges, and crust has caramelized to a dark golden brown (about 45 minutes), making sure to rotate tart every 15 minutes.

MAKE glaze: Put reserved peels and cores in a large saucepan, along with sugar. Pour in just enough water to cover; simmer for 25 minutes. Strain syrup through cheesecloth.

REMOVE tart from oven, and slide off parchment onto cooling rack. Let cool at least 15 minutes.

BRUSH glaze over tart, slice, and serve.

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312 comments on simplest apple tart

  1. Whitney

    Hi Deb, I don’t know what in particular inspired me to finally post a comment– maybe the novelty of being first– but I’m finally doing it. I’ve been hooked on food blogs since I “discovered” them about a year ago– figures it would happen when I move to Japan and can’t get a hold of many of the ingredients I see on your blog and others. You always have such delicious looking and sounding dishes and I love the way you write– I even spent a good portion of May reading through all your old Smitten posts in between doing the more productive things I should have been doing (no offense). I’ve made a bunch of things from your site and they have all been oishi as they say in Japan. This looks like another stunner of a recipe.

    I actually have a question about your camera. I know you love your digital Rebel and macro lens and this may sound silly but do you just point and shoot or do you manually set each photograph– I’ve been debating getting a digital SLR but am wondering how much better it is than a good quality point-and-shoot. Thus, how are your photos shot? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.

  2. Hi Deb, what a sensational looking apple tart – not to mention its healthy and look easy to make too. I’ve tried apple tart once, by this aussie chef Curtis Stone after watching it on TV. As it turned out, total disaster. Will try yours out this weekend. Thanks again!

    1. PattiB

      Mine leaked lots of juice onto the parchment paper while it was baking. I guess my dough split open somewhere.
      Any suggestions?
      Yummy juice!

  3. Amy

    Wow, that looks good. I have to make a dessert tonight and I was thinking pumpkin pie, but maybe I’ll try this instead. Yay, November–I’ve loving the daily posts!

  4. joanne

    I adore this simple apple tart. I used to make it all the time when my son was little and I would bring it in for his class to share. Most of his class mates said they preferred a full lidded apple pie. We did an informal survey for apple day and parents brought in all different kinds of apples, had the pie and tart, also apple butter. It was pretty interesting what the kids thought. They all thought they would like the red apples better, but it was the multi colored Galas, and Pink ladies most enjoyed. The kids ended up having an easier time with the tart over the pie. They also realized it tasted the same, just less gooey and more hands on than a full pie.

  5. Nancy

    Do you think I could freeze this and then bake it a day later? This would be great to take to my boyfriend’s family for Thanksgiving? (Although I don’t know if I want to compete with bf’s mom’s pie crust-making ability.)

  6. I remember the day Mr. Pepin came and made this tart with us…we kept it on the menu for the next 15 years! *sigh* If only all men would leave such a good, long-lasting impression…

    1. Karen

      Wow!! Smitten got a comment from you. It’s now 2022 and I’m wondering if she ever noticed or made the connection. You two are the only food blogs I follow and I love you both.

  7. EB

    I’ve developed my own apple tart recipe over the years but I have to say… the glaze… brilliant!!! A complete head-slap, DOH! why didn’t I think of that– kind of moment.

  8. This looks gorgeous – I can never resist the apple, butter, sugar combination either! And thank you for the great tip about the melon baller – pleased to have found a new use for mine.

  9. Maggie

    Sooooo good! I made it last night and am now enjoying it again for breakfast. It was easy and delicious… except my glaze didn’t work. I si,mmered it for nearly two hours and it was never anything more than weak watery apple juice. Too much water, maybe? Anyway the tart was and is spectacular even plain.

  10. Ann

    Hoe beautiful! I’ve been on a baking hiatus lately (bad oven, long story) but expect to be back at it soon (new oven ordered, happy story). This will be at the top of my list to try.

  11. mara

    I just made this and it is awesome! Just the right amount of sweet. Perfect taste of apple, butter, sugar in a crispy and light pastry. Excellent!

  12. Bob

    Made this this weekend and it came out great – beautiful and delicious! I had the same problem with the glaze as a previous poster – after 45 minutes of boiling, it was still pretty thin. I solved this by taking some of the (too thin) glaze and whisking in confectioner’s sugar to thicken it up. This worked really well. Also, I made a 1 1/2 recipe of the dough, which was just enough for the 10″ tart pan that I used.

  13. Hi there !

    I’m a big fan of your blog and of your amazing recipes. I tried this one last week, and it was a big success at home :D

    I wanted to post about it on my blog (not a food blog, and soon to come), but I baked it at night, and it was all eaten by morning, so my pictures are really lame :( May I use one of yours ? I’ll of course put a link to your flicker and your website, and indicate your post as the original one :) AND next time I’ll make sure to save some food for the picture :P

    Please let me know, and thanks again for your posts, especially this month, the everyday update is great ! :D



  15. Anne

    I made this tart galette style for Thanksgiving after I discovered the rolled out dough wasn’t big enough for my 12″ tart pan. Not only was it fabulous, it was cute. All the teenagers at the table thought my dessert was the coolest! I topped it with cinnamon whipped cream – hit the spot. Thanks for a GREAT recipe.

  16. Susannah

    Love your blog–especially your photos. Just wanted to let you know that I baked this pie for our family’s Thanksgiving pie contest and won first place by a landslide (against coffee cream, chocolate oreo, and pumpkin praline). It looked just like yours and was tasty even for breakfast the next morning. Thanks!

  17. j

    I just made this and I now worship you for posting it. The best part is, I’m “testing” the recipe so I can serve it to “others.” So…I get to eat the whole thing. And then I think I’ll “practice” making it again…you know, just in case.

  18. Bonnie

    WOW! So simple and right up my alley! I usually get ready to make a standard recipe, then hit the web for any interesting twists – and lucky me, I found Smitten!!! We are simple – mostly organic and easy eaters, so this tart was easier than the one I make…(I must admit, that I have an even easier short cut – especially, when you need to make a dessert for “out the door” in an hour!) I can’t wait to find time and look through the website! ..Only thing is that I get homesick thinking about NYC and my daughter!

  19. Dancer who eats

    OMG! I also used organic produce for this. Talk about bang for your buck. How many baked good can you make with one bowl? It’s very “Alice” and I love it. Mine was so pretty and thin, the perfect after dinner dessert. Thank you Thank you Thank you. Also, I did the gallete and it was beautiful. :D

  20. Rosalee

    I absolutely love apples and this looks like something that even I could do.
    Can you tell me what other apple would qualify for this? I am NOT
    a fan of Golden Delicious.

  21. jacklyn

    Hi! Tried your recipe and it was great. Added vanilla essence as well to the glaze and walnuts to the pastry which was a REALLY GREAT COMBINATION! (: got a great response from my family members.
    Only one thing: Was wondering whether you had the same problem, because I left it in the fridge and when I came back that evening, it didnt look as golden brown anymore, in fact it turned a little limp and old looking (despite still tasting nice and getting great response from the people who tried it). How do you ensure that the apple doesnt turn into that moldy looking colour? Would appreciate it if you could email me/reply me! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

  22. H

    I tried this recipe, and it was both easy and fantastic. I added grated ginger and lemon zest to both the pie and the glaze which added some zing – everyone loved it! I prefer it to apple pie, since the focus is on the apples, and not the crust. So amazing.

  23. Alice

    A friend of mine made the original version by Jacques Pepin once, it was stunning! it actually calls for apple sauce and then layers of apples on top. I don’t have the recipe unfortunately, but if anybody has a copy of it should definitely give it a try!

  24. Kaje

    Delicious, and it was as pretty as the picture. Love the fan techinque. I needed a little more pastry crust then the recipie made, but covered the tarte dish and sides just fine. What a great way to use fresh picked apples.

  25. So… I made this for the Pittsburgh 3rd Annual Pro-Am Apple Pie Baking contest, and won the “Most Elegant, Fanciest, Almost-Not-Even-A-Pie” award. So thanks for the recipe – it was great, and perfect for featuring local apples.

  26. I made this with 2 Honey Crisp and 2 Gala apples as well as one very small pear. I had some left over apple (probably only need three apples, not 4) and it turned out wonderful! I even used cheater crust from the store. The whole family found it to be delicious!

  27. Amber

    Just made this over the weekend with some Mutsu apples I got at the farmer’s market. (If you see Mutsus around, try them! They are fantastic for baking because they really hold their shape, but they’re also my favorite snacking apple, perfectly crisp, not too sweet, not too tart.) I also ended up with a fairly watery glaze–I’ll use less water next time, and there definitely will be a next time. But I just didn’t use a ton of the glaze and this still tasted (and looked) amazing. And it couldn’t have been simpler. Thanks so much for sharing this recipe!

  28. Irene

    Why the pizza stone in the middle of the rack? Do I take it out when I’m ready to bake the tart/pie/galette? Or do I leave it in the oven? Do I put whatever is holding apple creation on top of the pizza stone if I’m supposed to leave it in the over or on the rack above it?

  29. Nichole

    Well! I tried this one today! I wish there was just a little more info on how to do it free style, mine came out really small! Oh well it’s my first time ever making anything like this. So.. just learning! I hope it tastes great!

  30. Michele

    I made this for Thanksgiving w/an apricot glaze…it was absolutely beautiful! I’m making another this morning for friends who missed it. Thanks so much for this and the many wonderful recipes I’ve found here. Happy holidays!

  31. Simple and perfect. Mine even looked almost as pretty as yours — all these years I’ve been making apple tarts and never fanned the slices that way. I added a few slivers of ginger and a half-teaspoon of apricot jam to the syrup, and used even less sugar.

  32. Erica

    A delicious, easy apple tart, and the crust is to DIE for. I’ve made it twice now. You can even make it in a toaster oven with a bake function – I did the other night, because I needed the oven for roasting the Zuni Cafe Roast Chicken! Impress your boyfriend’s mom with this one!

    Thanks Deb! Rock on!

  33. This recipe was great. I tried it for Thanksgiving per recommendation from a friend. It was my second time trying any sort of dough- which, I admit, I was rather intimidated by at first. My first attempt at making a dough (for pierogi- almost 3 years ago!) was a complete failure. I am a pretty good baker and make excellent cakes and other desserts, yet I was scared of making a simple pat brisee!

    I’m glad I got the courage to try this, because it came out fantastic. The dough was perfect- golden and the right amount of flakeyness without falling apart, but was not dough-y in the slightest. I will be using this recipe again and again, not only for apples, but other fruits as well.

    I also love the idea of using the apple cores and skins to make a syrup! The syrup was probably my favourite part- so much delicious apple flavour. I can’t believe I never had thought of this or heard of it. I usually don’t skin my fruits but I think now I have incentive to just to make such a wondeful syrup. I’ll definitely be experimenting with other fruits (in fact, right now, I’m using pear and apple cores and peels to put on top of small pear and apple tarts I’m making.)

    Thanks for sharing the wonderful recipe, and your pictures are very lovely. I think I will be checking out the rest of your blog/website now. (:

  34. Brooke

    I’ve made this tart two or three times now and every time it tasted and looked amazing. My guests were quite impressed. The only thing I added was a touch of cinnamon. Thanks so much for the recipe!

  35. Courtney

    im having a medieval faire and when i looked up the recipe for this it was first on the list! wow! im going to try this, i looks great! and the pictures are amazing!


  36. britney

    hi this looks lovely and I can’t wait to make it this weekend. for those who dont want to bother with the glaze reduction step, i have used warmed up jam/jelly to glaze tarts with very good results….much easier! :)

  37. Ali

    I made this for my husband tonight and I have to say it was light, not too sweet and utterly delicious! I made it free-form on parchment paper and was worried it wouldn’t keep it’s shape but it turned out beautifully. Thanks for the recipe. I’ll definitely be making it again soon.

  38. adelina

    First time I made this, it was for my next door neighbor during Thanksgiving’s weekend. My neighbor absolutely felt in love with it. Strange thing was, I didn’t even have a taste of it! My neighbor asked if it is ok for them to give me the money and I would continue to bake this tart again, again, again, and again for them!

    A month or so later, I found the time to bake this tart, this time, it was definitely for me to try! I must admit, this tart had me felt in love with it so quickly no words could describe! I absolutely love how simple the ingredients are put together to create such wonderful tart….Thanks so much for sharing!

  39. Cliff

    I made this last night but used two granny smith apples and two golden delicious apples. After baking it it came out sooo tart from the granny smith that I was so turned off. This morning I tried it again and it tasted wonderful… how weird huh. Next time I make this I am sticking to Golden Delicious apples!

  40. carole

    Am about to try this for a dinner tomorrow. My first attempt with a tart. One question, can you make it ahead, but heat it up right before? Thanks so much – Carole

  41. Joy

    This was wonderful! I added some cinnamon and cloves in with the apples (old habits die hard) but I love the idea of syrup. Thank you so much!

  42. Melinda

    Outside of the occassional muffin I don’t bake. Period.
    Saw this and thought, ‘Hey, I could do this.’ And I did – tonight, in fact.
    I used 1.5 lbs apples, just under 3 Tbsps sugar and skipped the glaze entirely. Also sprinkled on a bit of nutmeg and pumpkin pie spice.
    This tart tasted just like that big, takes forever to assemble apple pie but was amazingly easy to prepare.
    The crust – delicate, flaky, delicious.
    Definite keeper.

  43. Elizabeth

    oh my gosh, this was absolutely delish
    i made this tart except halved the recipe because i had one apple and a leftover peach – just cut them up and made the tart very rustic and hand-formed
    also, i don’t have a mixer, but just used a fork to make it – i can’t bake and i made this and it was good! if you have a few ingredients and really want something sweet and delicious…make this!

  44. j

    tried this. the dough was impossible to manage and would break into pieces! it seemed like too much butter to me. or maybe the weather here (singapore) is just too hot.

    1. deb

      Hot weather can be very difficult for pastry crusts because it melts the butter, rather than keeping it in cold bits throughout the flour. Try it again, but keep the dough cold cold cold, putting it back in the fridge or freezer for few minutes whenever it feels any less than very cold to the touch.

  45. bobanda

    have you tried this with other fruits? I’m sorry but I didn’t have the patience to read through all 84 comments to see if anyone else posted. I’m a nectarine addict and just saw your galette but love the look of this. Are nectarines too wet for this?

  46. Layla Parast

    This came out very nicely. I served it with some homemade whipped cream – whip up heavy cream, sugar, cinnamon and a little vanilla – delicious!

  47. Melanie

    The only word I can use to describe this is heavenly. Absolutely wonderful recipe, very simple, and came out both beautiful and completely scrumptious. I will hang onto this recipe for years to come! Thank you for sharing it.

  48. Sarah P

    This was so easy and so delicious! I loved the apple glaze, which was like an intensely apple-flavored honey. The candied apple peels that were left over from making the glaze were also tasty. I made my tart with 3 tbs sugar which came out perfect for me (I also tend to like things on the tart side). When I make it again the only thing I will change is to really cram it full of apples since the apples shrink more than I expected. Looking at your pictures now I don’t think I put as many apples in as you did.

  49. Carol

    WOW, this recipe looks amazing! I think I will make this for Thanksgiving.

    thank you for sharing all your awesome food with us :)

  50. Janet

    I just made this for a dinner party last night, and it was a hit! I did make 50% more crust, which seemed perfect. I used Pink Lady and Jonagold apples. Both were delicious and held up well to baking. I think the trick with the glaze is to use the very minimum of water needed to cover the apple peels and cores. It’s not thick like jelly, but thicker than juice. It was a tasty glaze, and my 7 year old daughter thought the leftovers were just about the best thing ever. She wanted to drink it straight!
    Thanks for another great recipe, Deb!

  51. Lauren

    Hi Deb,
    I’m planning to make this for Thanksgiving. Any way I can assemble it the night before up to the baking step? Or can I bake it and put it in the fridge overnight and bring to room temperature the following day? Help! I have too much to cook to do it on Thanksgiving.

  52. Rebecca

    Hi Deb. Just found this recipe and had a question about the dough. You say you’re going to start by making a ‘pate brisee’ and you link over to your cranberry, caramel & almond tart. But that dough and this dough have very different ingredients. Are these two doughs interchangeable?

  53. deb

    Hi Rebecca — Yes, that is confusing. The doughs are a little bit different, that one more cookie-like and I’d actually (now) recommend this first. I will update that link. Thanks for pointing it out.

  54. A year later, and I made it again for Thanksgiving, and it was just as wonderful. Used Gala apples (I think), and discovered that even if the galette turnover is messy it’s still beautiful. I used leftover peel juice to make oatmeal the next morning. Happy Thanksgiving, Deb.

  55. I just finished making this, and that dough is one of the most gorgeous things to behold! Even when rolling it out, I was saying, “Geez, this is so pretty and smooth and perfectly easy!” Wow. Great recipe, but you know, Alice knows what she’s doing. As does Jacques, now that I think about it. Thanks for the great recipe. And Happy 1st Thanksgiving as a mommy!

  56. Eeshani

    I made this tart for a second time tonight (first time was last year) and made a few minor changes– I sprinkled the apples with about a teaspoon of kosher salt, browned the butter (as you once said, brown food tastes best!), and used vanilla sugar for sprinkling. I thought these changes made for an even more delicious tart! Thanks for a great recipe.

  57. jude

    Hi Deb,
    absolutely this was the best way to lay the apples and it looked so neat. I used to try and lay them slice by slice tediously and gaps formed. thanks it was delicious.

  58. Ilana

    Hi Deb,

    Can I make it a day ahead and keep it in the fridge? or maybe I can assemble the tart a day or two ahead and keep it in the freezer until the baking?

  59. I just finished making this and it’s delicious– the crust is all flaky and nice, and even my boyfriend liked it when he tried it (and he is excessively picky). Also, this is the first pie-type thing I’ve ever made successfully (I’ve made a very mediocre crumble before, meh) so I’m excited.

  60. Elise

    So here I am almost three years later commenting on this post. I made the tart and it is now sitting in the middle of my dining room table waiting for us to finish dinner so we can devour it. It is gorgeous! I’ve been wanting to make it forever and I’m thrilled that I did it today. The glaze is brilliant. I can’t wait to taste the whole thing. YUMMMMMMMMM………….

  61. Melanie

    I absolutely adore this recipe–thank you so much for sharing it. I am looking forward to trying a pear version as well, though I’m not sure how it could top the apple one. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. :o)

  62. Ritxard el vasco

    Remember everyone, that Alice Waters uses ONLY Pink Lady apples from Smit Orchard in Linden, California.

    :) I can’t wait to make one of these.

  63. I just finished forming the crust…I make pie crust all the time without trouble (with a different recipe), but this one tore, stuck and crumbled like heck! Oh well….I’m sure it’ll come out fine. Most baking disasters can be remedied by keeping calm, baking the item, and then serving it to just your family ;)

  64. YouthBaker

    I made this 3 times this week and each time the flaky sweet top made my knees week. Also I baked this last night for my date and he was in total bliss. I think I earned some tart points! Thanks!

  65. shira

    I love that when I make your recipes they actually look like the photos you posted! Anyway, another great recipe. This was really easy and delicious. I used all granny smith apples and it was a little too tart (not for me but maybe for others). I would use a mix next time. I also had trouble boiling down the apple syrup to an actual syrup–took close to an hour, but eventually it worked–was still pretty watery, but sweet. Crust was thin, flaky and perfect! Baked it for my boyfriend’s family, who are very picky, and they loved it!

  66. This was delicious but it looked like a train wreck. It was too warm for the pastry and the apples poked through. I used Golden Delicious apples, they were perfect. The syrup was a keeper too. Thanks for the terrific recipes. They are so edible.

  67. Karen

    Our apples are not quite ready to pick yet …. But I think I will pick some ‘newly tart’ apples anyway & try this recipe. It looks perfect.

  68. I love this crust so incredibly much. I made it this summer with mango & blackberries, and then again with nectarines. It’s so easy and comes out so flaky & tender! Thanks so much for this recipe.

  69. Dany

    Thank you so much, just made this again – so delicious – I added cinnamon to the sugar for apples and vanilla to the apple glaze – YUM YUM – I keep my tart in the fridge all week and heat it up for dessert until it’s gone

  70. This could not have been any easier, it is gorgeous too! I can’t wait to share this with all my friends tonight. Thanks for sharing and I just love your blog and how simple it is.

    1. deb

      In general, I get 6 4-inch tarts from a standard 9-inch tart pan recipe. This isn’t in a standard tart pan, but would fit in one. You can still fold over/in the dough for a rustic look.

  71. julia

    This is in the oven right now!! The heat in my 4th floor apartment killed my crust and it spent about an hour off/on in the fridge. I’m considering storing one old cutting board in the fridge and using that to roll crusts out in the (warm) future. Has anyone tried this? Thoughts?

  72. That looks delicious! I don’t have a tart pan though, and I don’t really want to bake it on a baking sheet because I want it to have some form. Could I make this in a 9 inch pie dish or a 9 inch springform pan?

  73. Monika

    I just made one tart last night and I am making another one right now :) However, I am having problems with the pie… It’s delicious but too soft to roll, breaks apart. Should I add more flour? Hmmmm The glaze is wonderful by the way.

  74. Nichole

    Just had to pipe in because you have truly helped me to overcome my fear of making a pastry crust. I’ve made your savory ricotta tart about six times now and it’s much loved and requested. Today I made the pate brisee and used apples that my neighbor lady gave to me. It’s in the oven right now and nearly done and smelling divine. I CAN MAKE A CRUST! ::::happydance:::: Thanks for the inspiration, the beautiful photographs and the spot-on verbiage that helped get over my crust phobia.

    Oh, also wanted to add that using the cores and the skins to make a simple syrup is simply ingenious! I love that nothing goes to waste.

  75. Lauren

    I wanted to check – you used a stand mixer for the dough or a food processor? Mostly I’ve seen food processors for this type of dough so I wanted to verify. Thanks Deb, can’t wait to try it!

  76. Lauren

    Thanks Deb! I’m making it tonight and will be using a food processor. One more question for you – should the glaze be brushed on just when you’re ready to serve it? I’m planning on serving it tomorrow evening and wondering if I should wait to glaze.

  77. Kim

    I made this for a dinner party with friends over the weekend. I used pears and despite my best attempts I could not fit 2lbs of fruit in the tart. I also had a hard time fitting 5 tbsp of sugar on the fruit so only used 3. However, my pears were still quite firm so in retrospect I might have used more sugar or been more generous with the glaze. It was quite a hit when served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Will definitely make this again

  78. tinarina

    This is a great easy tart recipe–not too sweet and a very flaky crust.

    I did the crust in the food processor, and did the apples slightly differently (which I think I’d seen in a French bakery)–do the outer edge like the photo, but in the center, lay the apples in their side to make a pinwheel and do 2 or 3 layers (to come up as high as the outer layer). It’s very pretty.

    Since I used apples with reddish skins my glaze was pink and looked great on the apples. I boiled it down even more after I strained it so it was nice and syrupy. I also used less sugar on the top–probably 3 tablespoons.

    Plan to make this again ASAP!

  79. Monica

    This was a great, simple tart recipe. I made it in a cramped dorm kitchen with one bowl and no other equipment, and it turned our beautifully!

  80. Maria

    Made this as directed but also poured 1-2 Tbsp of amaretto over the top in addition to the glaze. The next day, I made the same thing with pears and it was also amazing.

  81. Charity

    I did this tart this weekend for my husband and myself. I did it in the galette form. It was okay, but not a stunner for us. I think it just wasn’t what we prefer and did not find anything wrong with the recipe.

    I did make one change in that I made a brown sugar streusel and sprinkled it on the top instead of the 5 Tbsp of sugar. Actually I found the streusel topping and the apples to be the best part! (I am slowly coming to the conclusion that I do not like traditional flaky pie crust. I only like graham cracker or crushed cookie pie crusts.)

    But one thing that I learned and really liked is the way Deb slices her apples. I usually slice them vertically, but I liked them better when sliced horizontally as shown in the photos above.

  82. Sarah

    I just made this and it was so good. All I had was flour, sugar, butter and apples (college student) so this recipe was perfect. I didn’t even have measuring cups, a rolling pin, or even a cookie sheet and it still turned out beautifully. I did add cinnamon because I found some in the cupboard. For having so few ingredients I can’t believe how good it was. It is already gone.

  83. dana

    deb – think this can be made a day ahead of time? would love to get this made today (day before thanksgiving). thanks so much! and hope your holiday is fabulous.

  84. Dok

    Its just WOW! I can not take a more time here, behind the machine. Should go to make it. Thank you, I am planning to do it again for Christmas and 23, 24th Dec also for friend’s birthday. again, 31st Dec. I am glad I’ve found this Amazing recipe. Thank you for sharing it. Luckily I’ve read it this good time for holidays!!!
    Happy holiday!

  85. Talia

    This looks amazing and i want to make it
    However i need to make it non dairy
    would it be okay to use margarine?
    also, will it be sweet enough if i skip the syrup?

  86. candymaze

    it didn’t work for me :-(
    not sure where I went wrong
    I was able to form a dough roll but I was not able to lift it off the table once I rolled it out please! I would love to get it right as it looks amazingly delicious

    1. deb

      Yes, apple seeds contain a tiny amount of cyanide. It would be nearly impossible to hurt yourself eating them. From the article, the “number of apple seeds it takes to pack a lethal punch is therefore huge”. Were it otherwise, every single apple would come with a bright red warning label “DO NOT EAT SEEDS” and it would be a public health nightmare. Furthermore, the cyanide in seeds is not reachable by humans unless pulverized; our digestive track is literally incapable of breaking these down.

      That said, I completely understand if even the proximity to cyanide is enough reason to scare someone into removing the seeds from their glaze. It’s totally up to the cook. But the recipe is not unsafe as printed because of this.

  87. KentishSarah

    Oh dear – my pastry attempt was a complete disaster! It cane together to a ball nicely to be refrigerated but just wouldn’t roll out and lift into a tart pan without falling apart. I tried putting it back in the fridge and starting again but no joy. I had to resort to rolling it on a piece of silicon paper and going down that route, but even then I couldn’t lift the edges over without them breaking!

    Still, it’s in the oven now, and smells divine, so it’ll taste good I’m sure! I’m determined to crack it, so more flour next time? Less water? Help from pastry experts welcome!

  88. Dieu

    I made this for an oscar party last night and it was a giant success. giant. it couldn’t have been more successful. I did it in the galette form and it was crispy and tender and flaky all over the place. I doused it a bit in the glaze but didn’t use too much. The first time I tried this with a different dough recipe and this one definitely worked out much better! every party I go to is now getting an apple galette. ooc delicious!

  89. oh deb…thank you so much for sharing this with us! my boyfriend’s family is coming over tomorrow to eat with us so i made this tonight to have in advance (because i’m slow cooking a chicken in the dutch oven tomorrow and didn’t want the galette to smell like chicken haha)… it just came out of the oven and looks divine. I’m going to do the syrup glaze tomorrow when I reheat the tart for their visit. I’m also making your wedge salad and stuffed mushrooms (the bacon ones not the sundried tomato ones)… yes, I am mildly obsessed with your blog…

    thanks again!

  90. I had this tonight and it was amazing! Of course, I added some homemade vanilla and a sprinkle of cinnamon to the apple peels. SOOO good.

  91. Ashley

    My friend made this for book club the other day – LOVE it! I wanted to make it for a baby shower I am hosting in a few weeks, can I make ahead and freeze? Or even make a few days ahead and refrigerate before baking? THanks!!

  92. deanna

    hi, baked 2 batches of this apple galette. absolutely appetizing. son, who is a big fan apple pies, gave a thumb-up. will not hesitate to repeat this receipt. thanks deb.

  93. Leora

    Deb- If I make the pie, put the glaze on and then reheat it, will it get mushy and soggy? I NEED TO KNOW ASAP PLEASE!!!!!!!

    1. deb

      Alas, I am not always on the computer to answer questions! The glaze will not get mushy and soggy. However, reheating the tart might make it get soft on the bottom. And the glaze may run off a bit. Still, I am sure it will remain delicious.

  94. Beth

    I had the same question about making in advance. I am hosting people on Saturday evening. Can I make and assemble to pie Friday night, but just wait to bake it?

  95. Sarah in LA

    Hi Deb!

    I made this a couple days ago for my birthday party (is it weird to make your own birthday “cake”?) and it turned out beautifully! I was worried it would be too simple without extra spices, but it was delicious. I did have the same problem some other people did with the glaze not thickening, so I added more sugar to get closer to a 1:1 sugar/water ratio, and it finally did what I wanted it to. The glaze is great overvanilla ice cream and cinnamon spiced pecans, and I’m gonna use it in a cocktail too!

  96. Dani

    This is Amazing (yes, with a capital “a”). I made it galette-style the first time with a multitude of not-really-paying-attention mistakes, and, while it looked a bit funky, it tasted devine. I didn’t bother cutting myself a piece and just took forkfuls directly from it. I made it again, doubling the dough so that it would fit in my 11.5″ tart pan, and layering the apples prettily, and this time it looks as good as it tastes.

    Oh, the crust is delicious, too! Even though my husband hates fruit-filled deserts or pastries of any kind, he loves the crust and tries to sneak bites of it. Thanks for yet another wonderful recipe to add to my repertoire!

  97. kuts

    I made this tart for a friend so didn’t get to sample it:( He said it was awesome though…one thing with the just seemed like there was too much butter. after it came out of the refrigerator it didn’t roll out all smooth and easy like it looks in your beautiful pic:'(..i just checked this link to Jacques Pepin’s original (i think:P) recipe and it’s the same except for a half cup more of you think..maybe..the missing link???:)
    Cheers Deb:)..awesome site..first time i’m commenting on a was naturally my first choice:)

  98. kuts

    made this tart for a friend so didn’t get to sample it:( He said it was awesome though…one thing with the just seemed like there was too much butter. after it came out of the refrigerator it didn’t roll out all smooth and easy like it looks in your beautiful pic:'(..i just checked this link to Jacques Pepin’s original (i think:P) recipe and it’s the same except for a half cup more of you think..maybe..the missing link???:)
    Cheers Deb:)..awesome site..first time i’m commenting on a was naturally my first choice:)

  99. deb

    Hi Kuts — The recipe over on F&W, just at first glance, doesn’t look right to me, like it might have too much butter for that amount of flour. This crust works fine, you should use it instead.

  100. Rebecca

    lazy, i only chilled this crust for fifteen minutes. it stuck to the counter and wasn’t going to make any kind of pretty shape. not wanting to reroll and overwork the dough, i just tossed the apples in the bottom of a cake pan and put torn pieces of dough on top. not as ugly as it sounds, baked for the same amount of time, and boy was it good!

  101. Nancy

    Made this last night for a group of friends. It was fabulous, not too sweet. The dough was a little challenging. I added just a bit of sour cream to the ice water–may have been a little more tender as a result. I did mine gallette style, and it was so rustically beautiful! Thanks for the great recipe.

  102. Lisa

    This recipe is perfection! Easy to make and turned out beautifully on my first attempt using a combination of apples and pears with cranberries sprinkled on top.

  103. brendalynn

    Love this! Came out beautifully on my first try. Though it kind of looked intimidating at first glance, it really IS simple! And so very apple-y. I’m vowing to play with using this crust for other easy-bake fruits… pears and quince, oh my!

  104. Sarah

    Love love love! The crust was amazing…I wish it made more so I could have rolled it a little thicker, since I am a big fan of crust. For those having trouble reducing the apples to a syrup, my trick was to use almost double the sugar and boil the water (not simmer, contrary to the recipe) for about 45 minutes, stirring every few minutes to break up the apples. Absolutely wonderful!

  105. tanya

    Better late than never. Thank you, Deb, for this wonderful recipe. I have been making this recipe every fall for the past three years. This is my favorite Apple recipe. The crust is easy to make and so flaky and buttery. The filling does not need any spices; the melted butter and a little sugar are all one needs to appreciate the amazing flavor of baked apples.
    I made the glaze the first few times i made the tart, but then started skipping it. And no one misses it one bit.
    I only use three tablespoons of sugar for the apples and don’t put any on the crust, because, in my mind, the crunchiness of the sugar distracts from the tenderness of the crust.
    The crust is definitely best on the day it is baked. But to save time, I roll it out the night before and keep the ready crust in the fridge. This way, all you have you to do next day is cut apples and bake.
    I always make galette style.
    If you haven’t tried it yet, you should now, while apples are at their best!!!!!!

    PS: this crust also works great with cranberry filling.
    PPS: the tart is rather small, so I always make two; they fit on one big cookie tray beautifully.

  106. Faith

    I just made this, and wow its so simple and easy and yet it tastes so good! The only thing I would do is add a touch of cinnamon but just a pinch to add to the apples :) The combination I found that worked well for me were Organic Honey-crisp and Fuji apples. Thanks for yet another great recipe!

  107. katie

    thank you for this one. my guy, his best friend and i made a fall dinner of apple-butter/barbecue glazed pork chops, sauteed kale with garlic and olive oil, caramelized onion stuffing with thyme and baked sweet potato wedges…and we whipped this up to top it off. amazing! i made my own whipped cream for the top…just heavy cream mixed with our favorite maple-flavored whiskey, Cabin Fever.

    i just used a pastry cutter for the crust… i didn’t have enough room to get out the mixer! it worked fine. i also added cinnamon to the sugar for the filling.

  108. Kristin

    I just made this galette-style for my boyfriend’s work party (which I’m not able to attend because of work, ugh!), and it looks GREAT! This was my first time to make any sort of pie crust, and I think it was a good first attempt. I did not have quite as much overlap on the edges (a little filling oozed out of one section), but it still looks nice.
    I was wondering if you have any methods for preventing that gap between the crust and the filling, since the apples naturally cook down a bit in the oven? I know this is something people talk about with crust-topped apple pie as well. Just curious. Thanks!

  109. Radhika

    I just made this and it looks beautiful! I had some trouble with the crust rolling, as it broke a lot, I left the dough in the fridge without covering it for over an hour and a half, so maybe it dried out and hence all the trouble.

    I need to serve it tomorrow, so does this get stored in the fridge or should I just leave it out?

  110. Cindy

    I made this tonight for thanksgiving tomorrow and instead of saving it, we ended up having to try it. It was very tasty.
    I did add a light dusting of cinnamon over the apples before folding over the crust.
    The only issue i had is that my apple slices came out pretty soft and almost mushy.
    I suppose I can try to cut the apples slices a little wider, but I cut them by hand, so I don’t see how they could have been too thin.
    Anyone have a similar issue?
    Still, very good.

  111. Just finished reading “Bakewise” by Shirley Corrirher (cookery science! food geek love!) and bore her flaky pastry tips in mind when making this tart – and it was so so good. Simple, beautiful. If you liked the cookie pies (genius) then you might like these as individual tarts too – one half sliced apple on a 10cm round of pastry, crimped around the edges. Cute! Thank-you again x

  112. Hi Deb! I made this apple tart galette-style(!) for Thanksgiving and it was a HUGE hit. Thanks for posting the recipe and the step-by-step photos and comments. It definitely eased the nervous baker in me to know that something so delicious could be made so easily!

  113. Renata

    This recipe is definitely best with very tart apples. I tried one with tart green apples and one with some softer, sweeter red apples (I think Fuji) and the green apples were more pleasing in taste and texture after baking. The crust came out really well and was easy to work with. I used demerara sugar to sprinkle on top but I think white sugar would’ve looked nicer after all. As for the glaze, I can suggest adding some cornstarch to thicken it up–after trying to cook my syrup down for 45 minutes I tried this and was happy with the result. Also, I made a free-form galette style tart, which worked well, but next time I’ll definitely multiply the crust recipe by 1.5 so I can make a bigger tart!

  114. Katrina

    Made this for dessert and it was totally fab.
    Made it with Pink Lady… Don't. The apples were still puckishly sour.
    We had this with thickened cream and that really worked.
    Am thinking of either lemon zest or cinnamon the next time.
    I love the pastry with the sugar crust and will make a double next time, so we can have more crust, and gooey apples inside.
    Another great recipe.
    Definitely a keeper!!!

  115. Joyce

    This recipe seemed so charmingly French that I make it as a housewarming gift for a friend I studied abroad with in Paris. Made it freeform with Granny Smith apples, cut the sugar a bit, and skipped the glaze (because I accidentally left in on the stove too long and it burned to the bottom of the pan) and it was delicious! Fantastic recipe with beautiful photographs I’m newly addicted to your blog – have been clicking the surprise me button all morning!

  116. Anna

    Oh Wow! Gorgeous!! I love how easy you make it sound with your summary of the recipe….and it was easy! Making this for dinner with my in-laws, I think it’s going to be a big hit!

  117. I made this sometime ago and want to thank you for sharing. I tried quite a bit of apple tart recipes and this has been my favorite by far because it’s simple and turns out very flavorful and moist. Great a-la-mode as well.


  118. Candy Apple

    I played test kitchen last night! What a beautiful thing to behold! I made two tarts,one I placed in a 6 in. iron skillet(u know an egg skillet) and the other I made free standing. Where as the skillet one was pretty, the free standing one was too beautiful to eat! I also like the way the crust browned from the bottom up on the free-standing tart( golden) The next time a make these I will be sure to have lemon juice, as the apples I worked with were extremely small due to lack of rain in my region. It took so much time to peel and slice the tiny things, that they turned dark.As far as cutting them, I stood them upright, and cut slices out of them till I came to the core, then I turned it and cut again.(4 times) made for square apple slices

  119. Grace

    I’m making this for the second time and I love it. I love the pastry, love how it’s not too sweet.. thanks for sharing, although now I’m a little galette-addicted. Tried the zucchini ricotta one too and loooved it.

  120. Amy

    This looks sooo pretty!! my guy’s a fan of apple pies and I love how this tart version has all the goodness but more apples and a glaze instead of a top crust. I am making this RIGHT now but obviously wasn’t able to make it as pretty as yours! Love love love :)

  121. Jay

    This tart is a DREAM. Easy to make, and both the taste and texture are to die for. I know I will be making it over and over again. Simply amazing. And your zucchini and ricotta galette has completely changed our lives too. My husband just can’t get enough of it. Thank you for the truly fantastic recipes!

  122. Jes

    Any advice on maybe storing extra glaze for future use? i made more than i needed but am loath to throw it out. Normally i’d eat it with a spoon but i feel like there should be a better use for it.

  123. Anna

    Just made this in LA august heat – the dough was a beast to roll out, but in the end I am sure it will still taste delicious. Have done this with apples before; trying a peach version for a summer dinner party. Would you make this with just about any fruit? Would berries work?

  124. Sophie

    Hello, I love all your recipes but am struggling with the measurements in teaspoons, tablespoons and cups!! I’m currently trying to convert everything into grams but have to make lots of calculation which in the end don’t seem to make much sense to my disappointment. Could you help me maybe for the measurements of the dough??
    Thanks a lot S

  125. Angela

    I made this last night for dessert using apples that we picked from a local apple orchard last weekend. It was easy and ABSOLUTELY (really, really) DELICIOUS!!!!! The simple crust was to die for … so buttery and flaky. My husband LOVED it! I’ve never posted a review … but this recipe really deserved one. I’m keeping this one in my “favorites” file.

  126. Emily

    I have made this once before, and it was delicious! I’m planning to make it tomorrow for guests, but I’m wondering if I can prepare it the day before to save on time, and then bake it tomorrow. I’m just worried about the apples turning brown or affecting the dough, while in the fridge. What are your thoughts? I’ve made many things from your blog before as well, and all of them have been wonderful! Thanks so much!

  127. I really didn’t want to do yet another apple pie, and am so glad I happened upon this recipe. I did 2 tarts since my pate brisee recipe (martha) yields 2, and used bellflower apples from our tree; their not very good eating apples, but so good for baking. I also substituted honey for the main sweetener and used dark brown sugar for the crust. I thought about giving the second one as a gift, but I don’t like anyone that much! (terrible, right?)
    Next time I’ll do the crust first, then peel the apples and arrange as I go, since I think that will shave off some of my prep time.

    Thanks so much,
    Jennie Alice

  128. chunyee

    Yum Yum!!!! perfection every time….now my all time favourite (and family’s)!!! Great for my 8 year old son to help with and now every one loves apple pies!!!!

    I can’t wait to make it especially since we have so many apples in autumn time.

    Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful recipe with the world. I can’t really bake but now have found that i can and will make it for all my friends and guests!

    1. deb

      Jana — Oh, HEAR HEAR. Yes, absolutely. You could probably refrigerate it (before you roll it) for up to two days and freeze it (wrapped well) for a month.

  129. C

    I just wanted to chip in that it’s a definite possibility that this recipe is impossible to mess up.

    I’m a 19-year-old college student who made this for a fencing team dinner, in a college apartment, without a food processor or a vegetable peeler, having never made a pie crust before.

    And it had to be gluten-free.

    I was totally freaking out because I had a gluten-free flour blend that was mostly garbanzo bean and fava bean flour, which are really not things I want to taste in my pie crust.

    And it was amazing. Seriously. I made caramel instead of the syrup because I didn’t have a strainer, but no one complained.

  130. Brady

    Made this for the first time for Thanksgiving. Haven’t eaten it yet but it turned out beautifully. I did have to add a bit more water to keep the dough together and boiled the glaze down for much longer than recommended to get it to a syrupy consistency. I used an apple called Arkansas Red that had a wonderfully deep red skin that colored the glaze a candy-apple red. Additionally I used apple cider instead of water and added cinnamon and whole cloves to the glaze for a bit of spice.

    Can’t wait to taste!!

  131. Gayla

    Absolutely stupendous. Next time I will make a recipe and 1/2 of the dough for a larger galette, I also added cinnamon and a cinnamon stick and I think I might add a little brandy to the glaze. This was so easy baking it right on the parchment. First time for me. May never go back. Just wish it were easy to print and to share on facebook and pinterest

  132. Mandy P

    I’ve made this twice in the past week and only change for me was to add cinnamon. I can’t bake apples without it and it really made this tart amazing! My kids loved it so much especially with butter pecan ice cream. Great recipe!

  133. I saw some other people post about the glaze and had the same problem. What consistency is it supposed to have? To me it came out more like an apple cider (a nice side effect, so now I have some apple cider) but no good for a glaze — it soaked into the dough and took away the crispiness.

    1. deb

      Hi Dave — It might need to be reduced more than suggested. Ideally, it will be thick and syrupy, so it can be brushed on. One might be able to get away with less water than suggested, too.

  134. Morgan

    Hey Deb! Wanted to make this recipe today but I only have 5 apples. Will I reduce the amount of the other ingredients (like the sugar, butter, etc), Or is it alright if I follow the recipe as is? Also, is it okay for me to use two knives to make the dough(don’t have a pastry blender) or if I do use a mixer, what attachment will I use?
    Sorry about the questions. This will be my first time making a tart:)
    Thank you so much!

  135. Caitlin V

    This is the second recipe that I have tried from your site (first was the chocolate roll-out cookies). It was delicious. Everyone really enjoyed it. I love apple desserts, but have shied away from making tarts because I don’t like the apricot preserves they seem to all be glazed with. Your glaze is delicious! It really gives it an extra apple kick. I did throw a little cinnamon on the apples, since I’m kind of a cinnamon fiend. Thank you!

  136. Shelly

    I’ve made this several times before, always on a pizza stone, and loved the results. Over the weekend, I made this in a tart pan and the bottom crust did not cook properly toward the middle (bottom close to the outside was fine.) Any ideas what happened? It was really pale and under cooked :( (But the rest of the tart was delicious, so we’re still eating it!)

  137. irma

    I just made this. For the first time my crust came together and I was really happy about it… until I put it in the oven and the juice from my apples began overflowing. Ugh.
    I think maybe I tore the crust? Or maybe I made the crust too thin? The apples were too juicy? They were firm but I don’t know, I’m at loss. The only thing I changed was adding some cinnamon to the apples… Maybe that’s it?
    I made it in a 9 inch glass tart pan, folded the sides over and they’re just delicious but the rest is just, watery :( Maybe it’s supposed to be like this?
    Now we’re just eating the sides, mmm :) Anyway, thank you Deb.

  138. Denis

    Just made this. WOW! Used parchment paper on a pizza sheet. Perfect. Added a bit of cinnamon to the apples. My sauce was a bit thin, but after reducing it down it worked okay. Served warm with whip cream. This one is a company dish.

  139. Rebecca

    Hi Deb,
    I love your site and book! Wondering if I make this ahead, where in the recipe is the best place to pause. Can I put the whole thing together early in the day (minus the glaze) refrigerate it, and then pop it in the oven during dinner? Or, would something go terribly wrong? Thanks!

    1. deb

      Rebecca — I think that would work just fine. I also think it will keep well at room temperature once baked, and you can just add the glaze before serving.

  140. Grace

    I tried this recipe out today for two reasons: one- it is simple, two-I wanted to impress my boss and her spouse. Hit it out of the ballpark! Thank you for helping me progress my career and also for helping me to become a better baker/cook. I look forward to learning more from your blog and book.
    PS…your blog seems to have magic powers over my social life. Ex: I made friends by bringing a gateau de crepes to a potluck. Do you have any recipes that’ll help me find my one true love(or someone who will do the dishes and spoon me)?

  141. I rolled the crust out to a 14″ circle and put the apples in a 9″ circle. The crust folded over the entire outer ring of apples, leaving just a small circle in the middle, which made it look a bit more like a giant danish. I made it gallette style, and it leaked making it sticky and hard-to-move. Next time I may increase the crust or roll it out less.
    I thought it was pretty silly that you found it impossible to put on more than 3 tbsp of sugar; you just keep pouring till it’s done. Except I had to stop too; it was too much. Next time I’ll sugar the outer ring of apples before folding the crust in.
    The glaze worked great. I simmered it for half an hour or so (actually adding water to keep the peels under) then squeezed them out through sack cloth and boiled the liquid down to a nice thick goo, which was a pretty red from the fuji apple peels.
    Overall a delicious success.

  142. Thanks for sharing this recipe! I have made three of them now, and all turned out well. The best ones were done on a baking stone. I also like the flexibility of size possible when using the stones.

  143. Rachael

    yes i concur- i keep a stockpile of frozen scoops of that very cookie recipe in my freezer at all times!

    i made 3 of these today (in a 9″ pie plate, a 10″ tart pan, and another 9″ deep dish pie plate) and they were AWESOME. this is infinitely easier and tastier than the apple slab pie, and you absolutely cannot have it without the apple syrup.

    i also made 6 (6!) batches of your *perfect* chicken noodle soup to serve at my weekly Bible study. thanks, as always, for your epic recipes that continue to impress!

  144. Judy

    A. What’s a gallette?
    B. Can I use Granny Smith or will they be too
    C. How many apples is that approximately
    Is the reason for less sugar because it would be toooo sweet?
    I think that’s it.
    When is your thanksgiving?

  145. SueinAK

    Probably a silly question, but… am I supposed to brush the glaze onto the folded-over part of the crust, or only onto the fruit? I’m wondering mainly because, in the photo at the top, it does not look as though the crust has been glazed – those sugar crystals look so perfect and crunchy! Also, did you use some type of large-crystal sugar to sprinkle on the top?

  146. Danita

    Made this for Thanksgiving using a combination of granny smith and pears. Delicious! I served it with pumpkin ice cream (I use the William Sonoma mix).
    Any ideas what to do with all of the leftover apple syrup? Thanks.

  147. Beth

    I made this on a whim this afternoon. Like all of your recipes it was great. My family polished it off in about 3 minutes flat and then said “make another one!”

  148. Terry

    THANKYOUSOVERYMUCH for such a wonderful recipe, pictures and all! I needed to make something today with what I had in the house and this was really a fun and classy dessert that looks far more overwhelming to make than it is! I’m not very successful with crusts and this one worked beautifully. I am really tickled that it isn’t sickly sweet, and I just added cinnamon for my spice fix. I appreciate all your feedback and tips too. I’m definitely for doubling it–yum!

  149. julie

    Adding an extra tablespoon of water, if the dough seems dry, would be way too much. It should be no more than 1 1/2 tsp. In Alice Waters original recipe, she has double the amount of ingrediants as you, to make two crusts. She reccomends an extra tablespoon of water if the dough seems dry but since you have halved the ingrediants, you should have halved the water.

  150. Mary

    Can I just tell you that I found this recipe last Sunday when I was looking for a relatively quick dessert to take to my sister’s for dinner, and I had a box of macintosh apples from my auntie. It turned out AMAZING! It was just like the name of the recipe- so simple. I doubled the recipe because I have a 12 inch tart pan so I was able to make the tart and a smaller gallette. I just put the tart in my sister’s oven when I got to her house and it baked while we ate dinner. But the crust was so flaky and wonderful, my sister wanted to kill me, and the simple taste of these beautiful Fall apples highlighted without anything but a little turbinado sugar that I sprinkled on and the butter- just fantastic!
    I usually am turned off by tart recipes because I always think they look dry or something but now I’m converted.
    So thank you! It is such a keeper recipe.
    An avid at home cook in British Columbia, Canada

  151. Jan

    Fantastic! I’ve made it two days in a row. One night for friends and tonight for family. Making the glaze from the peels and core is genius – all that natural pectin and sublime tart Apple flavor! My mind is already spinning on the variations. Today I added a bit of lemon juice to the glaze and a pinch of cinnamon (ok everyone, stop shaking your fingers at me

  152. Daiene

    What can I say? DIVINE! I just made it and my husband ate half already. I have made apple tart many times trying to use different recipes but from now on I will be using this brilliant one. Thank you for sharing it with us!

  153. Emilass

    I’m thinking of making this for Thanksgiving and wondered how it copes with being made ahead of time? Can I make it a day or two before and then bake it day of, should I bake it the night before?
    This looks so good, really hope to make it soon!

  154. Deb! I made this for Thanksgiving and it was a huge hit! It was my FIRST Thanksgiving hosting and I was so nervous so I turned to a recipe that I knew would be absolutely spectacular! I also just snuck a piece out of the refrigerator and I only have one slice left and I’m about to CRY just thinking about it I might just have to make another one! I’ll definitely be making it for Christmas that’s for sure! I made this over 3 years ago at our old old apartment (two apartments ago!) and my fiancé’s dad and stepmom came for dinner (at the time we were just dating, had just moved in together, I had just started cooking and I hadn’t even started my blog yet! so now that I think about it it may have been FOUR years ago!)… they came for Thanksgiving tonight and they are my future in-laws (wedding in March!) and they LOVED it just as much if not more than the first time! And the best part is that they REMEMBERED it!!! They were like “this is SO good, is this the same one you made before when we came to Chapel Hill?” WHY YES! It IS the same tart I made 4 years ago to try to impress you into thinking I was good enough to be dating your son! Now we are getting married…crazy how things go! Anyway, sorry for the novel but basically this recipe saves my life every time I need to impress and I am SO grateful to have found this recipe forever ago (when you posted it!) and that I still can count on it time and time again even as years pass!! Thanks so much Deb (and thanks for liking my IG post with the pic… I tagged you because I wanted you to know how much everyone LOVED it and how beautiful it was for my Thanksgiving dinner!!!) Thank you so so much and Happy Thanksgiving!

  155. Sophia

    I feel like I can leave a comment now that I have made this tart not once, but 5 times in the last few weeks. I made it with different types of apples (golden delicious, braeburns, and granny smiths) and even with Bosc pears. Every time, the tart turned out beautifully. The dough recipe is THE best one I’ve tried so far – it’s crispy, flaky, and absolutely delicious. Even when I made this tart with the pears, which have more moisture, the crust remained perfectly cooked and golden underneath. Thank you, Deb!

  156. Elana

    This was amazing and ridiculously easy. Had am extra 1/2 recipe pie dough in fridge so didn’t make crust called for in recipe but made everything else exactly as directed. This comes out like apple pie’s more elegant, sophisticated (French) cousin. Served w vanilla ice cream but didn’t need. Used 4 tbsp sugar and gala apples (a little over 2 lbs) in a 10 inch tart pan. One great tip: used one of those garden variety egg slicers to quickly, evenly slice the apples. You can do a quarter of a small apple at a time and works like a charm. Find it easier than a mandolin, personally.

  157. Jeff

    Love, love, love this recipe. I’ve made it many times and is highly requested by friends and family.
    A confession, though- I’ve been cheating on your pie crust recipe since I’ve tried this one:

    It solves for me the the problem of butter leaking out of the crust and the tart ending up in a puddle of melted butter coming out of the oven. The results are more consistent, very flaky and tender.

  158. Katy

    Hmm I think I messed up a bit, because we enjoyed it, but I’ve definitely made better tarts. In retrospect, there was a bit too little dough for 2 full pounds of apples. I think we would have liked it better with Granny Smith instead of Golden Delicious – the Goldens were a bit mushy and flavorless after baking. I also apparently totally watered down my glaze, it was definitely more like runny juice than a glaze and I ended up throwing out more than a cup at the end… whoops.

  159. JP

    I made this tart and have a few comments. I had a bit of trouble rolling it out to 14″, in fact, I could not- only rolled it out to 12″…I think I would have liked a little more pastry to fold over, because as it was, the pastry was very thin. I could not find a place, at the end, to sprinkle all 5 tablespoons of sugar either, so used a couple tablespoons less. My glaze was very thin…I suppose I could have continued to cook it down, and probably should have. I, like Katy #248, threw away most of it and did not find that it added anything to the finished tart. The tart itself was absolutely delicious. Served with vanilla ice cream and a dollop of caramel sauce (a gift from Fenton’s Ice Creamery in Oakland, CA, the best caramel sauce in the world), this tart even warmed up well in the microwave on day two and three,and if I was the sort, I would have licked my plate. The nicest thing was how quickly it all came together and what a high quality tart it turned out to be. Thank you, Deb!

  160. Jo

    Hello! I tried making this before and mine came out runny and the juices of the apples made the bottom of my tart soggy :( Although it still tasted good, I was wondering if you have any suggestions as to what I can do to make the juices less runny? Would blind baking/prebaking the crust help too?
    Thanks so much, Deb!! :)

  161. deb

    Jo — Hm, I’ve never had that much wetness. I wonder if it was the kind of apple, maybe it was extra juicy. This isn’t the kind of tart that can be blind-baked because it’s not in a baking pan or anything to hold the shape, unfortunately.

  162. susan

    I was searching for images of Apple Galette and came across your post. Awesome photos! I have made several fruit galettes before and I just adore them. I bought apples – ‘seconds’ for baking – at a Farmer’s Market in Seattle yesterday and they’ll be perfect for this extra delicious looking recipe. And the heavenly smell of it in the oven is seriously therapeutic.

  163. Oh yeah – forgot to recommend to Jo to try mixing a couple tablespoons of flour in with the apples before laying them out on the dough if the apples seem extra juicy.

  164. Mimi (another one)

    Hi Deb,

    thank you SO MUCH for adding grams and ml to the recipe, that helps a lot.
    Especially with “cups”, I’m always a bit suspicious if the “internet converter” is giving me the correct answer.

    I’m trying out this tart as soon as possible… I love apple pies/cakes/tarts… and I love your recipes :)

  165. Masha

    I have made this about twenty times at this point, and it’s amazing, thank you for the fantastic recipe.

    Something I’ve found that helps prevent tearing of the dough (and leaking) — I roll it out and assemble the tart on the parchment paper that it’s going to be baked on — that way when I’m done, I can just pick the whole sheet up and plop it on a cookie sheet instead of trying to do it with a spatula or my hands.

  166. Rupi D

    This recipe was excellent and surprisingly easy I thought! And so pretty. For the sugar you sprinkle on top of the apples, I added some cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. I also added the same spices to the glaze. Loved it all, it was a little tart, a little sweet and the dough was perfect. Thank you!

  167. Elle

    I have made this over and over again. It always turns out fantastically beautiful. Never had one complaint and even turned a few apple haters around. The last one I made was all mine; gone by breakfast! Thanks Deb and Jacque Pepin; fan for life;)

  168. Catalina

    Just made this and it’s the best apple pie I’ve ever had, let alone make. I don’t think it’s going to survive long enough for someone other than myself to get to taste it.
    Thanks, Deb!

  169. Eva

    Hi Deb! What would you suggest I do for a pie that had a LOT of juice runoff from the apples, and major apple shrinkage from the crust? The pastry ended up hovering a good half inch above the layer of apples, and there’s a pool of watery juice at the bottom of the pie. Any ideas for avoiding this?

  170. Could I make the dough in advance – maybe 48 hours in advance? Hoping to make for Thanksgiving but my MIL doesn’t have a mixer (oof) so I’d like to make the dough at home and assemble/bake there. Thanks!

    1. Ilka

      you can make the crust ahead of time. I usually double wrap it in plastic wrap and keep it in the freezer, just put it in the fridge the day before so it’s ready to roll out.

  171. Hannah

    I use all whole wheat flour and it turns out great! Also turbinado sugar sprinkled on top during the last step before baking gives the crust a nice crunch and looks sparkly. And I add a dash of cinnamon on top of the apples.

  172. I bought 20 lbs of apples from a local farm and have made this twice-will likely make it again very soon! It is soooooo good and so easy. Especially if you have a pate brise sitting in your freezer. Thank you for sharing this! I also sprinkle a dash of cinnamon on the apples.

  173. Sara

    Hi Deb,

    First time posting but I’ve lurked on your site for years. I love your writing style while the pictures and recipes are just Yum! My question is about freezing the crust. I’m trying to be proactive this year for Christmas, and I wondered can I make this dough and freeze it for 2-3 weeks. Then unfreeze in the refrigerator the day before its being used?

  174. nfranklin2015

    Made this today, using up a frozen dough that had been in the freezer too long and apples that needed using pronto. I did use the tart pan, a trick I’d never thought of with other galettes. You’re right, apples+butter+sugar (+ heat!) = awesomeness!

  175. Kristi L

    I made this tart as a galette, and it was a big hit with the family. Even though I made my dough a little on the damp side, it turned out fine. I loved the syrup made from the peels and cores. Normally I compost my trimmings, but thought that this waste-not, want-not approach to a glaze was wonderful. Also, the kids loved picking out the teeny bits of apple from the (cooled) trimmings. I served it with whipped cream sweetened with maple syrup.

  176. Bridgit

    I’ve now made this 3 times. I end up using closer to 1 1/2 tbsp sugar, and still sweet enough. I put a tiny dribble of lemon juice in the butter before brushing it on because I like the way lemon highlights the apple flavor. Also, to make the syrup, I only put in enough water to go about halfway up the fruit trimmings and put a lid on it so it all steams into a mush. Then I use the leftovers as a mixer with cava or whiskey. It’s a stunning recipe: people are always impressed!

  177. VA

    Love this recipe and how the delicious sweetness and flavour of the apples aren’t compromised by any other spices.

    I’m alreay planning to make it again later this week for my mom. Thank you so much for a great recipe as always.

  178. Mari

    This was totally a hit! I made it gluten free with blitzed almonds and rice flour but kept everything else the same. It turned out more like a crisp because the crust was so nutty and soft. SO. GOOD. thank you Deb for all your tips on working with crust! You make me feel more confident to try new things!

  179. Dana V

    Help! What does ropey mean? And tossing the dough between your fingers? I really don’t understand. The only dough I’ve ever made cake together in a ball, no tossing so I’ve no idea what you mean? Is there another way to describe?

  180. Dana V

    Help! What does ‘toss through fingers’ and ‘ropy’ mean? Only dough I’ve made just became a ball and then was rolled out. Is there another way to describe what you mean? I’d love to make for company but I’m totally confused and obviously a beginner when it comes to dough. Thank u!!

  181. This recipe must be quite forgiving because it tasted amazing and looked “magazine photo spread” beautiful. All this despite my dough being a little too sticky, having far too many leftover apple slices and less dough than I anticipated when rolled out, and apples that looked too wet out of the oven. I made it as a galette and as written but for a little less sugar due to fewer apples used. This one’s a keeper!

  182. Lindsey

    I made this and it was unfortunately an extreme failure…somewhat my fault but alas. Firstly, i needed about twice the amount of water to get the pie dough to come together. Then, when I tried to roll it into a 14 inch circle, i ended up with a nearly paper thin dough that needed to be patched together (and of course I didn’t use enough flour, which was my own fault). I used pears instead of apples, which resulted in far too much liquid in the tart, which I had to spoon out of the galette as it was baking. Because of all the extra liquid, the (paper thin) bottom crust barely baked at all. If I were to make this again I would use the crust recipe from the burst tomato galette (also SK recipe) — that one worked like a charm for me earlier this week!

  183. Enna

    How long will this keep before you serve it? I want to make it for Thanksgiving, but given my cooking schedule/oven availability, it will HAVE to be made Wednesday night. I plan to use pears. Will that work?

  184. Amy

    I’ve been making this tart a lot with great success. I like it in galette form. It does seem a little runny out the bottom, but always turns out well. I’ve made it with apples and pears.

    The one time it didn’t work was when I used tart cherries that had been “put up” in a jar. I did drain off the liquid, but the cherries were probably still too moist (compared to apples) and the crust didn’t hold up. So my lesson learned is that a moister fruit requires a different crust!

  185. That looks amazing! I love anything baked-apple related. I usually make apple crisp to avoid using a dough to cover everything making it into a complete pie. So, this apple tart is a great idea!

  186. Zoë

    Hi Deb! I exclusively make your desserts – you’re the only one I trust! First time commenting, very exciting :) I’ve made this tart before and love it, but I’d like to make it for my mom & grandma who are pre-diabetic and can’t have much sugar. Do you think this would be OK without any sugar? Do you think I should make any other changes to make that work? Thanks!!

  187. Heather

    This was SO good and really fun to make. Looking forward to using the apple syrup to make Italian soda. Thanks for yet another perfect recipe!

  188. Tziporah

    Incredibly delicious. I found I only used about 500 grams of apple – I used a mix of honey crisp, JonaGold and pink lady, which are all firm and tart apples. I only used about 1 tablespoon sugar on the actual tart and 1/4 cup + 1 tbsp sugar in the glaze. It took longer to cook down than expected, so I turned up the heat and then ended up with a delicious red apple cores and stems jelly.

    Thanks Deb for another winner.

  189. Lee Ann

    This is so simple and delicious! I made a different crust, because I had one in the freezer already. I used Fuji apples, and they were perfect. I sprinkled the top with a little coconut sugar, because my mom didn’t have white sugar, & it turned out so good! I will definitely make this again.

  190. Prema

    This was just sublime. I loved making it yesterday as a galette in honor of Pi Day and even those crust-haters in my family gobbled up the crust. I used a bunch of beginning-to-shrivel-up apples from our CSA box, and they were fantastic. A scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side was pure nirvana. We couldn’t believe how “pure” of an apple taste there was throughout the dessert. Deb, thank you for bringing this incredible recipe to our attention!

  191. Lois Brenner

    Sounds delicious and quite simple.
    We’ve made your recipe for lemon bars with more lemon juice and adding 1/3 cup whipping cream…makes the bars as good as the best bakeries!

  192. Cindy

    I’ve got a package of puff pastry in the freezer and a crisper of apples. could I roll out the puff pastry a bit and use a rectangular pan?

  193. Robin Rudd

    “ blend in a mixer”? Can you describe what you mean please. Do you mean with a hand mixer with beaters or do you mean in a stand up mixer with a paddle ?
    Thanks can’t wait to try it.
    I’m so excited for your new book!

  194. Barbara

    Deb – your site and books are my first stop when looking for a recipe. I had made your any-kind-of-fruit galette before, but this apple tart is a step up. I used the tart pan which made it more fancy for Thanksgiving, and am doing the same for NYE. Simply delicious. I put the 3 tbsp of sugar on the apples before overlapping with the dough and had no trouble using that amount. I than used turbinado sugar for the crust. At first I was going to skip the syrup, but definitely worth it. I used Pink Lady apples and they gave the syrup a beautiful pink tint. Thanks so much for the inspiration.

  195. Katie

    I made this with tart apples picked from the side of a rural road. They turned out surprisingly soft (so I’m glad I didn’t end up making the tart tatin! I’m grateful you scared me off of using apples of unknown baking quality) but GOOD! This was also my first pâte brisée, and it turned out delicious, flaky, and not a bit soggy on the bottom. I really loved the way the glaze used the scraps. I didn’t make any alterations to the recipe; just sprinkled a bit of lemon juice over my prepared apples in a futile attempt to keep them from browning, but I tend to like a little lemon with my apples regardless. As others have mentioned, this is a lovely, simple flavor that really lets the apple shine. It was refreshing not to have all the typical apple pie spices in there. I’ll definitely make this again!

  196. Hannah M

    I made the dough for this a day in advance, then wrapped it up with ice packs and drove several hours to bake it in an ill-equipped kitchen using a wine bottle for a rolling pin and a 10″ tart pan that was missing its bottom plate and despite all of that it turned out absolutely delicious. The crust was particularly good – very thin and crisp on the bottom even under all the apples. I’ll definitely make it again with proper tools sometime.

  197. Janice

    I made this yesterday for a family dinner and everyone loved it! I used a sweeter apple so I used less sugar than the recipe said and didn’t do the glaze as the family is trying to be healthier with our desserts. I would try a little bit of cinnamon in the brown sugar next time as I will definitely be making this again!

  198. Ellyn Ruhlmann

    This tart looks delicious, but I already have someone bringing an apple pie. I could substitute Bartlett pears for the apples, couldn’t I?