Salt and Sacrifice Update The Shunned Namekeeper, Live Now!

The Salt and Sacrifice update is live, featuring new content: The Shunned Namekeeper. Patch notes below:

The Shunned Namekeeper

Update New Content

  • New Namekeeper NPC/Merchant.
  • Many weapons, armor, and other items sold by the Namekeeper.
  • The merchant NPC inventory has been expanded.
  • The kingsguard now sells royal equipment.
  • Tarcloth for buffing mundane weapons.
  • Essence for breathing magical attacks.
  • Incense for restoration and recovery buffs.
  • Dagger items that allow sacrificing HP for rage, focus, or ammo.
  • Hourglass for resetting roaming mages.
  • Bowl of Pages for locating roaming mages.
  • Tattooed Egg for sparring with your cooperative partners.
  • Show/Hide helmet option in Settings->Gameplay that also syncs over the network.

Fixes / Improvements

  • The cost of equipment purchased with silver has been adjusted to reflect the equipment tier.
  • Players in NG+ no longer need to unlock NPCs for matching they’ve unlocked on previous playthroughs with their character.
  • Players in NG+ are no longer limited to matchmaking with players based on maps they’ve visited on their current game iteration.
  • Fated hunts may sometimes reward multiplayer tokens.
  • Icon added in stores and crafting screens to indicate which items the player already owns.
  • Ranged attack cooldowns have been adjusted to prevent spamming attacks by canceling animations
  • Chrono bubbles will no longer slow time for friendly targets.
  • Suffocating Rain and other runic arts attacks sync better over the network.
  • Fated Hunt descriptions now show the correct tier in NG+.
  • Music no longer relies on Windows Media Player being installed (Windows only).
  • Starstones in storage can be used for leveling.
  • Incorrect upgrade level icons no longer render over artifacts/charms.

Patch is live now on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Epic Games Store.