About webhooks

When your app needs information about specific events that have occurred on a shop, it can subscribe to Shopify webhook topics as a mechanism for receiving near-real-time data about these events.

Shopify webhooks are useful for keeping your app in sync with Shopify data, or as a trigger to perform an additional action after that event has occurred. They are also a performant alternative to continuously polling for changes to a shop's data.

This guide provides a quick primer on when to use APIs versus webhooks, as well as key terminology and behaviors that are specific to Shopify webhooks.

  • Sending notifications about changes in inventory levels to inventory management clients and pagers
  • Informing shipping companies about changes in orders, returns, or refunds
  • Removing customer data from a database for app uninstalls
  • Integrating data about orders with accounting software
  • Updating a product's warranty price based on changes to the product's price