
game dev and scarves



A quick, debug loaded update on this holiday morning!

This year I’ve put a lot of effort into getting back to the original simple and fast feeling I wanted throbot to have, and also put a lot more into the collision and drawing systems so hopefully everything looks a bit more fun and a bit less slow.

Also since a lot of people are moving website, a quick reminder that I have a twitter as well!  https://twitter.com/scarfdev 

Anonymous asked:

If I can give a bit of game design advice: please don't make the cute tutorial girl annoying. She's so adorable it would be a shame if she just ranted on and on about shit the player can figure out naturally. Give her personality! Whatever you want! But if there is a lot of necessary text that needs to be read at least allow faster text scrolling. Thanks so much, love the game so far. Super creative ❤️❤️ the character designs are awesome and the animations are super smooth. Keep it up!!

No matter how many times I say it people don’t seem to get that the cannon post is just a joke thing making fun of unasked for tutorials. I have 0 plans for Cap to tell you how to play the game unless you are stuck in some part of the first level for multiple minutes or something, even then it’d be something like “There’s only 2 buttons, just press em a lot till something works”

In short, don’t worry she’s cool, and glad you like the game so far.

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