Thank you from sawyer

We Couldn't Have Done Any of this Without You.

You might not have realized it but we've been able to do some pretty incredible things around the world over the past 10 years with support from users like you.So from the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

Happier World

Every Sawyer product you buy is a contribution to our common humanity, bringing clean water programs to people in need domestically, internationally, and in disaster relief missions all around the world. We are 10+ years into relief programs and are very fortunate to work with over 140 charities in 80 countries, touching (and saving!) the lives of millions of people every year.


Clean Water Border to Border

We believe we have a moral obligation to help as many people as we can. With the help of 130,000 Sawyer water filters and 3,700 wells, Liberia is now the first developing country with clean water, border to border, as of December of 2020. Sawyer filters helped bring clean water to the last 20% of rural Liberia that everyone said was impossible to reach.


Reduction in Diarrhea


Water Filters Distributed


of Liberia now has access to clean drinking water

From the Trail

Meet our ambassadors. They're experts on the trail who love the way our products stand up to the elements and delight us with stories from their next-level adventures.