Our Privacy Policy for Kids


Have you ever wondered what a privacy policy is? Sure, it sounds a little boring, but it’s actually pretty important stuff. Protecting your information when you’re using apps and websites is a big deal, and we always make sure kids are safe when they’re playing our games. Our apps may be silly, but we’re serious about your privacy!

Our privacy policy lets you know about the information you give us and how we protect it. If you have any questions, ask your parent or guardian to read through our privacy policy on our website, and give us a shout if you haven’t found the answer to your question. We’re always happy to help!

Let's get started!

Imagine you’re playing a game where you’re a wizard who loves to go on adventures. You’ve got all kinds of special wizard powers, but these powers help you control your personal information in the digital world like your name, where you live, and your favorite games. You can use these powers whenever you want and you can always ask your parent or guardian to help. (Even all-powerful wizards need a helping hand from time to time!)

Your Wizard Powers

See into the future (right to be informed): Some surprises are good (like a birthday present), and some aren’t as fun (like a rainy day without an umbrella). Your wizard powers let you see into the future and see how your information is being used as you play our apps. It’s always handy to start an adventure prepared! Find out how we use your personal information here.

Check your magical backpack (right of access): Pretend your wizard has a magical backpack that keeps all your information safe. At any time during your quest, you can open your backpack and see all the information you’ve shared with the app. It’s kind of like seeing what you’ve brought along for your adventure!

Change your gear (right to rectification): Did you pack a pair of socks in your backpack instead of some mittens? While socks can still keep your hands warm, it’s just not the same – so it’s important to be able to change things up when you need to. It’s the same thing with your information. If any information about you is wrong, you can ask to fix it anytime.

Magic erasing spell (right to erasure): If you don’t want to have your information stored, you can delete it at any time. It’s like having a magic erasing spell you can use whenever you want. Now you see it, now you don’t!

Stop time (right to restrict processing): This wizard power is a lot like pressing pause. At any point, you can hit pause and stop your data from being used. You can restart it later if you want.

Fast travel spell (right to data portability): If you’re trying out another Sago Mini or Piknik app, you can take your personal information with you! It’s like you’re traveling to another world to explore and bringing along all the info you’ll need.

Invisibility spell (right to object): If you don’t want to have the game use your info, you can ask the app to stop using your data. It’s a bit like being invisible. Just like your other wizard powers, you can use this any time you want! The app won’t collect any more of your data.

Auto helper powers (rights related to automated decision-making): If you don’t want the app to automatically collect your info, it doesn’t have to! Your parent or guardian can get in touch with us and turn off this auto helper if you don’t want it.

Remember – in the digital world, you’re an all-powerful wizard and it’s up to you how you use your powers. As always, we make sure that your information is protected so you can safely explore our apps.

What information is being collected

When you’re playing our apps or visiting our website, we may collect some information to keep you safe and make sure everything works smoothly. Some of this could be information that you give us or that we collect automatically. This information includes:

    • What apps you’re playing
    • How you play our apps
    • Your country and city
    • The type of device you use
    • Identifications from your device
    • Your parent or guardian’s email address
    • Information from your profile on your parent or guardian’s Piknik account

How we use the information

We use this information to make our apps even more fun! Here’s how:

    • We look at how you play our games so we can learn how to make them better.
    • We use your country and city to make sure the game is in the right language.
    • We check what type of device you use to make sure our games work on it.
    • With the help of Apple we use your information to understand if the ads we have about our game reach the right people – which are hopefully people who aren’t already playing it!
    • We use the information to help you if your app is not working as it should.

If something isn't working right in the app, you might get a helping hand from Tom, one of Sago Mini's friendly gnomes. He's always happy to lend a hand! He'll try his best to answer your question or send you information that can help your parent or guardian fix the problem. If Tom isn't able to answer your question, your parent or guardian can reach out to a Sago Mini team member who can help you out.

If you’re reaching out for help on our website, we’ll need to collect some information so we can get back to you. Be sure to check our help articles to see if there’s information on how to solve your problem already. You can ask your parent or guardian to help you out with this.

How we collect your information

Sometimes we can collect the information we need ourselves, and sometimes we need a bit of help. We have trusted helpers at Amazon Web Services, Unity, Google, AppsFlyer, Helpshift, Playfab, and Saucelabs who can lend a hand. Although we trust these helpers, we never let them use your information for their own needs.

Keeping your information safe

Your privacy and safety are super important to us! To make sure your information stays safe, we have some special rules in place that we always follow:

    • We don’t share your personal information with anyone outside of Sago Mini.
    • We make sure our apps and website are safe for you to use.
    • We sometimes ask your parent or guardian for permission to set up an account for you and to help us if we need to use your information for something new.

How long we keep your information

We store your information as long as you’re playing the app. If you haven’t played with our apps in two years, we will safely remove your account and data.


If you have any questions about your privacy, our apps, review or delete your data, or anything else, you can ask your parent or guardian to email us at privacy@playpiknik.com

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