Protecție Jetpack


Free daily malware scanning and WordPress site security. Jetpack Protect leverages the extensive database of WPScan, an Automattic brand, that has over 25,000 registered malware and vulnerabilities. No configuration required!


Jetpack Protect is a free and essential WordPress security plugin that scans your site and warns you about vulnerabilities, keeping your site one step ahead of security threats. It’s easy to use; setup requires just a few clicks!

By upgrading Protect, you also unlock malware scanning with one-click fixes for most issues and instant notifications when threats are detected. Our automated Web Application Firewall (WAF) also protects your site from bad actors around the clock.

Jetpack Protect is created by WordPress experts; our parent company Automattic is behind Jetpack,, WooCommerce, WPScan, and much more. There is no better company to understand the security needs of WordPress sites.


Jetpack Protect scans your site on a daily basis and warns you about:
– The version of WordPress installed, and any associated vulnerabilities
– What plugins are installed, and any related vulnerabilities
– What themes are installed, and any associated vulnerabilities

Ce sunt vulnerabilitățile? De ce trebuie să-mi scanez site-ul în mod regulat?

Site vulnerabilities are flaws in a website’s code that weaken the site’s overall security. These can be introduced to a site in various ways, in most cases unintentionally.

Some of the ways vulnerabilities can be introduced to a site are:
– Poorly written site code
– Plugin and theme bugs
– WordPress version bugs
– System misconfigurations

If a bad actor detects a vulnerability on your site, they can exploit it to access sensitive information, update your site, and more to damage your business or brand.

That’s why it’s essential to use a reputable and reliable vulnerability & malware site scanner like Jetpack Protect to safeguard your site.

Pot să folosesc Scanare Jetpack ca să repar un site care este deja afectat?

Jetpack Protect (Scan) detects and prevents attacks, but is not designed to fully clean up sites infected before it was active. If your site has malware, take immediate action to clean it up and remove the malicious code.

To clean up your site, we suggest using a malware removal tool, or if possible restore from a backup taken before the infection. We recommend using Jetpack VaultPress Backup in conjunction with Jetpack Scan to secure your website.

Learn more about cleaning your site


Jetpack Protect blocks unwanted login attempts from malicious botnets and distributed attacks.

Site-ul meu este atacat?

Brute force attacks are the most common form of hacking — and hackers don’t discriminate. As the most commonly used Content Management System on the web, WordPress sites make an attractive target for hackers looking to exploit code vulnerabilities unique to WordPress.

Using large networks of computers known as botnets, hackers can try to gain access to your site by using thousands of different combinations of usernames and passwords until they find the right one.

Recently, attackers have found a way to “amplify” these attacks against the WordPress XML-RPC file – making it easier for attackers to try and break into your site.

WordPress brute force attacks can:
– Slow down your site (or cause it to stop responding) because of repeated server requests.
– Allow unauthorized access to your site for hackers to modify your code or insert spammy links.
– Put your site content and data at risk.

That’s where Jetpack Protect comes in. Our state-of-the-art security tools automatically block these attacks, protecting your WordPress site from unauthorized access.

On average, Jetpack blocks 5,193 WordPress brute force attacks over a site’s lifetime. It allows you to protect yourself against both traditional brute force attacks and distributed brute force attacks that use many servers against your site.


By upgrading Protect, you unlock total site security from WordPress experts:
– Automated daily malware scanning in addition to vulnerability checks
– One-click fixes for most issues
– Web Application Firewall (WAF) with automatic rule updates
– Instant email notifications when threats are detected
– Priority support from WordPress experts

What is malware? Why do I need to protect against it?

Malware is malicious code or software that has been created by bad actors to disrupt, damage, or gain access to your site. There are many ways that malware can get onto your WordPress site. The most common method is through attackers using vulnerable plugins or themes to install malware.

Similar to the vulnerabilities listed above, bad actors can use malware to capture sensitive information, damage your site, and harm your business or brand.

Jetpack Protect instantly notifies you of any threats detected, with one-click fixes for most issues.

Ce înseamnă Web Application Firewall (WAF)?

A web application firewall blocks traffic and malicious requests to your site from known bad actors.

As threats are detected, new rules are added to Jetpack Protect’s firewall, which provides around-the-clock protection for your WordPress site.


WordPress security is something that evolves over time. Jetpack Protect leverages the extensive database of WPScan, an Automattic brand. All vulnerabilities are entered into our database by dedicated WordPress security professionals and updated constantly as new information becomes available.


There’s nothing to configure – the setup process is as easy as:
1. Install and activate the plugin
2. Set up it with one click.

After you activate the plugin, Jetpack Protect will run daily automatic malware scans on your WordPress site and update you on vulnerabilities associated with your installed plugins, themes, and WordPress core.

Cu 💚, de la JETPACK

Acesta este doar începutul!

Lucrăm din greu ca să creăm mai multe funcționalități și să aducem îmbunătățiri la Protecție Jetpack. Spune-ne părerea ta și dă-ne idei!


Capturi ecran

  • Te concentrezi pe administrarea afacerilor în timp ce Protecție Jetpack îți scanează automat site-ul.
  • Ești pregătit pentru amenințări de securitate și malware pe site-ul tău.
  • Vezi toate vulnerabilitățile găsite pe site-ul tău și înveți cum să le înlături.
  • The Jetpack Firewall is a web application firewall (known as WAF) designed to protect your WordPress site from malicious requests.

Întrebări frecvente

Cum te ajută Protecție Jetpack să menții securitatea pe site-ul tău WordPress?

Protecție Jetpack este un modul gratuit pentru scanări de securitate și malware pe WordPress, el îți scanează site-ul și te anunță dacă ai posibile amenințări de securitate și malware pentru modulele, temele și fișierele nucleului care sunt instalate.

The free plan scans your site for WordPress version, plugin, and theme vulnerabilities from our extensive vulnerability database (53,500) that is powered by WPScan.

By upgrading Protect, you gain access to WordPress malware scanning with one-click fixes, instant threat notifications, and our Web application Firewall (WAF) that protects your site around the clock.

Pentru a funcționa, acest modul are nevoie de modulul Jetpack?

Protecție Jetpack nu are nevoie ca modulul Jetpack să ruleze și să-ți securizeze site-ul.

Care sunt diferențele între modulele Protecție Jetpack, Scanare Jetpack și WPScan?

Jetpack Protect is a new WordPress security plugin from Jetpack containing our security features only. You can start with Jetpack Protect’s free vulnerability scanning features and upgrade Jetpack Protect to access automated malware scanning and our web application firewall. By upgrading Protect, you are enabling Jetpack Scan to the plugin.

Jetpack Scan is a product that can be purchased for use in conjunction with the main Jetpack plugin or Jetpack Protect. Jetpack Scan includes automated malware scanning and our web application firewall but does not contain the vulnerability scanning feature from the Protect plugin. If you purchase Jetpack Security or Jetpack Complete, Jetpack Scan is also included in those bundles.

If you are already a Jetpack Scan, Jetpack Security, or Jetpack Complete customer, you can also take advantage of Jetpack Protect’s vulnerability scanning feature by installing the Jetpack Protect plugin.

WPScan is an enterprise vulnerability scanning solution. It is not recommended for small to medium-sized businesses. If you are an enterprise company looking for custom WordPress site protection solutions, please visit:

For small to medium-sized businesses, you can access our vulnerability scanning solution in the Jetpack Protect plugin.

Protecție Jetpack va funcționa pe site-ul meu local?

Pentru a face scanarea vulnerabilităților, Protecție Jetpack are nevoie de un site accesibil pentru public.

Cum știu dacă Protecție Jetpack a găsit vulnerabilități de securitate și malware pe WordPress?

Poți să mergi la panoul control Protecție Jetpack direct din panoul de administrare WordPress ca să vezi amenințările de securitate și programele malware găsite de scanerul pentru malware integrat.

Ce trebuie să fac dacă Protecție Jetpack găsește o amenințare de securitate?

Când scanerul pentru vulnerabilități găsește o amenințare de securitate, poți să vezi acțiunile recomandate în panoul de control Protecție Jetpack și să-ți securizezi site-urile.

If you have upgraded Protect, your site will also be automatically scanned for malware each day, and you will be notified instantly via email if any threats are detected. You will be able to fix most issues in one click.

Pot să setez ora pentru scanările zilnice de securitate?

Nu este posibil să setezi o oră pentru scanările zilnice automate care rulează prin scanerul integrat pentru malware.

De ce am nevoie de o scanare de securitate și malware pe WordPress?

A hacked WordPress site can cause serious damage to your business revenue and reputation. Jetpack Protect scans your site and lets you know possible malware and security threats on your installed plugins, themes, and core files.

Unde pot să învăț mai multe despre securitatea pe WordPress și amenințările malware?

To learn how to achieve better WordPress security, see this guide. On the Jetpack Blog, you can find many more articles written by the top WordPress security experts.

Protecție Jetpack este la fel ca funcționalitatea Protecție din modulul Jetpack?

The new Jetpack Protect plugin is different from the Jetpack feature formerly known as Protect (now renamed Brute Force Attack Protection).


20 iunie 2024 1 răspuns
My experience with this product is very easy and it wasn’t even difficult to use
20 iunie 2024 1 răspuns
user-friendly, very secure, which is important to me, and offers help and support when I have questions. I can only recommend it
Citește toate cele 102 recenzii

Istoric modificări

2.2.0 – 2024-05-24


  • Add data to WAF logs and a toggle for users to opt-in to share more data with us if needed.
  • Trigger a red bubble notification when a bad install is detected.


  • Actualizează cerințele minime pentru versiunea de WordPress la WordPress 6.4.
  • Afișează numai erorile de instalare în pagina Module.


  • Jetpack Protect Footer: ensure that „Go to cloud” links are not shown when on a platform with no firewall support.