We have been going since 2001, starting as a UK initiative with participants now drawn from all over the world. While the participating companies are as diverse as the media sector itself, they all recognise that sustainability in a media company has many features that set it apart from traditional industry and other sectors.

The Forum provides a platform for participating companies to:

  • Learn from each other and leading organisations in other sectors;
  • Identify trends and areas for prioritisation based on sound research and robust discussions;
  • Engage with stakeholders, be they campaigners, policy makers, academics or peers; and
  • Run collaborative projects and events on key issues.

In short, The Responsible Media Forum gives participating companies access to insights and collaboration that few organisations could manage on their own. In the fast-changing world of media, we are flexible and business-led but always open to input. The Responsible Media Forum is a multi-client partnership run and chaired by Carnstone Partners Ltd.

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