We want to do what is right

Our company strives to maintain a transparent business climate and high business ethics. We value the safety and respect of everyone affected by our business. You have a vital role in our success.

Our Whistleblowing service

Whistleblowing provides an opportunity to report suspicions of misconduct; anything that is not in line with our values and policies.  Our whistleblowing service is an early warning system to reduce risks. It is an important tool to foster high ethical standards and maintaining customer and public confidence in us.

Primarily we encourage you to contact a manager in our organisation. If you feel you cannot be open with your information, we offer the option of reporting your concern anonymously.

When can I use the Whistleblowing service?

Whistleblowing can be used to inform about a concern about something that is not in line with our values ​​and ethical code, and that may seriously affect our organisation or a person's life or health. 

You do not need proof of your suspicions, but all messages must be made in good faith.

Your message will be securely handled

The whistleblowing service is provided by an external partner WhistleB, Whistleblowing Centre, to ensure anonymity. The communication channel is encrypted and password-protected. 

All messages will be processed in confidence.


Details regarding Sweden, Portugal and France:

  • Sweden: Reporting in Sweden: Personal data on violation of the law are treated solely for key persons or senior executives, in accordance with the Data Inspectorate's guidelines.
  • Portugal: In Portugal, reports regarding the following topics will be taken into account: accounting, internal control procedures, auditing, corruption, financial market and financial crimes and individuals involved in management decisions. Please provide us with your name since anonymous reports may not be taken into account.
  • France: We kindly ask you to include your name in the report. As an exception, you may report anonymously if the severity of the case is obvious and the facts are sufficiently detailed.


Your privacy is important to us at Embracer Group (publ) "Embracer” "we" or "us". This Privacy Notice describes how Embracer Group as a personal data controller, according to the definition defined in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), collects and processes your personal data and other information about you.


Embracer Group AB
Tullhusgatan 1B
SE-652 09, Karlstad
Company registration number: 556582-6558

Please submit inquiries regarding personal data protection, privacy, and security matters using the contact information at the end of this notice.

Data responsibility, data management, and data protection

Embracer Group is the controller of the personal data collected. That means we decide which personal data is to be collected, how it should be processed, and for how long. For instance, we may process your data as a visitor to this website.

To ensure that we handle your data correctly, we have a privacy management program that sets the parameters for how personal data can be used, trains our staff on the requirements of personal data processing, and ensures that we fulfill our legal obligations for the processing of personal data.

The security of your personal data is important to us. Therefore, we have taken appropriate technical, organizational, and administrative security measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access and other unauthorized processing. We regularly analyze and evaluate the measures to ensure that the protection of your data is up to date using the latest relevant technologies. To further ensure that your personal data is protected, we also perform recurring audits using third-party security and privacy auditors.


Personal data is any information that can be directly or indirectly linked to a physical person. Examples of personal data we can process about you are name, email, address, phone number, location information, and IP address. We only collect your data when we have a purpose and lawful grounds for personal data processing.

On our website

When you visit our website www.embracer.com we collect personal data from you for various purposes. We do this by using IP Tracking for security reasons, website statistics with Google Analytics, and social media links such as share functions. We use cookies on this website. Please read our Cookie Policy here: https://embracer.com/cookie-policy/ 

IP Tracking

When you visit our websites, access data is recorded in the log file on our servers. We record internet protocol, address / IP address, the page from which the file was requested, date, time, browser type and operating system, page visited, data transfer, and access status (file transfer, file not found, etc.).

We use the log files to ensure the functionality of the website, monitor traffic on our websites, resolve technical issues, and generate statistics that help us tailor our services to your needs. This is within our legitimate interest to provide a secure and well-functioning website.

If it comes to an abuse of our websites, we can block IP addresses if necessary. The data is stored only for a limited period and only for as long as needed to ensure the safety and functionality of our websites.

On our websites, we use active Java Script content from external providers. By visiting our websites, these external providers may receive Personal Data about your visit. In this case, processing data outside the European Economic Area (EEA) is possible. You can prevent this by using a java script blocker such as installing the browser plugin ‘NoScript’ (www.noscript.net) or disabling javascript in your browser.

Links to external websites and services

Our website contains interactive links to third-party websites. The third-party providers collect data about your online activities, such as the websites you visit, the automatic transmission of your IP address, and the use of cookies. In this connection, no link is created between the third-party information and information we might process about you, such as your name, address, telephone number, or e-mail address. For more information about these services or how to disable these services, see the web pages for these services.

Subscriptions and newsletter

If you create a subscription account on our website or in our application, you will be asked to provide consent for the processing of personal data as well as provide some information about yourself, such as your name and email address. Embracer processes this information to maintain your account and provide you with the information you requested to the extent permitted by law. We also process your personal data to be able to provide you with other relevant information and marketing. You can cancel your subscription by clicking the unsubscribe link directly in our email.

Contact by email

You can contact us by e-mail at any time. The personal data transmitted by e-mail or with your inquiry will be processed in this case. The data is used exclusively for communication and to perform the requested task. This is within our legitimate interest of responding to communication and performing the appropriate actions to fulfill the request.

Whistleblowing service

If you use our whistleblowing service to report serious problems or suspicions, we may process personal data in that context. We have made every effort to minimize the personal data collected and therefore no analytics or other tools are used on our reporting service and messages are encrypted so only the receiver and the sender can communicate about the report. In some cases personal data as well as sensitive personal data may be processed if it is included in the report, however, we ask that only the relevant and absolutely necessary information is included. We process your, and others, personal data if it is included in the report on the basis of substantial public interest given the significant importance of the whistleblowing function.


Service providers

We use external service providers to process personal data on our behalf. These service providers provide services related to, for example, the website, marketing, and IT support. External service providers may have access to and process your personal data but are still doing so under our responsibility. All external service providers are under contract to fulfill appropriate data protection standards.

Other recipients

Following applicable personal data legislation, we may transfer your personal data to Embracer Group companies, regulators, other public authorities, legal advisors, external consultants, and partners as required or necessary. In the case of a merger, sale of the whole or part of the company, or acquisition of companies, your personal data may be transferred to or from the parties involved.


We strive to keep your personal data stored and processed within the EU / EEA area. If your personal data is required to be sent to a third country, we will take all necessary actions to ensure an adequate level of protection for personal data transmitted. This includes technical, organizational, and contractual obligations.


We process data about you as a website visitor, prospect, supplier, or other stakeholder only as long as it is necessary to carry out our commitments to you and, if such exists, as long as required by statutory storage times. If we process data based on your consent, we will delete your data immediately upon withdrawal of your consent unless we are required by law to retain the information for longer.


When we process personal data, you as a data subject, have several rights. You can contact us at any time concerning these and if you wish to exercise any of the rights described below. We reserve the right to take appropriate protective and security measures to ensure that you are the person you claim to be when you contact us. If you cannot satisfactorily demonstrate your identity, we may not be able to meet your request fully.

Access to personal data

You have the right to know what personal data we process about you. If you wish to receive that personal data, you can get a compiled register extract from us that contains all the personal data we process about you.

Correction and deletion

If your personal data is incomplete or wrong, you have the right to have it corrected or supplemented. You also have the right to request that your personal data should be deleted. Please keep in mind that we may not be able to provide you with our services if you request to have your personal data deleted.

Restrictions to processing

Under certain conditions, you have the right to request that we restrict our processing of your data. This means that we mark the data so that we only process it for certain specific purposes in the future. We may not be able to provide you with our services if we restrict the processing of your personal data.

Right to data portability

In some circumstances you have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format.

Right to make objections

You have the right to object to the processing of personal data that is carried out to perform a task based on the legal basis of legitimate interest.

Right to lodge a complaint

If you feel we have not processed your personal data correctly, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection. You can read more about this on their website, www.imy.se


From time to time, we update this notice to reflect any changes in how we handle your personal data. Should we make significant changes to how we process personal data that we are obliged to notify you about or ask for your consent again, we will do so.

This privacy notice was last updated on 2024-01-12


Data Protection Officer

Embracer Group AB
Att. Data Protection Officer
Tullhusgatan 1B, SE-652 09, Karlstad, Sweden


How do I submit an anonymous message?

Your message is submitted easily and securely by following the instructions in the form. After having sent your message you will receive an ID and a password on the screen. Save these in a secure manner. You will remain anonymous throughout this dialogue.

Within 7 calendar days, we may post a response or follow-up question for you.

Thank you for your contribution.