A podcast by two friends who love storytelling, video games, and romancing aliens!


Episode #6.04: Birthright - We’re Going To Make This Our Home

With Hawke’s sibling, we break into the Amell estate and clean out the slavers that purchased it from Gamlen all those years ago. Once they’re gone, Hawke has the opportunity to explore, pick up a gift, and then return to Leandra with news of what the will really said. We also catch up on the latest Dragon Age: The Veilguard news! Special thanks to Redd Spinks for our amazing logo as well as to Miracle of Sound for the song Age Of The Dragon, which we use as our theme music.

Check out this week’s Fandom Corner: Seventy Percent Cocoa

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Episode #6.03: The Way It Should Be - You’re A Beautiful Sight

With Aveline in our party our next stop is to visit Sundermount to clear up that ambush. Once all of the well equipped bandits are dead, it’s a job well done! Right? Apparently not in Captain Jeven’s eyes–instead he accuses Aveline of showboating and threatens to throw both Aveline and Hawke in jail if they disobey orders again. Aveline refuses to let it end there, so with some investigating she learns that the ambush was meant for the lone patrol of Brennan, a guard who was carrying pay and orders from one location to another. She has passed this off to Donnic who is now in the same danger Brennan was. Hawke and Aveline must rescue Donnic and discover what Captain Jeven has been hiding. Special thanks to Redd Spinks for our amazing logo as well as to Miracle of Sound for the song Age Of The Dragon, which we use as our theme music.

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Episode #6.02: Kirkwall - I Take Care Of My Friends

With Varric in our party, we have a lot of opportunities ahead of us. We check in on our old friend Aveline, get more information out of Varric, visit our uncle’s terrible house, and make a new friend who immediately puts our lives in danger. Special thanks to Redd Spinks for our amazing logo as well as to Miracle of Sound for the song Age Of The Dragon, which we use as our theme music.

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Episode #6.01: Prologue - Is It Fate Or Chance

And so we leave behind the Hero of Ferelden and move on to a new story. Varric Tethras, a dwarf is dragged in to sit before the Seeker, Cassandra Pentaghast. She is looking for The Champion and believes that Varric can reveal where they are. Sit back and attend the tale of the Champion of Kirkwall. Special thanks to Redd Spinks for our amazing logo as well as to Miracle of Sound for the song Age Of The Dragon, which we use as our theme music

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Episode #5.30 - Finale - OK BYE!

We’ve made it to the end of Season 5! Time to talk about the highs and lows of Dragon Age: Origins and all of its DLC. We also chat about our prep for Season 6 and what to expect as we gear up for our next adventure! Special thanks to Redd Spinks for our new amazing logo as well as to Radek Wade and Echoes of Oblivion for the song World of Thedas, which we use as our theme music.

If you want tickets to GIFCon you can grab them here!

If you want to check out the “Fun” & Games’ chat about signposting in games you can listen here.

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Episode #5.29 - Darkspawn War - It’s… Over?

Remember those nobles? We can’t put them off any longer. They want to know what we plan on doing about the Darkspawn. We’re sent off to Amaranthine only to learn that the city guard considers Amaranthine to be a lost cause and The Mother is marching on the keep. Here is our big choice–do we stay and search for survivors or do we return to our keep to defend it? No matter what we decide, we then must take the fight to The Mother. The Architect asks us to stand with him against her and to allow him to continue his experiments to give Darkspawn free will. Another ethically sticky situation. With or without the Architect, the Mother must be taken out. Special thanks to Redd Spinks for our new amazing logo as well as to Radek Wade and Echoes of Oblivion for the song World of Thedas, which we use as our theme music.

If you want tickets to GIFCon you can grab them here!

If you want to check out the “Fun” & Games’ retrospective on the Xbox 360 you can listen here.

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Episode #5.28 - Preparing for the end - House-KEEP-ing

The nobles are gathered, concerned about how the wardens will protect them in the coming war with the Darkspawn. But before we deal with all that noise, it’s time to fuck off for a bit and help our friends with their problems. Special thanks to Redd Spinks for our new amazing logo as well as to Radek Wade and Echoes of Oblivion for the song World of Thedas, which we use as our theme music.

If you want tickets to GIFCon you can grab them here!

If you want to check out the “Fun” & Games PAX East 2024 Special you can listen here.

You can find the show on TwitterInstagramTumblrBluesky and Facebook!

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Episode #5.27 - Knotwood Hills - Darkspawn Inferno

At Knotwood Hills, we find the Darkspawn trying to drag away a member of the Legion of the Dead– Sigrun did not consent. With the Warden’s help, Sigrun returns to Kal’Hirol, the site of some serious darkspawn activity that obliterated her faction of the Legion, leaving only her behind. Here we finally see both sides of the Darkspawn schism push against each other–hurlock against hurlock, genlock against genlock. After winding our way through Kal’Hirol, we find that the Broodmothers are at it again and only we can stop them. Special thanks to Redd Spinks for our new amazing logo as well as to Radek Wade and Echoes of Oblivion for the song World of Thedas, which we use as our theme music.

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Episode #5.26 - Wending Wood - Gimme My Stuff

The Warden enters the Wending Wood to investigate the caravan attacks and finds wreckage being picked over by looters. After running around the wood, fighting darkspawn, sylvans, arguing with a botanist, talking statues, and doing some research–it becomes clear that not everything is as simple as it appears. We encounter an elf hellbent on defending the woods as the home of her brutalized and murdered clan of Dalish as well as human mercenaries ripped apart–all a ruse put together by the darkspawn. Velenna relents with the evidence we present her, her sister’s amulet found on the body of a darkspawn. She joins us with the intention of rescuing her sister or at least resolving what happened to her and we are pushed further along the narrative of this war between darkspawn. A mysterious being puts the squad to sleep and they wake again in captivity. Velenna’s sister, disconcertingly presenting as someone tainted by darkspawn, arrives to help us escape. We fight through only to watch Seranni escape with the mysterious darkspawn leader. Velenna asks the warden to allow her into the Grey Wardens so that she may rescue her sister.Special thanks to Redd Spinks for our new amazing logo as well as to Radek Wade and Echoes of Oblivion for the song World of Thedas, which we use as our theme music

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Episode #5.25 - Blackmarsh - NIGHTMARE FUEL

We take our first step out of Amaranthine toward Blackmarsh, where Grey Warden Kristoff is rumored to have disappeared. Blackmarsh is shrouded in mystery and fear–rumors of hauntings and monsters become reality as the warden moves through the marsh. Unfortunately, it’s too late to rescue Kristoff. He was killed as a ploy by darkspawn to draw the Warden in and trap them in the fade. In order to escape, they must face the Baroness who long ago trapped an entire village in the fade to punish them for turning against her. With the help of a righteous spirit, they succeed–only to be dropped back into reality along with that spirit and the possessed baroness. Once we destroy her and her pride for good, the villagers can finally be free from their fade prison. Our new friend is not so lucky. He is trapped with us on the wrong side of the veil and needs guidance to figure out his next steps. Special thanks to Redd Spinks for our new amazing logo as well as to Radek Wade and Echoes of Oblivion for the song World of Thedas, which we use as our theme music.

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