
Review: Hot Blood



Hot Blood is a decent game for a bit of casual fun, especially if you enjoy the aesthetic and humor. But don’t expect it to hold your attention for long if you’re looking for something with more substance and polish.

Developer – DEKLAZON

Publisher – Eastasiasoft Limited

Platforms –  PS4/5 , Nintendo Switch,PC (Reviewed)

Review copy given by Publisher

Hot Blood is a game that can only be described as a nostalgic romp for fans of 80s and 90s action movies, featuring a low-poly 3D style and physics-based brawling mechanics. In this game, you play as Roxy, a sassy and smack-talking heroine who brings a unique charm to the experience as you fight through hordes of zombies that have taken over the mall and city streets.

Hot Blood is perfect for casual replay or hardcore speed runs, offering plenty of challenges without taking itself too seriously. The improvised weaponry and ragdoll physics inject variety and humor into the gameplay, making each encounter with the undead unpredictable and entertaining. Players can grab anything from a shopping cart to a baseball bat, turning everyday items into tools of destruction, which keeps the combat fresh and dynamic. The ragdoll physics adds an extra layer of hilarity as zombies fly and flop around in exaggerated ways. This is further complemented by the sassy dialogue from Roxy, whose quick-witted remarks and playful banter lighten the mood, ensuring that the game never takes itself too seriously.

The best way to put it is, the combat in Hot Blood feels reminiscent of a budget version of Lollipop Chainsaw, capturing a similar blend of over-the-top action and humor, but with a more simplified and less polished execution. Both games feature a strong, sassy female protagonist battling hordes of zombies with a mix of melee attacks and improvised weaponry. However, while Lollipop Chainsaw boasts high production values and a more refined combat system, Hot Blood’s low-poly graphics and physics-based mechanics give it a more indie, rough-around-the-edges charm.

However, while the game is entertaining, it has its drawbacks. The repetitive nature of the combat can become tedious over time, and the low-poly graphics, while charming, might not appeal to everyone. The storyline is pretty basic and doesn’t offer much depth. Additionally, the physics-based mechanics, while initially amusing, can sometimes feel clunky and detract from the overall experience.

In conclusion, Hot Blood is a decent game for a bit of casual fun, especially if you enjoy the aesthetic and humor. But don’t expect it to hold your attention for long if you’re looking for something with more substance and polish.

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