
Not So Stories

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Not the Tales You Were Told

Once upon a time, Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Stories—fantastical yarns of wondrous creatures in faraway places—bewitched children across the world. But times change. Today, Kipling’s writing tells us a different tale; of a love of Empire, and the troubling legacy of British colonialism.

In Not So Stories, writers of colour from around the world reclaim these stories and remake them into something new. Something different. Something that belongs to us all.

Including stories by Adiwijaya Iskandar, Joseph Elliott-Coleman, Raymond Gates, Stewart Hotston, Zina Hutton, Georgina Kamsika, Cassandra Khaw, Paul Krueger, Tauriq Moosa, Jeannette Ng, Ali Nouraei, Wayne Santos, Zedeck Siew and Achala Upendran, with illustrations by Woodrow Phoenix and a foreword by Nikesh Shukla.

23rd Jan 2020
368 pages

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Table of Contents
  • Foreword, Nikesh Shukla
  • How the Spider Got Her Legs, Cassandra Khaw
  • Queen, Joseph Elliott-Coleman
  • Best Beloved, Wayne Santos
  • The Man Who Played With the Crab, Adiwijaya Iskandar
  • Saṃsāra, Georgina Kamsika
  • Serpent, Crocodile, Tiger, Zedeck Siew
  • How the Tree of Wishes Gained its Carapace of Plastic, Jeannette Ng
  • How the Ants Got Their Queen, Stewart Hotston
  • How the Snake Lost its Spine, Tauriq Moosa
  • The Cat Who Walked by Herself, Achala Upendran
  • Strays Like Us, Zina Hutton
  • How the Simurgh Won Her Tail, Ali Nouraei
  • There is Such Thing as a Whizzy-Gang, Raymond Gates
  • How the Camel Got Her Paid Time Off, Paul Krueger