

Changes in the federal tax code and continued high local taxes meant New Yorkers were looking to move– Downtown Doral wanted New Yorkers to consider this unfamiliar Florida location in Miami-Dade county.

Break-Out Strategy

Poke fun at the political establishment by creating a website for “Unhappy New Yorkers” where they could download a resignation letter, rant on social media or fill out a form to find a new home in Downtown Doral.



  • Conceptualized and designed eye catching, tongue in cheek creative assets with taglines like “I $ NY”; “The Big Apple’s Rotten”; “Cuomo, We Agree. New Yorkers Should Flee”
  • Developed and designed interactive website complete with tax and cost of living calculator, a downloadable “resignation letter” and shareable social media tiles
  • Created highly targeted social media campaign including ad buys with Google Search, Facebook, Instagram, Native, Twitter and YouTube
  • Planned targeted Wall Street Journal digital ad campaign
  • Produced word-of-mouth buzz through PR media pitching



total visitors

to the site in three months


video views

from digital ads


total media impressions


secured client meetings

with NY and DC brokers to pitch campaign and efforts