

To all backers who supported Eiyuden Chronicle

We are currently receiving reports and suggestions from our valued backers on various matters, but we have not been able to respond to them adequately.

We are very sorry about this and sincerely apologize.

This project is being carried out in cooperation with various partners, both domestic and international, and we have been considering and negotiating with them as a top priority, but there have been many unforeseen events, and it has taken us some time to make clear announcements and adjustments.

Rabbit & Bear Studios does not want the situation to continue to the detriment of everyone, so we have decided to report what we can honestly answer at this time as the developer.

We have not yet fully followed up on the situation, and it is possible that the situation may change outside of our control in the future, but we hope to continue to be as transparent as possible in communicating the situation.

April 27, 2024
Junko Kawano, Rabbit & Bear Studios

For inquiries regarding this project
For those who have not received a reply to their inquiry
Regarding the delivery of packaged versions
Regarding the misdistribution of codes
Regarding non-software rewards
Regarding Early Access patch support for the Switch version
Information regarding Kickstarter stretch goals
Regarding DLC

For inquiries regarding this project

First of all, we apologize for not clearly communicating the contact information for various inquiries to everyone. We have compiled the official contact information and listed it here.

For those who have not received a reply to their inquiry

For those of you who have not received any of the previous announcements:

We have been informed that many of you have not received emails from The Yetee or have not completed some kind of registration process.

If you contacted us but have not received a response, please know that due to the large number of inquiries, the limited number of staff who can respond to inquiries in each language, and the lack of information provided at the time of inquiry, it is taking time for us to confirm each individual situation. We will continue to urge them to hurry up with their response.

We are very sorry for the inconvenience.

Regarding the delivery of packaged versions

Packaged games (X-box, Steam, PS4 / PS5 / Nintendo Switch outside of Japan and Europe) started shipping from the U.S. on 4/15, so it may take some time for you to receive them depending on your location. You can check the progress of your order from The Yetee. Please use your package number to confirm the progress of your order.

Regarding the misdistribution of codes

If you have received a code for a different region than the one you live in, even though you selected the correct region when selecting your platform last year and this year, please contact us here with your backer number and a note to that effect.

If you have not completed the platform selection procedure:

If you have not completed the platform selection procedure, we may not have been able to confirm the region and you may have received a different (US version) code than the one you are using.

We are currently checking on how to handle this case, so please wait a little longer for further information.

We deeply regret that we were not aware of those who have not received the game of their choice on the release date, even though they have supported us.

Regarding non-software rewards

The merch is currently being produced by The Yetee.

We apologize that this was delayed due to the delay in the development of the game.

Please allow us a little more time to provide you with information regarding shipping costs and delivery times.

Regarding Early Access patch support for the Switch version

We sincerely apologize that we were unable to deliver the patch for the Switch version for Japan and Asia in time for the scheduled start of the 72-hour Early Access for backers of the Switch version.

The delayed patch for the Switch version for Japan has been released on the following schedule. You can continue to play the game with the saved data you have created until then.

We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

Additional Fix Patch “1.0.3” for the Japanese Switch version:

Distribution completed at 9:00 a.m. on April 23, 2024

Patch fixes:
 Fixed a bug that affected game progress.
 Improved stability
 Other minor bug fixes

The latest release version information for each platform, including the Switch version for Asia, will be announced at a later date.

For information on the latest release versions for each platform, including the Switch version for Asia, please visit the official 505 Games SNS accounts and homepage.

Information regarding Kickstarter stretch goals

We would like to report on the details promised in the stretch goals of the Kickstarter campaign and the considerations regarding the description of each element which could not be realized or was changed due to various circumstances in the process of development, and the reasons for the changes.

▼Asynchronous gameplay

We had originally envisioned asynchronous gameplay where users share information in their save data with each other. But when it turned out that we had to make a Switch version of the game, where this would be difficult to implement, we tried thinking of ways to make it work but eventually gave up.

We apologize for the inconvenience. This specification will be difficult to implement in the future, so we do not plan to add it.

Golden Cat Objects

Due to the increase in overall volume that would be necessary and other circumstances, we have determined that it will be difficult to distribute the “golden cat” as a “backer-only” item, so we prioritized the overall progress and removed it from the list of items to be implemented.

We will consider whether we can deal with this issue in some other way at a later date.

 Bad Western cover art (reversible jacket)
For various reasons, we were unable to send this with the package, so we are considering giving it to you separately as digital data. We are also considering adding a backer-only wallpaper as an apology. We will contact you when the delivery method is finalized.

 Citadel Defense Mode
In addition to the fact that the “Defense Mode” gameplay that we had announced during the Kickstarter campaign no longer fits the scenario, we decided to put priority on base city customization in order to give players more opportunities utilize to characters who are not suited for combat. The “Defense Mode” has been changed to “Mock Battle” and now serves as a free battle mode.

Flag Customization
The customization specifications for the entire main city became larger than expected, and it became difficult to include elements for designing original flags due to the complexity of the overall design of the main city. Therefore, we changed this element to a series of preset designs that can be chosen.

Citadel Customization DLC
As with the flags, the specifications for the customization of the entire home base became larger than expected and the design of the entire home base became more complex, making it difficult to allow players to change the entire design. We changed so that players can only select the outer color.

Ranking Mode
We abandoned the asynchronous communication gameplay ranking element and changed it to a ranking of the heroes in your home base.

As Murayama mentioned on social media and other areas numerous times during development, the main character’s name would need to be locked in as Nowa. He felt strongly that it would be unnatural from a directorial standpoint if Nowa was the only one who over 100 of the voiced characters did not call by name, so we changed this element very early on in the development process.

We apologize to those who have been looking forward to these elements and hope you will understand.

Regarding DLC

Backers will receive the scenario DLC 1-3 and home base customization DLC free of charge, as promised during the Kickstarter campaign.

We will contact you later regarding the timing of this.

In Conclusion

We will keep you posted as the situation develops.

Rabbit & Bear Studios will also continue to consider how we can best apologize to and thank our backers.

We will continue to make every effort to ensure that everyone has a pleasant experience playing our games, and we look forward to your continued support of Rabbit & Bear Studios.