Introducing QualiBooth Platform

The premier web accessibility solution

Begin your path to European Accessibility Act, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and WCAG compliance with QualiBooth's cutting-edge platform. Discover the unique solution that not only performs daily scans of each page on your website, tracking and identifying accessibility issues in real-time but also provides continuous monitoring to ensure ongoing compliance.

How it works?

Automatically scan all visited pages

Our automated accessibility checker solution conducts a comprehensive scan of all loaded elements on your website during each page visit. Its purpose is to identify accessibility errors and risks that hinder individuals with disabilities from comprehending or engaging with your site. You don’t have to possess in-depth knowledge of digital accessibility as our solution takes care of it for you. 

Powerful reporting

QualiBooth offers a robust set of tools suitable for both management and development. 

    • Accessibility score updated on daily bases 
    • The real-time dashboards offer current & historical statistics, as well as insights into accessibility errors categorized by severity and conformance level. 
    • The combination of the comprehensive reporting and development console offers developers the most advanced tool available on the market for analyzing and resolving accessibility issues. 


QualiBooth ensures continuous monitoring of your website for new accessibility issues with every page visit. As you make fixes and your site content evolves, our technology automatically detects any emerging or resolved issues. The reports comprehensively capture these changes, while the accessibility score is updated in real-time to provide an accurate assessment of your website’s performance. 

Where to use

Our digital accessibility software is designed with the understanding that website development and maintenance occur across multiple environments, not just in production. Here’s how our tool can be incredibly useful for developers in various contexts:
  • Works behind firewalls for internal applications
  • Integration in the Development Process
    • Development Environments: Integrate our accessibility checker early in the development lifecycle to catch and address accessibility issues from the outset.
    • Staging Environments: Before deploying changes to production, use our tool in the staging environment to perform thorough accessibility checks.
    • Pre-Production Environments: In pre-production, our software can be used to conduct final accessibility audits and validate fixes for previously identified issues. 
  • Essential for Production Environment

Plans start at €59 per month, coupled with an incredibly quick installation process that takes just minutes.

Ready to try it now?