
  • Member Since: April 16th, 2024
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  • Created a topic, Five stars, NOT enough! Stellar support, great team with a great product, on the site Forums:
    What can I say after a good night's sleep? I was creat…

  • Created a topic, I’m confused about Patchstack, on the site Forums:
    When I log into my WHM Cpanel, I see a banner written …

  • Posted a reply to I have three backups already, do I really need vaultpress as another backup?, on the site Forums:
    HI Stef, I'm just asking a question. Why do I need to post my site…

  • Created a topic, I have three backups already, do I really need vaultpress as another backup?, on the site Forums:
    Hi all, VaultPress is telling me I have no backup Prot…

  • Posted a reply to (1) Remove WP login page, (2) Redirect to content, on the site Forums:
    Jarryd, that works! The user only needs to log-in one time. In addition, it doesn't…

  • Posted a reply to (1) Remove WP login page, (2) Redirect to content, on the site Forums:
    When I disconnect Jetpack from the site, the redirect works as expected without the…

  • Posted a reply to (1) Remove WP login page, (2) Redirect to content, on the site Forums:
    Alright, I read this article that redirect all members back to the same page, so…

  • Posted a reply to (1) Remove WP login page, (2) Redirect to content, on the site Forums:
    I would like to note hat sometimes a welcome page with the username will present…

  • Created a topic, (1) Remove WP login page, (2) Redirect to content, on the site Forums:
    Sorry for creating a new topic, but my last topic on s…

  • Posted a reply to Use Paid Memberships Pro as security guard to website, on the site Forums:
    Hi all, I'm starting to understand how I want the user to be navigated to…

  • Posted a reply to $99 for W3 Total Cache: Does it have refund policy?, on the site Forums:
    Thank you, I filled out the form in the plugin. -Ron

  • Created a topic, $99 for W3 Total Cache: Does it have refund policy?, on the site Forums:
    1.)If I purchase W3 Total Cache, is there a refund pol…

  • Posted a reply to More preventive approach to plugins, on the site Forums:
    James, thanks for the articles. It's on my summer reading list.

  • Posted a reply to Use Paid Memberships Pro as security guard to website, on the site Forums:
    I want to report back that when I deactivated Jetpack, I was able to modify…

  • Posted a reply to Can you help with inproper alignment?, on the site Forums:
    I want to report back that when I deactivated Jetpack, I was able to modify…

  • Posted a reply to More preventive approach to plugins, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for WordFence, I'll look at it. But I have a more general questions about…

  • Created a topic, More preventive approach to plugins, on the site Forums:
    My site is up and running, and I hope to keep it that …

  • Posted a reply to Strikeout of play button on WordPress video block., on the site Forums:
    Thank George, for the suggestion. I tried the following with no success: I used handbrake…

  • Posted a reply to Strikeout of play button on WordPress video block., on the site Forums:
    More testing shows that people with Android phone can view the video. So it appears…

  • Created a topic, Can you help with inproper alignment?, on the site Forums:
    Here is the issue: I'm using Paid Memberships Pro a…

  • Created a topic, Strikeout of play button on WordPress video block., on the site Forums:
    Hi all, I attached a video block on my wordpress site.…

  • Posted a reply to Use Paid Memberships Pro as security guard to website, on the site Forums:
    The Login and Join Now button works intermittently: Sometimes, it's centered, sometimes, it's not! I…

  • Created a topic, Didn’t work on my site, on the site Forums:
    Doesn't work as advertised although it's a good concep…

  • Posted a reply to How to verify two-factor authentication is working?, on the site Forums:
    Hello and Good morning. Based on my my first post on this topic. Can/Will someone/anyone…

  • Posted a reply to Not able to deactivate VideoPress., on the site Forums:
    I figured it out. Jetpack videopress is installed separately from Jetpack. Once I deactivated and…

  • Created a topic, Not able to deactivate VideoPress., on the site Forums:
    Like a lot of y'all, I tried out VideoPress for a vide…

  • Posted a reply to How to verify two-factor authentication is working?, on the site Forums:
    I want to be clear that I'm referring to using two-factor authentication for my…

  • Created a topic, How to verify two-factor authentication is working?, on the site Forums:
    Hi all, I installed Jetpack and followed the instructi…

  • Created a topic, Does this plugin disallow logins via wp-login.php, on the site Forums:
    I don't want to allow Logins via wp-login.php. Does t…

  • Created a topic, It Has Been 1-year Since The Link Below. Did You Ever Resolve It?, on the site Forums:
    Here are my Limit Login Attempts Reloaded settings (LL…

  • Posted a reply to Use Paid Memberships Pro as security guard to website, on the site Forums:
    Ok, I figured it out by doing two things: 1.) In Wordpress, I added a…

  • Posted a reply to Use Paid Memberships Pro as security guard to website, on the site Forums:
    Question on styling 'Join Now' Hi all, I have content restriction on a column block…

  • Posted a reply to Use Paid Memberships Pro as security guard to website, on the site Forums:
    My update so far in this journey: Condos to the PMPro team for the integration…

  • Posted a reply to Use Paid Memberships Pro as security guard to website, on the site Forums:
    Disclaimer: I'll probably keep coming back to this thread as I setup PMPro, so please…

  • Created a topic, Blast-off Plugin, your great!, on the site Forums:
    Banner of rocket blast-off is something else.

  • Created a topic, New to Plugins and WordPress, on the site Forums:
    It works as expected.

  • Posted a reply to Use Paid Memberships Pro as security guard to website, on the site Forums:
    In my initial post, I left out an oversight. Using PMPro, I assumed that I…

  • Posted a reply to Use Paid Memberships Pro as security guard to website, on the site Forums:
    Jarryd, I like what you're sharing here. Does my intended use of PMPro sound reasonable?…

  • Posted a reply to Use EDD as security guard to website, on the site Forums:
    Mihai, good afternoon. Would you be able to provide a link to the content restriction…

  • Posted a reply to Execute a shell script when an image is put on drop area using html code, on the site Forums:

  • Created a topic, Use Paid Memberships Pro as security guard to website, on the site Forums:
    Is it possible to do the following below using Paid Me…

  • Created a topic, Use EDD as security guard to website, on the site Forums:
    I apologize if I had already posted this, but I couldn…

  • Posted a reply to Can I use WooCommerce as a gateway to my frontpage website, on the site Forums:
    Hi @anastas10s, I was just perusing these articles, and I'm wondering if WooCommerce can do…

  • Posted a reply to Can I use WooCommerce as a gateway to my frontpage website, on the site Forums:
    @anastas10s, thank you for the relevant information. I will be installing WooCommerce and giving it…

  • Created a topic, Can I use woocommerce as a gateway to my frontpage website, on the site Forums:
    Is it possible to do the following below using WooComm…

  • Posted a reply to Execute a shell script when an image is put on drop area using html code, on the site Forums:
    Thanks for your suggestions. I got it to work by calling an HTTP request using…

  • Posted a reply to Execute a shell script when an image is put on drop area using html code, on the site Forums:
    I spoke with a Godaddy customer representative today. He said that I can execute a…

  • Created a topic, Execute a shell script when an image is put on drop area using html code, on the site Forums:
    I'm using WordPress version 6.5.2 to create a webpage …