Lifeless Moon review (PS5)

Lifeless Moon, developed by Stage 2 Studios and published by Serenity Forge, aims to build upon the foundations of its predecessor, Lifeless Planet. This 3D platformer offers a new and somewhat surreal adventure, and has you playing as an Apollo-era astronaut stranded in a desolate moon city that hides secrets from a bygone era. We played the PlayStation 5 version of the game, which blends classic science fiction elements with a few interesting gameplay mechanics.

The premise of Lifeless Moon is arguably its strongest asset. As you navigate the eerie lunar landscapes, the game evokes a sense of wonder and curiosity, urging you to push forward. The story unfolds through exploration and discovery, with players piecing together the mysterious past of this alien town that somehow feels a bit familiar. The narrative is rich with intrigue, drawing inspiration from classic sci-fi themes of isolation and the unknown.


Gameplay in Lifeless Moon revolves around exploration, puzzle-solving, and platforming. The game excels in creating a sense of isolation and desolation, much like its predecessor. The puzzles are generally well-designed too, requiring players to interact with strange alien technologies and use their wits to figure out how to progress. The inclusion of a jetpack adds a layer of excitement and verticality to the platforming sections, though at times the controls can feel a bit finicky, especially during more precise maneuvers.

Visually, Lifeless Moon is a treat. The lunar landscapes are beautifully rendered, with stark contrasts between the barren moon surface and the oddly familiar human structures you come across. The game uses lighting and environmental design effectively to create a haunting atmosphere, while the audio design complements the visuals well, with a minimalist score that enhances the feeling of isolation and discovery. Voice recordings and ambient sounds further immerse players in the lunar setting and narrative.

However, Lifeless Moon is not without its shortcomings either. The pacing can be slow at times, and the lack of clear direction in the narrative and objectives may frustrate some players. This is because the story may be intriguing, but it relies on environmental storytelling and somewhat obscure clues too much at times.


Despite these minor issues, Lifeless Moon succeeds in delivering a thought-provoking and visually stunning experience. The game’s atmosphere, combined with its intriguing narrative and challenging puzzles, makes it a worthy successor to Lifeless Planet. It captures the essence of classic science fiction, offering a unique and memorable journey against the backdrop of a mysterious lunar landscape.

In conclusion, Lifeless Moon on PlayStation 5 is a compelling exploration of isolation, mystery, and survival. Its strengths lie in its atmospheric design, intriguing narrative, and satisfying puzzles. While it may not be for everyone, those who appreciate a slow-burning, more contemplative sci-fi adventure will find enough to enjoy in this surreal lunar odyssey. Lifeless Moon stands out as a memorable addition to the genre, offering a unique experience that sticks with you after the credits roll.

Score: 7.0/10

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