Blade Runner – Case File 02: Fiery Angels review

Blade Runner – Case File 02: Fiery Angels, published by Free League Games as an expansion their Blade Runner TTRPG, dives deeper into the dystopian world of Los Angeles in 2037. This new campaign module is a follow-up to the well-received Case File 01: Electric Dreams that came with the base game. Fiery Angels brings a fresh narrative and new gameplay mechanics, as players are thrust into a web of intrigue and danger as they navigate the murky streets and neon-lit skies in search of answers.

The premise of Fiery Angels centers around a series of brutal murders and a mysterious replicant faction known as the titular Fiery Angels. The engaging narrative is well-written and rich in detail, drawing players into a story that echoes the themes of the original Blade Runner film. The campaign’s structure provides a well-crafted mystery that unravels over several sessions, and while that means you’ll need a significant time investment the end result is a rewarding one. Players will find themselves piecing together clues over time, interrogating suspects, and making morally complex decisions that eventually impact the direction and outcome of the story.


As per the norm with a Free League production, the quality of the artwork is nothing short of stunning. The visual presentation captures the gritty, noir atmosphere of the Blade Runner universe really well – perhaps even better than Case File 01 did. Each illustration, from the rain-soaked streets to the interiors of high-tech laboratories, enhances the storytelling and provides a vivid visual backdrop for the narrative. The attention to detail in the artwork helps to immerse players in the world, especially if they have a fondness for the 1982 film and its aesthetic.

The (new) gameplay mechanics in Fiery Angels are both a strength and a (slight) drawback. On the positive side, the new module introduces mechanics that add layers of complexity and excitement to the gameplay, such as detailed crime scene investigation procedures and expanded rules for chase sequences, which are exciting to engage with. However, these new mechanics can also be a bit overwhelming at first, especially for players joining a session without having played with the base game rules earlier.


And while Fiery Angels excels in many areas, it is not without its flaws. The pace of the story delivery can feel inconsistent, with some parts feeling somewhat rushed while other sections can drag on for a while. This uneven pacing can disrupt the flow of the game, and this is where having an experienced Game Master can help – but we realize this won’t be an option for everyone. Additionally, while the narrative is rich, it also leans quite heavily on familiar themes from the Blade Runner franchise, which is great for fans but makes it harder to get into for others.

Overall, Blade Runner – Case File 02: Fiery Angels is a strong addition to the Blade Runner RPG with a gripping narrative, gorgeous artwork, and interesting new gameplay mechanics. Despite some pacing issues and a degree of reliance on Blade Runner knowledge, it succeeds in delivering an immersive and memorable experience that captures the essence of what makes Blade Runner great.

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