#BLUD review (PS5)

#BLUD, developed by Exit 73 Studios and published by Humble Games, combines its action RPG mechanics with fantastic looking 90s cartoon aesthetics to all platforms including the PlayStation 5. Join us as we explore how this animated dungeon crawler has a unique narrative, engaging gameplay, and captivating audiovisual presentation.

The game’s premise centers around Becky Brewster, a high school freshman who also happens to be the latest in an ancient line of vampire hunters. The narrative is delightfully over the top, mixing high school drama with a supernatural twist. As you go through the story, you’ll navigate the halls of Carpentersville High, battling the vampiric forces that are threatening your town. The story is fun and engaging, filled with quirky humor and a cast of memorable characters that bring the town to life. However, the game does lean into overly familiar high school tropes quite a lot, which may not be everyone’s thing.


Gameplay in #BLUD is a dynamic mix of dungeon crawling and action RPG elements. Becky wields a field hockey stick that’s been enhanced with various upgrades, from grappling hooks to umbrella shields, allowing for versatile combat strategies. The combat system is fast-paced and intuitive, offering a satisfying challenge as players face off against a variety of mutated animals and vampiric foes. In terms of how it’s all presented to the player, the integration of modern tech (such as using social media to analyze enemies) adds a fresh twist to the traditional dungeon crawler formula.

The control scheme in #BLUD is smooth and responsive on the PS5, making navigation through the game’s environments and engaging in combat feel natural, letting you immerse yourself in the action. However, there are occasional moments where the controls can feel a bit clunky, particularly during more hectic battles where there’s a lot going on, which may disrupt the flow of gameplay.

Visually, #BLUD is a truly standout title that makes an immediate impression. The hand-drawn 2D animation really pops and looks fluid, capturing the spirit of 90s cartoons exceptionally well. This doesn’t just apply to the characters either, as each environment you go through, from high school halls to shopping malls, is richly detailed and brimming with personality. The character designs, both friend and foe, all exude charm and uniqueness as well. The game’s audio complements its visual style perfectly, with a lively soundtrack, range of sound effects and voice acting that enhance the overall experience and making the world of #BLUD feel truly alive.


But while #BLUD excels in many areas, it does feature a few rough edges. The game’s difficulty can be inconsistent, with some sections feeling disproportionately challenging compared to others. This can lead to moments of frustration as you hit sudden spikes, especially for players who prefer a more balanced difficulty curve. Additionally, the storyline, while entertaining, doesn’t always delve as deeply into its characters and lore as some might hope, leaving certain narrative threads and characters feeling underdeveloped.

In conclusion, #BLUD on PlayStation 5 is a charming and engaging addition to the action RPG genre. Its unique blend of 90s cartoon aesthetics, dynamic gameplay, and quirky narrative make it a standout title. While it has a few of minor issues, these do little to detract from the overall enjoyment of the game. For those looking for a retro cartoon-inspired yet fresh dungeon crawling experience, #BLUD is well worth the journey into Carpentersville High’s supernatural world.

Score: 7.2/10

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