game development blog

The Telwynium – Book Three

The Shadow of Spring

Welp, we’re really neglecting this blog ha ha! But I’ve wrapped up the next instalment of The Telwynium! So what better excuse to update you here 😀

Another year to look back on… I’m still full time on The Drifter, and its still coming along. Finished the writing pass and started recording voices and working on SFX. About 1/3 still needs artwork so that’s the big thing. But we’ll see how fast we can make progress this year!

If you’d like more updates (I just noticed a bunch of comments in here that I ignored all year, sorry), there’s our discord where we’re chatting daily, and I’ve been doing youtube dev diary entries periodically too!

Well, until next time, have a great year!

– Dave

The Telwynium – Book Two

The Summer King

I’ve wrapped up the next instalment of The Telwynium! Just in time for Christmas!

Looking back on the year, we’ve still mostly been working on The Drifter and Acid Knife. Both are slowly but steadily coming together (still). The Drifter’s been play-tested through from start to finish by testers now, so that was a big milestone! Lots of art and sound to do but it’s happening! And Barney actually let me play Acid Knife last week for the first time since the early combat demo, it’s got an amazing level of depth and detail to all the mechanics, and a huge amount of interesting ideas, and I’ve barely scratched the surface of it so far!

Have a great new year!

– Dave

The Drifter Dev Diaries

Youtubey goodness

Ok, I guess I’ve done enough of these that it’s worth sharing! Been doing these dev diaries on youtube the last couple of months, I just record them at the start of a dev stream, so they don’t take a bunch of time away from development. (You can also check the stream out at https://twitch.tv/duzzondrums)

In each entry, I say what I’ve been working on, and then briefly chat about a topic, related to what I’m working on, or to adventure game development in general.

Check ’em out!

– Dave


A nifty 2d adventure toolkit for Unity

PowerQuest Banner

I posted here aaaages ago about PowerQuest in it’s early stages, but haven’t really mentioned it since. However, I’ve been working on it steadily, alongside The Drifter, and it’s pretty fully featured now. It even has its own itch page!

There’s a bunch of others using it now, hanging out on our Discord. So if you have the urge to make your own point ‘n clicker, now’s the time!

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Blog update!

Comments are back!

After years of neglect I (Dave that is) have finally fixed wordpress so that comments show up on pages again! WordPress keeps updating automatically on me and breaking things, and I’ve been pretty lazy with fixing it. This site was really hacked together back in 2013 and it’s showing the signs! We haven’t exactly been writing much on this blog for the last few years either, poor thing’s been lonely.

Tshirts are back!

We have a new Tshirt Store! Thanks to my wife Clare for getting that sorted for us! Go grab some powerhoof shirts!

Infrequent updates are back!

So what else’s been happening? Well, we’re still going strong, just haven’t posting much here. We’ve been mainly hanging out on Discord (https://discord.gg/powerhoof) and sharing things there. Barney shares a lot of nice Acid Knife gifs on the twitter too.

So check out either of those places if you need more powerhoof in your life!

Read on for an update on The Drifter…

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The Telwynium

A cosy 90s Fantasy Adventure

I got all nostalgic for Adventure Jam this year. With an EGA game inspired by the games and fantasy novels I grew up on.

It seemed to strike a chord with a bunch of other devs, because it was voted #1 in the Jam!

– Dave

Intergalactic Wizard Force

It’s Twins (1988), but with wizards… in space

I teamed up with Jacob Janerka (or Paradigm Adventure fame) to make another point ‘n click over the last couple of weeks for AdvXJam!

Travel between planets, solving space mysteries and casting spells from the spellbooks of both Prince Xandar, hero of the cosmos and Maldrek, the galactic wizard!


Free Game Double Feature

You’re Watching ICEBOX!

It’s been a while since we released a free game, so here’s two!

The first is a comedy adventure, along the same line as last years The Inanimate Mr Coatrack (and with a returning character!). Try to keep your cool, as you host a disastrous episode of failing 80’s variety show, ICEBOX!


The second is a platform-puzzler, think Lemmings meets The Incredible Machine, with graphics inspired by the ZX Spectrum.

We found making levels was as fun as playing them, so we’ve made a level editor for this one too, you can export levels as text, and share them in the itch.io comments!

Thanks to the various SeaDads that worked on these with me- Louis Meyer, Adrian Vaughan, Jon Murphy, Kyle Olsen and Ivy Dupler!


The Drifter Reveal

Announcing our upcoming Pulp Adventure Thriller!

Check out the steam page here for info, and follow/wishlist while you’re at it!

There’s also a press-kit with basically the same info in a much more boring layout- http://press.thedriftergame.com

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Acid Knife Reveal

Psychedelic Hellscapes Anyone?

Welp, I’ve been working like crazy to whip my little hobby project into playable shape for PAX Aus, which means I have a short demo and a video of said demo 🙂 WOO!

Just the standard stuff really… swirling shaders and undead flying centipedes…


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...we are an independent games studio, located in Melbourne, Australia. Get a load of our video games!