Counterfeit Items Policy

We respect the copyrights and trademarks of others, and we ask our users to do the same. We do not allow counterfeit items to be listed and sold on Poshmark. Items that bear a company's official brand name or logo can be listed, as long as the products were lawfully made by that company.Counterfeit items may include items that are fakes, copies or replicas of brand name items (Example: a woman's handbag bearing the Chanel name or logo that was not made by Chanel). Such items may infringe on someone's copyright or trademark.


Sellers are responsible for ensuring the authenticity of an item. If a buyer believes that the item they purchased is counterfeit, the buyer should contact us. We may ask the buyer to send a description or pictures of the item so we can conduct a review.

If after reviewing an item we cannot confirm its authenticity, we reserve the right to cancel the order. If we reasonably believe an item to be counterfeit, we will provide a refund for the full cost of the item and any accompanying shipping costs to the buyer and the seller will not receive earnings from the transaction. Sellers acknowledge and agree that if an item in question is deemed counterfeit, we shall ensure disposal of the item at our discretion.

If we are unable to reasonably determine that an item under dispute is counterfeit, we may have it sent back to the seller and we will provide the buyer a refund for the full cost of the item and any accompanying shipping costs immediately. The seller will not receive any earnings from the transaction.