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Tentang aplikasi ini

Clubhouse is a place to listen in on fascinating conversations, talk with the world’s most amazing people, and make new friends from all walks of life. It’s so much more than just social media or audio – everyone can be a creator, all you need is your voice!
* Explore conversations from the hallway. Discover millions of audio rooms, filled with fascinating and unexpected conversations. Search to find conversations on every topic — meditation, crypto, fashion, bluegrass, green energy, movies, breaking news, urban planning, social justice, or communities that somehow combine all of these things into one and then some. Can’t find the perfect topic? Start a room of your own to make new friends who love the same stuff as you!
* Listen in, or share your thoughts. Drop into rooms while you’re commuting, walking your dog, or running in the park. The magic of Clubhouse is witnessing the most unlikely collisions of people. Sit back and listen, or raise your hand if you’d like to talk!
* Talk with your friends. See what your friends are up to from the hallway and meet new people from around the world. Clubhouse is a place where you bump into old friends and make new ones, too!
* Host a room, create and express yourself using just the sound of your voice. Every day, people are telling jokes, reading the morning news, making music together, and sharing deep thoughts. Everyone is a creator with social audio, and the world is waiting to hear from you.
* Build your profile. Clubhouse is about creativity. Personalize your profile photo, change it for a given room topic, or create a perfect bio that brings your authentic self to the world. Curate the Replays and Clubs that exist on your profile.
* Create a club to build a community of your own. Decide on the rules and manage conversations. Open it to the community or create a social club for close friends. High-quality spatial audio makes it feel like you’re in the same room together, whether you’re jamming to music or chatting with a crowd.
* Share great moments. You can jump into live podcast-style conversations or listen later to Replays. At any time, you can create and share Clips of your favorite moments or share great Replays with your friends.
Clubhouse is a place where you can create unforgettable moments with other humans, and leave feeling better than when you arrived. Welcome to our little community, we’re so happy to have you!
Diupdate pada
26 Jul 2024

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Keamanan dimulai dengan memahami cara developer mengumpulkan dan membagikan data Anda. Praktik privasi dan keamanan data dapat bervariasi berdasarkan penggunaan, wilayah, dan usia Anda. Developer memberikan informasi ini dan dapat memperbaruinya seiring waktu.
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Aplikasi ini dapat mengumpulkan jenis data berikut
Lokasi, Info pribadi, dan 8 lainnya
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Rating dan ulasan

559 rb ulasan
ahmad abu aninda
15 Juni 2022
Saya adalah pengguna setia media sosial audio clubhose dengan menggunakan pembaca layar karena saya adalah seorang tunanetra, sejak aplikasi ini hadir untuk para pengguna Android. Namun, tampilan aplikasi ini sudah kurang lebih sebulan menjadi kurang nyaman, terutama ketika kita sedang berada di dalam ruangan. Kita menjadi kesulitan bernavigasi, karena tampilan dalam ruangan bercampur dengan tampilan di dalam beranda aplikasi. Semoga diperbaiki.
58 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
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Christopher Fouregedodo Wau
19 November 2023
Update terbaru tidak memuaskan dan membingungkan, semenjak update dengan model terbaru dan fitur yg tidak memuaskan. Banyak pengguna yang uninstall clubhouse karna memang fitur terbaru sunggu membosankan dengan "hanya teman" dan lain sebagainya. KEMBALIKAN CLUBHOUSE YANG DULU!
19 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
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Manula CH
3 Juni 2021
Yang sudah download dan masih mempersalahkan gimana masuknya atau kenapa di persulit saat login. Sebenarnya kalian harus di invite terlebih dahulu oleh teman/orang yang telah mendaftar terlebih dahulu. Kenapa sistem nya begini, karena menghindari dari akun-akun palsu atau bot. Jika kalian yang mendaftar belum juga bisa masuk DM IG @manulach.id kami memiliki invite 50 freee. Silahkan DM saja.
17 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
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