Fluffy Ball: Music Hop Game

Iragarkiak ditu
Edukiaren sailkapena
Adin guztietarako

Joko honi buruz

Do you like little furry friends? Are you looking for a music game with a twist?
Let's enjoy the rhythm of music with these adorable singing creatures!

In You'll experience the perfect blend of special vocals and pop tunes! This isn't just an average rhythm game! Get ready to embark on a global adventure with these cuddly fluffy balls, take care of them, grow with them, and explore amazing places with them!

⭐Main Features⭐
There are tons of popular songs to choose from.
One-button control, easy to operate.
Take care of your furry friends and watch them grow.
Remixes of popular songs featuring special voices.
Bright colors and beautiful designs.
Travel around the World and explore amazing landscapes!

⭐How to play⭐
Press and drag the fluffy ball to jump to the correct block.
Be careful and do not miss any blocks in the song!
Make your friends smarter and stronger, and experience more different professions.
To have an excellent music game experience, headphones are recommended.
More surprises are waiting for you! Download now and enjoy a new gaming experience!
Azken eguneratzea
2024(e)ko uzt. 2(a)

Datuen babesa

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