Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking typically exploits individuals for commercial sex or forced labor while subjecting victims to force, fraud and coercion.

In June 2015, the state enacted a new statute (Section 787.29 Fla. Stat.) that requires businesses and locations throughout Florida to display public awareness signage to inform the public about human trafficking and resources for assistance. The new law also authorizes counties to adopt ordinances to enforce the public awareness requirements.

To order a sign to post in your business, please complete this form.

A pdf will be available to download once this is submitted. There is no fee to use this service.

Required Signage Information

The County ordinance requires public awareness signs to be displayed at the following establishments in a conspicuous location visible to the public and employees, to alert employees and the public about the existence, remedies and protections related to human trafficking. It authorizes the County to enforce the signage requirements and is in effect starting March 1, 2016.

  • Adult entertainment establishments.
  • Any business or establishment that offers massage or bodywork services for compensation that is not owned by a health care professional regulated pursuant to Chapter 456, Fla. Stat. and defined in Section 456.001, Fla. Stat.
  • Any business or establishment operating as a specialty salon performing nail services.

The required signs must state:

If you or someone you know is being forced to engage in an activity and cannot leave — whether it is prostitution, housework, farm work, factory work, retail work, restaurant work, or any other activity — call the Florida Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-855-FLA-SAVE to access help and services. Victims of slavery and human trafficking are protected under United States and Florida law posted Pursuant to Florida Statutes (Section 787.29) and Pinellas County Code Section (Section #42-430).

(All fonts must be in at least 16 pt size.)

Awareness Resources

Learn what to look for: