Perfect World Lays Off Over A Thousand Employees

Recently, a major company in the Chinese gaming industry, Perfect World, has been caught up in a wave of layoffs, attracting widespread attention from the industry and the public. According to netizens and third-party sources, the company is suspected to be undergoing significant adjustments in projects and personnel, with highly anticipated projects such as ‘Perfect New World’ and ‘One Punch Man’ being suspended, leading to a large number of staff layoffs.

The scale of layoffs in Perfect World this time is unprecedented. According to internal staff disclosures, the total number of layoffs has exceeded a thousand people, with some research and development departments directly reducing hundreds of people, and the middle platform team also sharply reduced from the original 150 people to dozens. Employees have expressed that such large-scale layoffs have made the company atmosphere extremely tense, with occasional arguments heard in the office and relationships between employees becoming increasingly strained.

Perfect World, as a once highly anticipated game company, has seen a downward trend in its performance in recent years. In 2021, the company’s net profit only achieved 30% of the expected target. In 2022, Perfect World’s annual revenue was 7.79 billion yuan, with a net profit decline of over 60%. In April this year, Perfect World released its financial report for the first quarter of 2024, which showed a net loss of nearly thirty million yuan. Despite the company’s attempts to reverse the decline by adjusting strategies and restructuring teams, the results seem less than ideal.

According to reports, the reason for this round of layoffs is closely related to the company’s recent performance. Due to the decline in revenue and net profit, the company has had to reduce staff in order to lower operating costs.

SEE ALSO: Perfect World to Release Tower of Fantasy Overseas on August 10