Hello, Partners!

The Roll20 Marketplace makes it easy to host and share your content with over 15 million players at no cost to you. Join our Partner community to build your portfolio and start selling today.

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Sell with Advantage

Experience Unparalleled Support

Our robust documentation and expert staff will guide you through the application process, building and hosting your content, promoting your listings, and more.

Join our Partner Discord Server

Connect with other Marketplace Partners, share your latest creations, and receive dedicated support from Roll20’s experts on-demand.

Support on and off Roll20

Supply existing supporters with access codes that unlock content on Roll20 and set up reward tiers for crowdfunded campaigns.

Partner Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the Marketplace?

Thousands of art packs and games designed by artists, mapmakers, and adventure writers to be enjoyed on their own or in support of popular game systems like D&D by players around the world.

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Who can apply to sell?

Anyone looking to publish original art or adventures to be used on the Roll20 virtual tabletop (VTT). Sell on DMsGuild, PFI, or another Supported Marketplace? Apply to unlock ready-to-play content on the VTT!

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What are the terms and fees?

There are no hidden or complicated fee structures or profit splits. Creators retain ownership of ALL content and keep 70% of every sale. Funds are released at the start of each month through PayPal.

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Is exclusivity required?

Nope. We'll even help you upload your content backlog if you're joining from another platform. Our hassle-free terms allow you to supplement your Patreon or website sales without sacrifice.

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... and nothing is free?

Your work has value, and your effort should be celebrated (AND compensated). The average Creator makes hundreds of dollars a year for each title listed on the Marketplace. You deserve it.

"I began making battle maps in 2020 when my home games went online, just for fun. Two years later, I'm running a business full time. Roll20 gave me the opportunity to sell my content easily, and the confidence to believe it was possible."

Ollie (he/they) - Moonlight Maps, Devon, UK

15 Million users.
1200+ Character Sheets.

Help bring adventures to life today!

"Working on battle maps wasn’t something I planned. It came as a pleasant surprise, and now it’s something I truly enjoy and can share with others. Roll20 is a great space that allows players to collect my work in one spot and use it in their games in a convenient way!"

Ori the Cartographer (she/her), Wroclaw, Poland

Special thanks to our featured Partners (in order of appearance): Alyssa Faden, Eightfold Paper, Two Brave Puffins, Moonlight Maps, and Ori the Cartographer

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