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Abilities and Powers

Abilities and Powers[]

Sariel has generally, lower stats than a typical player and has few damage dealing abilities as his classes provide less to his overall stat total, focusing on buffs provided by his additional classes or his summons. Sariel's main ability focuses around Summoning and overwhelming, taking Classes which focus upon that, as well as picking up Racial traits such as Archangel to compliment his Commander-style fighting.

Sarial has two Unique classes which require High investment into Summoning. Master of the Planes is a unique class which allows the User to assume Avatars of various Deities, taking on their aura and powers for his own. Functionally, taking on the Aspect of a Deity functions like an Advanced buff while placed on a Player, when used on a Summoned NPC, the NPC becomes a copy of the Deity, replacing their Stats and Abilities with their own, on average, a transformed NPC becomes level 95, but typically has stats well above that.

The Avatar class appears to be an upgrade of the Master of the Planes class and requires several ritualistic sacrifices to be made, the primary requirement, along side millions of gold and resources, are 4 other players who also possess the Avatar class. During the ritual, each of the four Players are sacrificed, with their characters being deleted at the end of ritual. This made the Class itself unviable for many people, as finding 4 players willing to farm the material components, obtain levels in Avatar was so unreasonable, people ignored the class entirely.

Avatar is the highest level Summoning class in the game, innately applying massive Buffs to Summons as well as exponentially increasing the maximum number of Summoned creatures. The Final ability of Avatar has a massive cast time of 10 minutes and a cooldown of 180 Hours, however, allows the Player to summon a God. Along side massive stats, Deities possessed various magical abilities innately and had some unique to them alone, on top of this, due to low-player testing, Deities could be considered Raid bosses all by themselves.

Sariel was able to circumvent this requirement entirely through the use of a World item he had obtained months prior to unlocking the potential for the Avatar class.

In the New World, this ultimate ability of Avatar is immensely dangerous, as Gods summoned this way possess their own thoughts and personalities, while they will do what the summoner demands for their duration, afterwards, the Deity may take revenge upon the summoner for such an offensive act, thus the Deity may demand compensation upon being summoned, thus making summoning them expensive as well as risky.

Sariel has learned over 300 spells, though is still limited to being able to use only 300 of them. Most of his spells are dedicated towards improving existing entities as well as various types of summoning, as while Sariel focuses on summoning Angels, he has an extended list of aberrations and other monstrous creatures he can summon.

Racial Class Skills[]

  • Ability Damage IV
  • Acid Immunity
  • Arcane Vision/See Invisibility: See Through.
  • Summon High Tier Angel (4/day): Sariel can create various High tier Angels such as Cherubim Gatekeeper, Seraph Empyrean and Seraph Aerosphere. He can also make Divine Thrones, which provide an Area of Effect boost to Players with the Angel racial class or Players with Priest-type classes.
  • Summon Middle Tier Angel (12/day): Sariel can create a Principality Observation, Celestial Power, Absolute Virtues, Conditional Virtues and Dominion Authorities by using this racial skill.
  • Summon Low Tier Angel (20/day): Sariel can create an Angel Guardian, Archangel Flame & Principality Peace by using this racial skill. Angels summoned this way do not gain bonuses from High Evoker class features, but does gain bonuses from Incarnate.
  • Holy Soul
  • Divine Aura I: Provides minor bonuses to Friendly creatures around Sarial, providing effects similar to Lesser Strength, Reinforce Armor and Lion Heart. Additionally, Enemies around Sarial take minor Holy damage per second, making Sarial particularly troublesome against certain Heteromorphic Races (Such as Undead and Demons). Near the start of YGGDRASIL, Divine Aura counted as a Mind Altering effect and couldn't be applied to friendly allies who were immune or resisted Mind effects, making it useless until patched. Divine Aura I manifests as a vague glow around the User while active.
  • Divine Aura II: Provides moderate bonuses to Friendly allies and increased Holy damage against Foes, at this level, Divine Aura II can cause Low tier enemies to become Incapacitated, meaning they couldn't attack unless attacked by another person, resulting in Divine Aura II being counted as a Mind Altering effect which could be resisted. Divine Aura II manifests as a light behind the persons head.
  • Divine Aura III: Provides greater bonuses to Friendly allies and increased Holy damage against Foes, at this level, Divine Aura III can cause Low tier enemies to become Stunned, meaning they couldn't attack for a short time, resulting in Divine Aura II being counted as a Mind Altering effect which could be resisted. Additionally, the Stun effect from Divine Aura III had a diminishing returns value, making it weaker every time it was applied consecutively until the person was totally immune until the timer ran out. Divine Aura III manifests as a Halo which sits behind the User's head.
  • Divine Aura IV: Provides powerful bonuses to Friendly allies and increased Holy damage against Foes, at this level, Divine Aura III can cause Middle tier enemies to become Charmed, in the New World, even non-enemy entities become Charmed by the Aura and become immediately trusting to the User, afterwards, they would be counted as Friendly entities and feels the positive effects of the Aura. Divine Aura IV manifests as a light behind the User's head and ethereal multi-coloured cloth draping down from the User's shoulders.
  • Divine Aura V: Divine Aura V no longer provides additional buffs, instead focusing entirely on damage. Against foes, Divine Aura V dominates them, causing them to become Friendly, otherwise, begins to cause severe Holy damage per second, scorching everything around it. As an additional effect, Divine Aura V applies Turn Undead passively. Divine Aura V manifests as the User becoming as bright as the Sun, being painful to look at, with the light burning everything around it.
  • Electric Immunity
  • High Tier Magic Immunity III: Nullifies all low tier spells.
  • High Tier Physical Immunity III: Nullifies all low-level attacks (below level 60).
  • Ice Immunity: Sariel is completely immune to all forms of cold-elemental attacks from the Frozen Prison. He cannot be chilled or frozen regardless of how low the temperature is.
  • Positive Energy Touch: Deals Positive-type damage to the object being touched, attacked, or skill-attacked by Sariel. Before the target is inflicted by Positive-type damage, it can be fully recovered by avoiding direct physical contact with Sariel. It can be acquired during the Angel level up and can be activated or deactivated at will. It was also a skill abused to infinitely heal Living entities with Positive Energy Absorption skill until Patched alongside Negative-Energy Touch during the first week of the game.
  • Turn Undead (20/day): Sariel can turn Undead as if having levels in Priest classes, though he doesn't need to invoke any God or believe in one to use the ability.
  • Negative Protection
  • Positive Protection
  • Speak Good Tongues
  • Status Damage â…£
  • Slashing Damage Resistance V
  • Piercing Damage Resistance V
  • Angelic Awareness: Can sense other Angelic beings.

Job Class Skills[]

  • Lord of the Realms: If Sariel summons any Angel-type creature, their stats become immediately increased and have Divine Aura III applied to them for their duration. Additionally, using Experience points, Sariel can summon Archangel Michael, Archangel Metatron or Archangel Gabriel.
  • Soul link: While Sariel has summoned creatures out that he summoned with his own magic (thus items which summon creatures for the user do not work.), Sariel takes a significantly reduced amount of damage, with the excess being spread amongst all summoned creatures.

Basic Angel Race Traits[]

  • Biological Penalties' Resistance
  • Slashing Vulnerability V
  • Critical Hit Immunity
  • Dark Vision
  • Deathless Mortality: High tier Angels are created and not born and so are inherently deathless, meaning they cannot die to spells or abilities which cause instant death, though this ability does not negate any secondary effects of said spells.
  • Disease Immunity
  • Doubled Damage by Unholy
  • Eating, Drinking, and Breathing are Unnecessary
  • Energy Drain Immunity
  • Dark and Unholy Vulnerability IV
  • Evil and Unholy Areas' Vulnerability II
  • Mind-affecting Immunity
  • Necromancy Resistance
  • Paralysis Immunity
  • Physical Penalty Resistance
  • Poisoning Immunity
  • Recover by Holy Energy
  • Sleep Immunity

Class Abilities[]

  • Summon Enhancement
  • Ascended Summoning (3/day): Up to 3 times per day, Sariel can use Metamagic enhancements on his summoning spells and abilities without raising the spell level cost.
  • Dispel Immunity: Creatures summoned by Sariel which are lvl 60 and above are unable to be banished or dispelled by magic and will only disappear after their natural duration or if destroyed.
  • Angelic Aura
  • Angel Creation
  • Angelic Commander / Angel Domination: Sariel has the power to mentally dominate the Angel's state of mind and soul. The enslaved Angel will acknowledge the user before them as their controller, their Master. With that Angel under his control, it cannot hide or lie about anything from Sariel when questioned by him who is in the position as master. However, there are limits to Angel domination as for how many Sariel can control, both in upper limits and total numbers. The same can be said with how powerful of an Angel being can be dominated. In addition, the [Angel Domination] skill is only effective on Angels weaker than the user. Once under the user's control, the enslaved Angel will have no chance to shake it off so long as users like Sariel do not want to relinquish control.
  • Angel Strengthening: The various kinds of Angel entities Sariel can create for summoning are buffed or enhanced than their original.
  • Superior Summoning: Creatures summoned by Sariel have their duration extended as well as when summoning multiple creatures, Sariel always summoned an additional creature.
  • Supreme Summoning: Due to taking classes in Master of the Planes and Avatar all of Sariel's summons are far stronger than their default would be, possessing stats far beyond their levels, even Lower tier summons, although, they count as stronger creature summons for the purposes of Maximum number of Summoned creatures.
  • Kali Yuga: A class ability which activates when at Low HP. Once activated a loud horn will sound and several creatures will be summoned (as if using Summon Monster VIII) and an unnatural dark will surround the area. Creatures summoned this way will last their full duration though the unnatural darkness will disappear after 30 seconds.

Super-Tier Magic[]

  • Creation: It is a super-tier spell that can change the terrain itself. In YGGDRASIL, it was used to guard against the heat of volcanoes or the cold of freezing lands.
  • Fallen Down: Upon casting the super-tier spell, Sariel calls upon a huge pillar of blue light from the sky that will burn so bright and hot that it will appear like the whole world has turned white. After a few seconds, it will leave behind an area burned to a cinder, devoid of life. This spell deals massive damage, especially to an undead-type enemy.
  • Wish Upon A Star: A super-tier spell which consumes the user's experience points to grant a wish or more. In the New World, when casting the super-tier spell, it feels as though new information is being entered into his mind and that they worked differently from YGGDRASIL. Although it still expends experience points, [Wish Upon A Star] is now a type of super-tier spell that can make the impossible possible. However, it cannot overcome the powerful effects of World Items.
  • Pantheon: Once cast, this super-tier spell allows Sariel to summon forth six levels 80, "Cherubims Gate Keeper" with holy-type magic under his full command. Despite being a Super-Tier Magical spell, they count towards Sariel's summons and are therefore, much stronger for it.