RTVS Podcasts

Let the ultimate podcasting... begin!

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Warning! This episode contains an omega level grievance. You have been warned. Also, this is the episode where we don't really listen to each other for some reason. We also weren't very funny idk we didn't try really hard sorry. But we do talk about tasting stuff with our balls so look forward to that. Send your emails to: podcast@radiotv.solutions Music By Justin Wabs


Jun 20

1 hr 54 min

This episode is a very scientific one, we muse on the nature of life and our place in the universe by looking at subreddits. Why would someone want 30 pumps of syrup in their coffee? Why did we make fun of Trog's car last episode? Where do people get all these crazy video game ideas from? Also stop making us talk about soda, middle school, and clowns it's your fault not ours. Send your emails to: podcast@radiotv.solutions Music By Justin Wabs


May 23

1 hr 46 min

Let us take you to a new world. A world where music is more than music. And where food is more than food. The barriers of both intersecting and melding together. Welcome to Music Food world! What if you ate food and could hear audio. This episode is all about this world but not really. Also Trog isn't here and we make fun of him for it. Send your emails to: podcast@radiotv.solutions Music By Justin Wabs


May 4

1 hr 33 min

This episode is late, but that's because Baaulp got an ear infection which slowed down the edit. But even through illness and pain he soldiered on and worked tirelessly to get this episode out. He really is amazing and probably the strongest member of RTVS. Mira joins the crew this episode to talk about all sorts of nasty crap. Send your emails to: podcast@radiotv.solutions Music By Justin Wabs


Apr 10

1 hr 37 min

This episode we are joined by Scorpy and cover all of your powdered wig questions, answers, and needs. If you have any inquires on the subject of powdered wigs, do listen closely. No we don't spend this episode talking about anything else. And we definitely don't fall into a rabbit hole about that other subject for the entire episode. Be sure to enjoy the new Baaulp's grievances theme by the wonderful Justin Wabs. Send your emails to: podcast@radiotv.solutions Music By Justin Wabs


Feb 28

1 hr 51 min

(Please note, that the thumbnail for this podcast is only temporary) Boo hoo we are mid now, we're not as cool as we were before. But it's ok, Trog has some ideas on how we can spruce things up for this new year. The year of the pig. Also have some important info for you food poisoning fans out there. Send your emails to: podcast@radiotv.solutions Music By Justin Wabs


Jan 23

1 hr 52 min

While many listeners are going to be giving thanks for what they have in life this week, we're going to help you complain and nag and whine. We're joined by Scorpy in this grievance packed episode. Learn about all the horrible ways we and other listeners have been slighted against this holiday season. Like come on look at that pringle, you can't be serious. Send your emails to: podcast@radiotv.solutions Music By Justin Wabs


Nov 2023

1 hr 52 min

Our first ever live episode of the podcast, but not for you! You're listening to this after we streamed it. Which doesn't diminish how funny the episode is, but does mean that it might be a little harder to listen to because you can't see us. Also because we recorded this one in Trog's living room. Instead of taking questions from the email, we got questions live from the audience. The next one will be normal I promise. Send your emails to: podcast@radiotv.solutions Music By Justin Wabs


Oct 2023

2 hr 49 min

Fantasy and mystery abound in this episode! Gnomes, dragons, and fast food drive through. All sorts of mystical and insane creatures that will mess us up. They will rip us to shreds! Maybe even lightning will strike and make our drink orange flavored or something. Please pray for gir who is in a hurricane. Send your emails to: podcast@radiotv.solutions Music By Justin Wabs


Sep 2023

1 hr 33 min

We unleash our full nerd and we talk about Baldur's Gate 3 for like an hour. Timestamps are as follows: 14:17 Talk about Baldur's Gate 3 1:03:51 Bomb Rush Cyberfunk 1:11:48 Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1:19:36 Pseudoregalia 1:21:08 Halls Of Torment Send your emails to: podcast@radiotv.solutions Music By Justin Wabs


Aug 2023

2 hr

Let us take you on a journey of serenity. Close your eyes and breath deep. Allow your new latent powers to develop. Enter your mind palace where many cigarettes await you in the endless expanse of the mind. But seriously, don't smoke it's not good for you. And tiktok doesn't seem much better honestly. Send your emails to: podcast@radiotv.solutions Music By Justin Wabs


Jul 2023

1 hr 30 min

This is the first time I (Baaulp), have not been present on the podcast. I have no clue what my friends talked about. Something about playing the new street fighter game and a weather machine? Who knows. All I know is they better have done grievances or else. They got Mira to fill in for Gir but not me because I'm irreplaceable. Send your emails to: podcast@radiotv.solutions Music By Justin Wabs


Jun 2023

1 hr 39 min