Season 6: DmC Devil May Cry | Video Gameography

Video Gameography

Aug 2022

1 hr 51 min

Let’s rock, baby! Season 6 of Video Gameography gets stylish as we examine the Devil May Cry series! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be covering the history and lore of Capcom’s premiere action franchise. Today we examine the franchise's boldest, most divisive, but arguably strongest entry yet in DmC Devil May Cry.
Desiring to shake up the series, Capcom turned to British studio Ninja Theory to reboot and reimagine Devil May Cry. Encouraged by the publisher to be as wildly creative as possible, the team behind Heavenly Sword and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West dreamed up a grittier version of Dante who inhabits Limbo City, a world existing in parallel with the demonic realm. This relationship spectacularly manifests in the city itself coming to life, shifting its buildings and roads to hinder and assault the demon slayer.
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