Autumn in Hieron 02: You Found Out What Was Magical

Friends at the Table

Sep 2014

1 hr 49 min

The party finally enters the mysterious tower on Eventide Island. Ali peaks through, hides behind, and struggles to open various doors. Jack and Art play a game of telephone with a very busy chef. Nick deals with lots of books. Austin wonders what knives think about. Featuring: Ali Acampora (@ali_west), Keith Carberry (@somethingdumb), Jack de Quidt (@notquitereal), Nick Scratch (@drevilbones), Art Tebbel (@atebbel), and Austin Walker (@austin_walker) Cover Art by Craig Sheldon (@shoddyrobot) Intro Music by Jack de Quidt Map Art by Janine Hawkins (@bleatingheart)
A transcription is available for this episode here.A full list of completed transcriptions is available
Podcast Episode