June's Journey: A party to die for - The power of community-driven content in gaming!

two & a half gamers

Jul 4

43 min 19 sec

This is no BS gaming podcast 2.5 gamers session with @WoogaGames & @MediaBodiesMarketing ! Sharing actionable insights, dropping knowledge from our day-to-day User Acquisition, Game Design, and Ad monetization jobs. We are definitely not discussing the latest industry news, but having so much fun! Let’s not forget this is a 4 a.m. conference discussion vibe, so let's not take it too seriously. Host: Matej Lancaric⁠ Special guests: April Laws, Edward Fuller Youtube: https://youtu.be/KprKzQQelow Join our slack channel here: https://join.slack.com/t/two-and-half-gamers/shared_invite/zt-2ftcc85es-CesThaafn9k0BIFSVAV8FQ
Agenda 00:00 Epic intro 01:30 Introduction and Guest Introductions 04:31 Planning and Logistics 08:13 Phases of the Project 10:18 Involving Players in the Ideation Process 13:45 Internal Team and Collaboration with MediaBodies 16:27 Challenges and Details of the Production 25:20 Engagement and Reach on Social Media 28:18 Episode Length and Viewer Engagement 32:29 Future Plans and Community Engagement 36:53 Reflections and Gratitude --------------------------------------- Matej Lancaric User Acquisition & Creatives Consultant ⁠https://lancaric.me Felix Braberg Ad monetization consultant ⁠https://www.felixbraberg.com Jakub Remiar Game design consultant ⁠https://www.linkedin.com/in/jakubremiar April Laws https://www.linkedin.com/in/aprillaws1/ Edward Fuller https://www.linkedin.com/in/edwardjfuller/ --------------------------------------- Takeaways Collaborating with influencers and involving players in a video series can be a powerful way to engage and re-engage the community.
Podcast Episode