Exploring The Full History Of Bioshock 2 | Video Gameography

Video Gameography

Apr 2022

1 hr 41 min

Now that Season 3 of Video Gameography is complete, and the Uncharted series has been, well...charted, we're diving below the depths and soaring above the clouds to spotlight the Bioshock series in Season 4. This week we're putting on the diving suit and exploring Bioshock 2.
Bioshock 2 launched in February 2010 with developer 2K Marin, led by former Irrational employees who departed the studio after Bioshock 1's release, given barely two years to follow-up one of the best games ever. Bioshock level designer Jordan Thomas sat in the creative director's chair for the sequel, a major promotion that proved challenging both artistically and mentally for the rookie leader. We discuss the original premise of the Big Sister, the game's more action-oriented approach, as well as how its acclaimed Minerva's Den expansion led to the founding of indie studio Fullbright.
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