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This is the collection of SBS sections from Volume 5.

  • D (Dokusha means Reader)
  • O (Oda)

Chapter 36, Page 28[]

No SBS. Oda gave information about the first OVA.

Chapter 42, Page 148[]

O: Hello. I might as well start the SBS corner now. Stand! Be careful!! Okay, stay there!!

D: I have an inquiry, Sensei. Doesn't the first mate on Shanks' ship have a name? And also the meat guy.

O: Take your seat. Of course he has a name. At first he was "Shofukutei Nezumi", because his face kind of looks like a mouse. That's what Usopp said. He was lying. His real name is "Benn Beckman". And the meat-eating fat guy's name is "Lucky Roux". There's really no need to remember something like that, but since I got asked enough, I might as well clear it up.

D: I have a question. I always see the sound effect "donnnn" (ta-dah!) in One Piece, but why "donnnn"? I think "babinnnn" would work just as well.

O: No. No good. No good at all. I use "donnnn" when I draw scenes to give them that "donnnn" kind of feeling, so if I drew in "babinnnn" it would give the picture a "babinnnn" feeling. But, maybe in a gag scene or something. Like "ufunnnn" (giggle).

That's different.

Chapter 43, Page 168[]

D: Nice to meet you, Oda-sensei! I love the manga you draw, "Nep Ece"

O: RRRRRRGH! DAMN!! ...I love it when boys and girls misread and omit the letters like that. Makes me wonder if anyone can read those weird letters. I'm sorry for making the "O" and "I" in the title logo pictures and not simple letters. It's correctly spelled "One Piece". Remember that if you have the time.

D: What does the "Möwe" written on Morgan's chin mean?

O: It's a German word. It means "seagull". The pronunciation is kind of like "Mehve". He really is a sailor, isn't he?

D: You know, with Zoro's Three Sword Style, I don't think he'd be able to talk with the sword in his mouth... Could it be... ventriloquism?


D: You don't seem to use much tone. Is there a reason?

O: Well, it takes forever to start affixing the tone. It takes a lot of time (and it's a pain in the--)... My policy is, if you can only do partial tone, it's better just to make it black and white. That's my policy.

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