Regulations: Dealer Video and Audio Surveillance Certification


Prior to the passage of Senate Bill (SB) 1384, state law imposed no requirements on licensees regarding the maintenance of a digital video and audio surveillance system. Effective January 1, 2024, SB 1384 requires licensees to install a digital video and audio surveillance system on their business premises, including permanently mounted cameras that: record 24 hours a day; record audio inside the premise; and have a visible timestamp with the date and time. The new law also requires licensees to maintain the recordings for a minimum of one year in a manner that protects them from tampering or theft. SB 1384 also requires licensees to certify that their digital video and audio surveillance system is in proper working order when annually renewing their continued placement on the Department’s Centralized List of Firearms Dealers. (Penal Code, § 26806, subd. (d))

This proposed regulation updates the procedure for licensees’ annual renewal for placement on the Department’s Centralized List of Firearms Dealers to include certification to the Department that a digital video and audio surveillance system is in proper working order and complies with the requirements set forth in Penal Code section 26806. The proposed regulation also updates the process applicants must follow to apply for placement on the Centralized List. Assembly Bill (AB) 28 (stats. 2023, ch. 231) amended Penal Code Section 26705, subdivision (b), to update the seller permit requirement by replacing “Board of Equalization” with “California Department and Fee Administration (CDTFA).” AB 28 also added a new requirement for placement on the Centralized List. Commencing July 1, 2024, applicant must provide a valid certificate of registration issued pursuant to Revenue and Taxation Code section 36036.

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Notice Register Publication Date: April 26, 2024

Status of the Proposal: This rulemaking is undergoing a 45-day public comment period. Any interested person or their authorized representative may submit written comments regarding the proposed regulatory action. The written comment period closes at 5:00 pm on June 11, 2024. All timely comments that specifically pertain to the proposed regulations will be reviewed and responded to by Department staff. Comments may be submitted by mail or email to:

The information below relates to recent rulemaking activity, including links to the regulations text and associated documents. Any person who has submitted a comment regarding a proposed action has the right to request a copy of the Final Statement of Reasons. The Final Statement will also be posted to this webpage upon completion of this rulemaking.

Public Notice and Related Documents