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The Biden-Harris plan to wreck the Supreme Court is the REAL threat to America's democratic system

Democrats just revealed their true, sick political nature with their cynical push to remake the Supreme Court.

'The Ghost of John McCain' play gets inside Trump's mind and rankles senator's family: 'A gross cash grab'

Meghan McCain calls this new play “trash — a gross cash grab by mediocre desperate people.”

Joe Biden tries to sacrifice the Supreme Court not for 'democracy' but for the far left

Biden's final principle fell this month when facing the premature and involuntary end of his candidacy. Faced with being a one-term president, the Supreme Court would have to be sacrificed.

To earn women's votes, Trump must stick to the issues — and show his softer side

The Trump campaign has to walk a fine line in its appeal to female voters — but earning their support is not some insurmountable hurdle.

Trump and Vance need to woo women voters to win

A warning to Donald Trump and J.D. Vance: Tread carefully when it comes to women, including Vice President Kamala Harris.

Biden's illegitimate 'reforms' are a nakedly political bid to tilt the Supreme Court on his way out

Court-packing by stealth proves Joe Biden's sad slide to the left — while cementing Kamala Harris as a radical.

Kamala Harris must still hold Biden's border, inflation baggage -- even as Dems' myth-making machine fires on all cylinders

Kamala Harris is enjoying a honeymoon of sorts — the media handmaidens are giddy with excitement over her TikTok coconut memes.

Trump can end Ukraine war, Secret Service is not underfunded and other commentary

Pundits claim a re-elected Donald Trump will “cut off aid to Ukraine, give away its territory, and deal directly with Vladimir Putin to impose an ignominious ‘peace’ on the country,”...

NY's faux abortion amendment is a sneaky leftist wishlist

New York’s sweeping “Equal Protection of Law Amendment” is headed for November’s ballot — and if it passes, will gut parents' rights, restrict free speech, and make reverse discrimination the...

Hillary Clinton bashed Trump in NYT column -- but he was all then-first lady could talk about in 1993

Hillary Clinton just wrote an op-ed column excoriating Donald. Called him “unhinged . . . failed . . . dangerous.”

The Joe Biden-Kamala Harris Israel-bashing has made 'all-out' war vs. Hezbollah more likely

An Iranian-made rocket fired by Hezbollah killed 12 kids in Israel's Golan Heights shows the need for change in the region, even if it means 'all-out' war.

Olympics' Last Supper debacle was latest effort to denigrate Western culture

A parody of the Last Supper, with transsexuals, drag queens, exposed testicles and a fat, blue-painted semi-clad man apparently intended to represent Dionysus, the Greek god of wine.  

Washington DC's protests against Netanyahu: Letters to the Editor — July 29, 2024

NY Post readers discuss the demonstrations in Washington, DC, protesting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

It's still a working class election, which is a problem for Democrats

Working-class voters will likely determine the outcome of the 2024 election.

Mayor Adams' charter-reform proposals are a bid for cease-fire with City Council

The City Council tried to grab some power at Mayor Adams' expense; he cut it off, threatened to cut the council's power — then backed off in a clear cease-fire...

Honor among thieves: Biden-Harris Justice Dept. sends $2 million to Strzok, Page

Consider it honor among thieves, albeit at the department charged with serving justice.

Adams' e-bike boondoggle does nothing for public safety

City Hall is rewarding delivery apps' irresponsible corporate behavior by subsidizing it, spending taxpayer money to do what employers should do: give workers safe equipment.

Biden-Harris open border sparks mass exodus from Cuba

Between 2022 and 2023, one-tenth of all Cubans — more than one million people — have fled their socialist paradise.

As Dems stage their synchronized slobbering for Kamala, Trump is positioned to let cooler heads prevail

As a survivor of that violence, Trump is uniquely positioned to make the case for cooler heads. Leading by example would be good for America — and also good politics. 

Kamala Harris' harsh criticism of Israel is turning out to have deadly results

Hezbollah, in effect, in striking Israel, declared war on the Druze – and Harris is about to find out that this is a Pandora’s Box not easily closed no matter...