I wrote a small APML Plugin/Extension for WordPress, as I mentioned some posts before. The Script creates an APML feed using the native implemented Categories, Tags and Links of WordPress, but it also supports UltimateTagWarrior and SimpleTagging for the WordPress Versions 2.0.11 up to 2.2.x.


  • WordPress 2.x Support
  • Permalinks support
  • Supports native Tagging or UltimateTagWarrior/SimpleTagging

You can find a demo file here: notizBlog.org/apml.

Tag Cloud

If you want a preview of the Plugin, visit my APML file: https://notiz.blog/apml

How to install it:

  • Upload the apml folder to your wp-content/plugins folder
  • Activate it at the admin interface

Thats it!

If you have any suggestions, please leave me a note.

Download: APML for WordPress for WordPress 2.x

16 Kommentare zu “APML for WordPress

  1. Hi,

    First of all congrats, awesome plugin.

    Could this plugin be modified in a way to display the subscriber’s AP and not the blog’s? I don’t really understand the meaning of a blog having attention profile, that’s why I ask.


  2. I’m on blogger right now, but I’m really considering switching to wordpress for the simple fact that wordpress has much more flexibility in plugins. So, when I do switch, does this plugin increase the amount of internal linking to your own blog on each of your pages, sort of like a regular tag cloud does?

    Thank you.

  3. @Ramoonus I’m running it on WP 2.8 and it produces the APML files fine. I get an error with one of the widgets…

    What are the two widgets meant to do? The APML meta widget doesn’t seem to do anything. The search widget searches my own site and produces the error:

    Warning: array_intersect() [function.array-intersect]: Argument #1 is not an array in /home/www/blog/wp-content/plugins/apml/wp-apml.php on line 196

    Warning: Division by zero in /home/www/blog/wp-content/plugins/apml/wp-apml.php on line 198

    Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/www/blog/wp-content/plugins/apml/wp-apml.php on line 200

    Thanks 🙂

  4. Yes, there are some problems with the widgets, because they don’t really work with the newer wordpress versions. As you can see an Ramoonus right sidebar, the widget was planned to filter a wordpress blog by an APML-file.

    For the new APML-Version I removed this feature to make a nice and slim version which should be very flexible and extensible so that other plugins could also write some attention-informations to the APML-feed.

    I hope I could release it the next week.

  5. Oki doki chap,
    only asking it because V 2.8 is expected very soon (by the end of the week i think / hope)

    does the same count for your other plugins?

    and when can we expect a page for the actionstream plugin?

  6. The plugin isn`t XHTML 1.0 Strict compatible;

    Attribute „name“ exists, but can not be used for this element.
    <form name=“apml“ method=“get“ action=“http://www.ramoonus.nl/apml/search/“

    document type does not allow element „input“ here; missing one of „p“, „h1“, „h2“, „h3“, „h4“, „h5“, „h6“, „div“, „pre“, „address“, „fieldset“, „ins“, „del“ start-tag

    document type does not allow element „input“ here; missing one of „p“, „h1“, „h2“, „h3“, „h4“, „h5“, „h6“, „div“, „pre“, „address“, „fieldset“, „ins“, „del“ start-tag

  7. I also want to mention, that a big part of my database queries is caused by APML (as reported by WP-Tuner)

    And that it`s not compatible with WP Super Cache. (atleast it won`t work on my site, based on K2 / WP 2.7.1 / latest stable branch)

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