Google Gemini

Google Gemini


Introducing Gemini By Demis Hassabis, CEO and Co-Founder of Google DeepMind, on behalf of the Gemini team

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Checking employment contracts is much faster and more accurate with Google Cloud Vision API Visma | Raet has decades of experience in HR. It was the first company to develop HR software in the cloud and to offer a fully integrated range of HR software and services. 1.7 million people use Visma | Raet applications every day. Raet has been part of the Norwegian Visma Group since 2018. The challenge Teuje Tap is responsible for what Visma | Raet calls ‘Robotics’, more accurately referred to as RPA or Robotic Process Automation. It is just one of the things that Visma | Raet uses to help with the ongoing improvement of its services. ‘RPA imitates human actions – on the screens used by people themselves.,’ explains Teuje. ‘Overnight, we can have the robot download reports or automate recruitment, as they both work to standard patterns.’ RPA does what people aren’t always that good at – repetitive tasks, over and over, at high speed and without making mistakes. ‘It’s a bit like having an extremely reliable virtual colleague. And thanks to RPA, there’s more time for knowledge-based activities and exceptions. It gives our staff the opportunity to focus all of their attention on achieving added value for the client.’ When a client outsourced its HR administration including staff to Visma | Raet, there was a need for more efficiency to ensure a contract with just the right margin – a ‘healthy’ contract. So Teuje and his colleagues set about finding a robot-based solution so that the work could be performed as efficiently as possible.

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