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1. SAM 2: Segment Anything in Images and Videos (github.com/facebookresearch)
205 points by xenova 3 hours ago | hide | 38 comments
2. Four billion years in four minutes – Simulating worlds on the GPU (davidar.io)
84 points by diggan 3 hours ago | hide | 23 comments
3. CrowdStrike's impact on aviation (heavymeta.org)
259 points by jjwiseman 6 hours ago | hide | 187 comments
4. LG and Samsung are making TV screens disappear (ieee.org)
44 points by jnord 3 hours ago | hide | 85 comments
5. How to save $13.27 on your SaaS bill (dgerrells.com)
95 points by rustystump 4 hours ago | hide | 18 comments
6. One-man SaaS, 9 Years In (healthchecks.io)
380 points by km 4 hours ago | hide | 60 comments
7. Julia for Economists (2022) (github.com/cpfiffer)
92 points by sebg 6 hours ago | hide | 30 comments
8. FastHTML – Modern web applications in pure Python (fastht.ml)
83 points by bpierre 4 hours ago | hide | 20 comments
9. Show HN: Create diagrams of complex data flows in software systems (github.com/jodigiordano)
45 points by j0d1 4 hours ago | hide | 6 comments
10. TreeSeg: Hierarchical Topic Segmentation of Large Transcripts (augmend.com)
55 points by gklezd 6 hours ago | hide | 2 comments
11. Movable tree CRDTs and Loro's implementation (loro.dev)
244 points by czx111331 14 hours ago | hide | 29 comments
12. Launch HN: Roame (YC S23) – Flight search engine for your credit card points
150 points by zman0225 13 hours ago | hide | 96 comments
13. Sam 2: The next generation of Meta Segment Anything Model (meta.com)
10 points by z7 3 hours ago | hide | 1 comment
14. Notes on Taylor and Maclaurin Series (thegreenplace.net)
85 points by ibobev 10 hours ago | hide | 24 comments
15. The evolution of Ruby's Range class (zverok.space)
38 points by todsacerdoti 5 hours ago | hide | 9 comments
16. My mental model of setf was wrong (simondobson.org)
156 points by nemoniac 13 hours ago | hide | 73 comments
17. MeTube: Self-hosted YouTube downloader (github.com/alexta69)
225 points by thunderbong 17 hours ago | hide | 107 comments
18. DigiCert Revocation Incident (CNAME Domain Validation) (digicert.com)
22 points by vitaliyf 3 hours ago | hide | 3 comments
19. Do Penguins Have Knees? (2019) (penguinsinternational.org)
99 points by not_a_boat 10 hours ago | hide | 22 comments
20. New study simulates gravitational waves from failing warp drive (mpg.de)
48 points by nabla9 9 hours ago | hide | 64 comments
21. With 'digital twins,' the doctor will see you now (quantamagazine.org)
27 points by rbanffy 5 hours ago | hide | 6 comments
22. How to build highly-debuggable C++ binaries (dhashe.com)
148 points by synergy20 15 hours ago | hide | 46 comments
23. Show HN: Tea-tasting, a Python package for the statistical analysis of A/B tests (e10v.me)
123 points by e10v_me 14 hours ago | hide | 43 comments
24. Lessons from Ancient File Systems (madcompiler.blogspot.com)
71 points by zdw 13 hours ago | hide | 23 comments
25. Show HN: Vdm, a sane alternative to e.g. Git submodules (github.com/opensourcecorp)
67 points by ryapric 9 hours ago | hide | 48 comments
26. Hybrid Search in CrateDB - ranking and scoring calculations in pure SQL (cratedb.com)
22 points by geragray 6 hours ago | hide | discuss
27. Debugging distributed database mysteries with Rust, packet capture and Polars (questdb.io)
72 points by grayfox 11 hours ago | hide | 1 comment
28. Understanding the design of the the Super Nintendo video system (fabiensanglard.net)
203 points by guiambros 21 hours ago | hide | 76 comments
29. Confido (YC S21) Is Hiring
14 hours ago | hide
30. Virtual Apollo Guidance Computer (github.com/virtualagc)
104 points by Duke_Pixie 13 hours ago | hide | 17 comments

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