Bloomberg Tax

Dueling Rulings on Temp Worker Pay Laws Sow Confusion in States

The status of Illinois and New Jersey laws requiring that temporary workers receive compensation equal to direct-hire employees remains in flux, as staffing industry groups challenging the measures and the state lawmakers supporting them respond to differing court decisions.

California Gig Workers to Remain Contractors, Prop 22 Upheld

Uber Technologies Inc. and Lyft Inc. can keep classifying California drivers as independent contractors, after the state’s top court said a company-backed law passed by voters doesn’t wrongly curtail the legislature’s power over worker protections.

IRS Telework Policy Draws Flak as Phone Calls Go Unanswered

The IRS is confronting heightened calls from GOP lawmakers to bring more of its employees into the office.

IRS Extends Filing Deadline for Hurricane Beryl Victims in Texas

The Internal Revenue Service will extend the filing deadline for tax relief for individuals and businesses in Texas affected by Hurricane Beryl until Feb. 3, 2025, the agency announced Monday.

What Tax Changes Would Accommodate Employing Nomad Employees?

Monique van Herksen of Simmons & Simmons discusses her personal perspectives on the tax changes needed to accommodate the employment of nomad employees.


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Patrick Haggerty
Patrick A. Haggerty, Tax and Accounting Services
Patrick Haggerty
Patrick A. Haggerty, Tax and Accounting Services
Patrick Haggerty
Patrick A. Haggerty, Tax and Accounting Services

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France Tax Agency Updates Comprehensive List of Tax Treaties

The French General Directorate of Public Finance July 24 updated the comprehensive list of tax treaties that were concluded by France and are in force as of June 30. The ...

IRS News Release: Incorrect Employee Retention Credit Claims, Five New Warning Signs (IRC §3134)

New list of five common issues the IRS compliance teams have seen while analyzing and processing Employee Retention Credit claims, the IRS announced. The new items are in addition to ...

IRS CCA: Application of Controlled Group Rules to Tax-Exempt Organizations in Determining Eligibility for, Amount of Employee Retention Credit (IRC §52)

A tax-exempt organization must apply a reasonable, good faith interpretation of the controlled group rules under I.R.C. §52 in determining its eligibility for and the amount of the Employee Retention ...


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